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RE: Exode, a new challenge incoming

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago (edited)

I checked a couple things with Elindos.

  • There is currently a bug where certain synergies (in particular, the Kumicho/Syndicate synergy) are incorrectly counted multiple times. It'll be gone very soon.
  • Synergies only affect traits written on the cards. Despite his high violence score, the hacker does not get a synergy bonus for that.

Also, the scariest thing suggested thus far is an elite (+3) Captain Cranium (QL 10) with Repentant Pirate (+3 for Criminal, Violence and Low Morality), Syndicate Chipped (+1 with The Kumicho) and Narco-Warfare (+1 for Narcophile with The Kumicho) for a final QL of 18.



That captain Cranium is indeed a beast, good to know that I were wrong in my theory about the synergies to tell the truth was a too much powerful. Anyways with the expected bonuses the syndicate+criminal path seems strong, and quite cheap if you buy it from the market. (I mean that you can make a very competitive build relatively cheap).