Punday Monday 280

in LOLZ's Fun House2 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Punday Monday!


Make a pun about the topic of the week,
This week’s topic is salad!
Here's how to make a pun, if you don't know: https://peakd.com/contest/@improv/puns-and-prizes-learn-to-pun-easy-fun-anybody-can-be-a-hit-at-parties


New To Punday?

Pull up a stool, order a spiked PUNch, and get to know some of the regulars. I'm your PUNtender, @improv.

How To Make a Pun

This contest is open to everyone. Here's a handy dandy guide on how to make a pun: Learn to Pun

Rules for the PUN-test:

  • If you hope to win a prize [1 100% upvote per punster, 2 HSBI for a win), your pun must be your original work
  • Puns must be relevant to the topic of the week to win a prize, but they can be very loosely related.

Last Week's Punday Monday:

Here is last week's Punday Monday, and all the puns that were eligible to win this week are in the comments!

Hang on to your PUNderwear. The Winner of This Week's PUNday Monday Is...


How’s THIS:


Holy smokes, all of you had me CACKLING
Everybody wins!

@slothlydoesit, @theabsolute, @quinnertronics, @doctorcrypto, @thequizshow

This Week's Pun Topic Is:

As in
My neighbors and I are all going to buy a place to swim together. We’re going to pool our money.


I'm So Good at Puns

If you've never punned before, it might seem like magic! You can do it, too! Learn how in My Free How-To Guide on Punning!

Related Content:

  • @freewritehouse offers writing and word-smithing contests every week
  • https://bit.ly/improvonpopin to join me on a gaming app where I host funny trivia on Sunday nights, and Spades, Hearts, and Liar’s dice on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

I have a dirty salad pun, but I have to trash it

It's a tossed salad

A lot of people don't know this, but famed explorer, Magellan, traveled around the globe because he was searching for the worlds greatest salad dressing. He had travelled to France and tried the best french dressing there was to offer. He went to Italy and sampled the finest Italian dressings that could be found. He even went to Ireland and had tried the best potato salad that the island had to offer.

Not satisfied in his quest, he then sailed to the new world. Imagine visiting over 1000 islands and the best you could come up with some nasty mayonnaise and ketchup recipe?? I guess you just can't beat that old world flavor...

No matter how much she tries to vary ingredients....My wife's salads are all the same because anyone in the area
See's her salad.

Everyone was excited to dress up for the country dance. Who doesn't love ranch dressing?

...salad? Pool? I'm not sure this one was was done with the proper a dressing... Perhaps you are just trying to mix it up a bit?

Just please lettuce know what's going on before we dive into this weeks topic! 🥗 🌊

I'm sure it will just be swimming with entries! 🐠 🐟

Where have you bean all my life!

I think I'm going to need to Kale it a day, those puns are unbeetable.

Water you doing to us starting like that!

omg. LOL. I was like "salad, salad... what's in a salad? Endives. What's endive sound like? dive.. dive... pool. I can make a pun on that."

I'm so tired I never went back to the original word to tie it in.

Everyone's a winner yay!

I was all prepared to make my world famous salad until one of the main ingredients got upset. They wouldn't even lettuce use them unless their conditions were met. Vegetables, sometimes they have massive egos!

Two weeks into my diet and I'm ready to kale the next person who offers me a salad 🥗 ☠️