Very cool work. I also started on the Amiga doing some 3D stuff in Imagine 3D. Was nearly Kicked out of art college for bringing these tools into the sculpture department. This was in the 1990s and It was all so exciting to me but my lecturers thought it was sacrilege.
Thanks. Haha. Very recognizable. I remeber the desdain the plastic arts teacher at my school had for computer graphics. He used to say digital art is not real Art. Which became something I had to vehermently disprove. I also had a computer graphics class, but corel draw is as far as it went. I was 19 looking for a job in 3D in the 90ies. I had interviews with department heads of production companies in Portugal who had no clue what 3D was. I emmigrated to the Netherlands and was lucky enough to start in a studio specializing in arch viz. That was the best school.