I so agree with this! So many men were educated to shut down emotions and be tough, ruthless, move on. It is so damaging for them. I believe that there is nothing wrong in men crying and showing they are in pain, they are human just like us.
I actually have so much respect and I am deeply touched when a guy shows emotions. I do not consider it a shame, a lack of manhood or humiliating. I actually find it very brave, sensitive and heartwarming. It shows he cares and that he does have this emotional side.
I think society imposed this model of the shutdown man. The man who does not show regret. Very bad for the mental health. Imagine all the relationships, marriages, which were not saved because men thought it is not manly to show they suffer. So they picked their ego, blocked the pain, only to move on carrying a heavy baggage of pain.
We should never humiliate one other, man or woman, for showing off emotions and crying. Never.
Thanks so much for reading!
Definitely! I rather find the opposite side to be weak as they don't have the courage to say ''I fucked up''.