You are such a beautiful soul. I truly enjoy every time I stop by here to visit.
This is what I was just speaking about. I was raised in a way that contributed to me expecting things and vice versa I thought others always expected me to give. I didn’t attend events unless I had a gift in hand because it’s how I was raised. A lot of times it wasn’t a joyful giving because I felt obligated. It’s better we give with a cheerful heart. I’ve learned so many lessons and it’s something I still struggle with today (feeling like I must have a gift before entrance instead of realizing my presence and support is enough).
I love giving just because gifts and do so year round. I agree we shouldn’t have to wait for special occasions or holidays just to give.
You painted the vase so bright and lovely. That was such a kind gesture of you to personalize his potted plant. I definitely understand what you mean, some of my best given gifts have been my handmade crocheted ones and I know this by the recipients reaction and response. When you customize a gift that’s tailored specifically for someone that screams care and love for a thousand miles. It makes someone feel so warm, thought of and special.
The human spirit is always a warrior and even after the worst experiences a strong soul can pick itself up and dust itself off and start again. I know my worth now and I am not giving discounts anymore.
Whoo Hoo and Whoa! I got the chills reading this powerful statement! Yes, yes and Amen! I am so happy seeing you are taking care of yourself and that you know your worth. You are such a joy to read and a beautiful light of inspiration ~ ♥️
Awwww your comment melts my heart, you're so sweet!
I can relate so much with what you have said. Giving out of obligation is a frustration making machine. I have now realized that we often do that because, as you have pointed it out, we believe that we are not enough. That we have to bedazzle our presence. I felt that a lot. And then people feel that you feel that and treat you accordingly by not giving the love you expect .
I think that the source of this scarcity feeling came from childhood, when often as children we felt we are not enough, that we have to do something to earn love. At least this is what I think it was my case. And it took me years to realize this .
If someone does not appreciate your presence.....well that screams loud and clear: you don't belong there and you should politely get yourself out of that circumstance. Nowadays I am so attentive to details that if I talk face to face to someone and that person checks on their phone repeatedly I am out. I politely leave knowing that it is not worth the time. Without self confidence and knowing that you are enough, no one could do this and feel no frustration.
I think that all people have a secret journey and it is wonderful to be able to give them love and be ok with the way they know how to receive it. People act according to their level of conscioussness, I now feel that I can't blame anyone for not knowing how to give or receive. God knows I have been on both sides.
The art of living in the present is a constant work. I strive to make progress and work on myself daily and analyse my own behaviour. In this lies the secret to inner peace as we can't control others.
Women are powerful creatures. So are men. It is easy to be broken and hurt others, it is the hardest challenge to regain power and choose to be good and forgive your tormentors.
All of these lessons came from God, I was only there to learn them.
I truly appreciate you stopped by! Hugs🤗🤗
Likewise, I think you are such a sweet and kindhearted person. 😊
I agree! It’s not worth being around anyone who doesn’t appreciate or accepts your presence as enough.
This is true on so many different levels. I’ve had to train my brain to stay in the present.
I am truly grateful for all of the lessons and wisdom I have gained from going through my personal trials and tribulations. I have grown to be able to appreciate and thank God for the good and even the not so good. It’s through the not so good that I have become the stronger woman that I am today.
It’s always such a pleasure chatting with you ~ ☺️🤗
Same here, we women can empower each other so much through our stories! 🤗🤗
Absolutely!! 😘