
Have you come to arrive and be a part of the dill hating corps?

I was writing out a response when everything went black. I don't know what happened but I came to crammed between long fleshy bodies inside some sort of ceramic container, floating and fighting off strange seaweed in this salty solution that stunk of dill. Barely any oxygen. Dark and dank. My body was all rubbery, seemingly going through an unknown mutative process.

No idea how long I was out before I woke up. I had to bite into things I'd rather not mention in the process of fighting my way to the top for air, only to bash head first into some weighty thing that knocked me out. Came to again, wore my claws down to the quick scrabbling to move what turned out to be a stone weighted covering a crack to slip out through. Had to slide my way home. Brine coating useful for something other than pickling me.

Dill army got me, attempted pickling. I have no idea how many people they've done this to. Too many jars to count. I only just escaped. There's still brine in every orfice.

I see why the hatred of dill. Dill can even read thoughts.

I'm scared now.

Your brush with death will not be forgotten.

Counter dill operation needs to be mounted. There never were aliens snatching people, it's been dill the whole time.

The dill people under the city

How did you know?! The city I live in is completely hollow underground with underground rivers. Supposedly there are portals. Dimensions of dill timelines.

Dimensions of Dill sounds like a RPG-horror game.

You're killing me! That's hilarious. My mind has always worked in mysteriously strange ways.

Your hardships will be remembered and rewarded!

You must always be fully aware of the great danger from the servants of the Dill the Monster.

😂 This is where I mention that I can be absolutely ridiculously silly. There is a jar of homemade dill pickles on my kitchen counter (not mine), which is how I got the idea to write that silly dillness.

You must always be fully aware of the great danger from the servants of the Dill the Monster.

It's this kind of thing that just feeds my outrageous imagination, too funny!

And the story was exquisite! Hail to the Jar of Imagination!

Hahaha, thanks! I always have the passing thought of, hmmmm...hope this isn't too weird combined with a big jar of Oh Well.

Oh no, not at all. I really liked it!

Thanks. I swear, life is going to kill me one of these days. If it's not dill daemons, it's something, or several somethings, or more accurately put,a full plate of serious somethings of all lifetimes.

Btw, I can't look at dill anything in any form now without thinking of this whole conversation. 😂 I'm wondering if it's safe to start sprouting that 1kg bag of dill seeds I found in my seed rummaging. I felt immediate trepidation seeing all those seeds.

we are united by one thing: the hatred of dill.

But we have soooo many ideas for uniforms, warning labels for dill etc, etc...

Now I really want membership card!!! Damn! Since I started all this, I probably should some up with some ideas, right?

I don't have room in my wallet for another card :(

What a nonsense! Get new wallet!

Maybe it should be a dill hating brand instead of a card? More efficient than printing cards, I think, and easier to identify allies.

I like that! Let this idea simmer. I will come up with something :)