
et tu?

I will learn French someday!

More of that creative sense of desperation.

That is interesting mix :D How that work for you?

I've had sleep, just not enough of it, hence the increasingly plummeting lucidity of my posts.

For me they are clear, but I understand that you have high expectations of yourself:)

et tu was my attempt to be like Latin, the Ceasar quote "You, as well?" or whatever it is. My Roman history is not adept.

The sense of creative desperation is like being a scurrying mouse racing about from the corner to the other corner of your mind, as though in search of cheese, but ending up instead with other objects known as "ideas", which then require "effort" to "create", when I'd rather just gather more ideas and think that they are complete for merely having been thought.

Seem to be completely accurate.
I hope that this mouse, however, will not have to search too long and will find the desired delicious morsel.

I don't think I am able to work it out how my brain is working :D

Sometimes it feels like every day I have someone else's brain and it behaves the way a person would normally behave. My head always surprises me.

That's why I don't have much of a drawing style - I try different things and work the way I feel in the moment. Maybe in time it will change.

I think that in time it will only get worse. that's my experience with the ageing process. :)

You are basically my age, so I don't think you can play 'aging' card already.

You have to reach 40 at least, or 50 I would say, then you are entitled to complain:)

Everyday I get closer to death though. Always something to look forward to :D :D :D

Inevitable end make things exciting! And it doesn't matter if you're running away from the end or waiting for it :D