Multitasking, what a sham!

in OnChainArtlast year (edited)

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Today is going to be a long post, so bare with me:)

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Slug - like beginnings with crypto

I don't think my beginnings with #hive were somewhat special - as I was actually forced to create an account by my boyfriend. The very concept of decentralised network and crypto in general has always been intriguing to me, but I admit, for a long time I was convinced that my shamefully mediocre mathematical skills would simply prevent me from fully understanding the subject.

Not that my assumptions were groundless - I watched dozens of videos with 'crypto-enthusiasts', 'crypto step by step', in desperation even 'crypto understandable even for idiots' and I still had loads of doubts.

One day, when I found article written by guy who translate crypto and various crypto projects using market exchange tools - it just clicked. I don't think I've mentioned it, but I worked for over a year after my graduation in an insurance company, and apart from losing at least quoter of my soul then - I learned how to read and use stock market quotation sites (I still look at stooqu very often, it's a Polish site of this kind)

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And while I had a lot of doubts all the time, I just gradually started looking for news about new crypto projects etc.

And then - very convincingly, I might add – my boyfriend showed me hive. He had already been using the platform himself for a long time. It took me another year to decide to create an account (no, it is no joke).

What originally attracted me to the platform – the direct use of crypto on a daily basis - ceased to matter much in a very short time. I feel that my start on hive - was the end of my 'corpo' state of mind.

In addition to my lovely love affair with the insurance market, I worked for a large 'fast fashion' corporation for several years. And I'm not going to pretend that I didn't learn anything there - on the contrary, all too much. Not only was my head overloaded with information that is not transferable anywhere else, but it was infused with the corporative newspeak that litters every place of its kind like a cancer.

In Poland, such newspeak is simply polonised English words - with Polish endings added, and letters pronounced the way they are written in Polish. What an abomination.

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Adjust or Good Bye!

The orwellian climate is not unfamiliar in every corner of the world. And even though I've moved to Northern Ireland, and worked (now only remotely) for a small design firm - corporate newspeak has appeared here too. When I first heard 'multitasking' from my manager - I started clenching my teeth and almost grind my teeth. I hate wasting time, which is exactly what multitasking is.

Multitasking actually reduces efficiency and productivity. While it may seem that we are more productive by multitasking at the same time, true is our brains simply switch between tasks rather than performing them simultaneously. This constant switching leads to a decrease in efficiency and productivity.

In addition, it simply takes time for our brains to return to the main task after being distracted, which further reduces productivity. Therefore, to maximise productivity, you should focus your attention on a single task.

Don't get me wrong - I really don't think that relentlessly 'boosting' productivity is the best idea - because cramming people into stupid frames and unrealistic quotas has brought more than one person to the edge of a nervous breakdown.

I'm talking about information overload, which means that every task is completed at an average level because our heads are so full of different tasks. This is where we never settle for outstanding results because our focus and concentration are never in the right place.

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Time for a change?

I realised that this new attitude towards the employee as a 'number' in an excel sheet and the application of corpo-principles - even in small businesses - would only get worse. And I thought to myself 'cart or carriage'.

Slowly, little by little, I started to become independent of the company I was working for (still remotely). I set up my own business, and when (after more than 2 years) I stopped contributing my own savings to it all the time, I decided to leave my regular job. Now the business is still small but growing, and I have more and more clients. My former boos contacted me about six months after I left, and he wanted me to come back to work. And I admit that it was on my mind - because, as any new entrepreneur knows, money is always tight in the beginning.

I gave myself a week to think about it. I suggested to him that I could work remotely, in the afternoons. And not every day, in order to have time for my business.
My boss was sceptical at first, because he is a very controlling type, - but he agreed.
And so I worked my way up for a couple of months. And although I kept to my usual routine (getting up in the morning, regular meals, running, etc.) I started to miss an aspect of my life that I didn't know existed at all - socialising.

The people at work were fantastic, and as much as work was giving at times - we had a fantastic vibe at work. It's not that I participated too much in conversations, because I'm one of those rather closed-off people - but they always lifted my humour. I like having this kind of 'white noise' to work on:)

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Way to Connect

And this is where hive comes in. I created an account to start putting my newly acquired crypto-knowledge into practice. And to my total surprise, it turned out that this place is something completely different.

The social aspect of the place amazed me. Privately, I've never really gotten used to the idea of facebook, instagram or even twitter. Watching my friends' private accounts and millions of selfies every day made me lose faith in human common sense and emotional intelligence. And respect, I started to lose respect for people seeing what they say and do on the internet.

You can find pretty much anything on hive - there are some accounts that are very much like instagram profiles. But they are in the minority. What is - in my opinion - the essence of this place is the sharing of real passions. How often do you find a novella or poem on Facebook?
Hive appreciates the longer form of expression(ok, my article is nevertheless even in my - author's opinion - too long) and appreciates real passions, not only photogenic ones:)

It's great to be part of that:)

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As always - Yours,
Strega Azure



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Pictures made last night(artificial light), I like it better, because it gives sepia vibes nearly:)
What do you guys think?



Pictures made this morning:



I used pencils: 8H, 3H, F, 2B, 3B, 6B, 8B, 10B.


Drawing & pictures are my authorship if not stated otherwise.
All rights reserved ©

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I'm working on at least four art projects at once, which have interrupted my daily post regimen! I've got multi-task, but "flit between" tasks going. It all blurs to one, eventually.

I've been so prolific, but it also feels like I haven't slept in 3 weeks.

I imagine you have just good flow going on?

Or there was nothing going on for a while, and stuff just happened all together at once and now you have to cope with it?

3 weeks with no sleep?


Right.. I used to get up in the morning at night at half-past-ten at night, half an hour before I went to bed, Eat a lump of freezing cold poison, work 28 hours a day at mill, and pay da mill owner to let us work there. And when I went home our dad used to murder us in cold blood, each night, and dance about on our graves, singing hallelujah.

Eat a lump of freezing cold poison,

et tu?

good flow

More of that creative sense of desperation.

I've had sleep, just not enough of it, hence the increasingly plummeting lucidity of my posts.

et tu?

I will learn French someday!

More of that creative sense of desperation.

That is interesting mix :D How that work for you?

I've had sleep, just not enough of it, hence the increasingly plummeting lucidity of my posts.

For me they are clear, but I understand that you have high expectations of yourself:)

et tu was my attempt to be like Latin, the Ceasar quote "You, as well?" or whatever it is. My Roman history is not adept.

The sense of creative desperation is like being a scurrying mouse racing about from the corner to the other corner of your mind, as though in search of cheese, but ending up instead with other objects known as "ideas", which then require "effort" to "create", when I'd rather just gather more ideas and think that they are complete for merely having been thought.

Seem to be completely accurate.
I hope that this mouse, however, will not have to search too long and will find the desired delicious morsel.

I don't think I am able to work it out how my brain is working :D

Sometimes it feels like every day I have someone else's brain and it behaves the way a person would normally behave. My head always surprises me.

That's why I don't have much of a drawing style - I try different things and work the way I feel in the moment. Maybe in time it will change.

I think that in time it will only get worse. that's my experience with the ageing process. :)

Multi-tasking is really a sham that they sold us to put more work in the job. I like that the results always speak for themselves. They're mediocre to say the least. I've jumped out of the corpo-world almost two years ago and it has been a great adventure ever since.

During my first weeks on Hive, I was quite amazed at the depth of the longer form of expressions that I was reading. They were very relatable too.

Amazing drawing as always :)

Congratulations 🥳

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Nice @takhar! Thank you @amberkashif

You are most welcome. Seems like you have got an expert in the nomination 🤩

It is very satisfying win-win situation, you know:)

Thanks for the nomination :)

It was a pleasure, and easy choice to be honest :D

Oh wow, thank you so much!
I'm very much grateful :)

You are most welcome
Keep Dreeming

It seems to me that it's just a kind of collective illusion, where we fool them - that we can do many things at once without reducing our efficiency - and they fool us into believing that the amount of work they put us through is manageable.

It is truly ludicrous :D

I've jumped out of the corpo-world almost two years ago and it has been a great adventure ever since.

I am so happy that you broke the strings @takhar! I know it is not easy to leave your 'multisport card - all benefits in - well payed business trips(you name it) - cosy nest to stand on your own two feet and face what is really out there. And it is nothing like this artificial word shoved into our faces.

During my first weeks on Hive, I was quite amazed at the depth of the longer form of expressions that I was reading. They were very relatable too.

Same here! I always liked to write, but never though it can have real value. It is not easy to tak stuff out from the drawer and show it :D

Always glad to see you around, and appreciate your insightful comments very much!

Lol, I didn't see it that way before. I think they fooled us more but I could be wrong. Employees today and very different from employees in the past, most are aware now.

It was indeed very comfortable in terms of the benefits the corpo-world affords us but it felt like chains nonetheless. Perhaps, gold chains was the experience and when they were freed, I pretty much landed in the deep valley of uncertainty. Over time, I get used to it and started getting to work creating my own path.

Rightly so! It seems now the value can be captured and quantified to some extent. For me, I thought I was the strange fellow until I land on this blockchain and start seeing more strange fellows than me. In my mind, I was like this is the place to be :)

Glad to have read your posts too, there's always a dimension(s) to it. You're most welcome :)

Lol, I didn't see it that way before. I think they fooled us more but I could be wrong. Employees today and very different from employees in the past, most are aware now.

I would really want believe that!

I agree, golden chains are not that uncomfortable to be in, that's way it is really difficult to let that's stuff all go. Uncertainty - and dealing with it every day - is whole other thing. But we will get there, I am sure of it:)

For me, I thought I was the strange fellow until I land on this blockchain and start seeing more strange fellows than me. In my mind, I was like this is the place to be :)

It is truly nice to belong, isn't it?

Glad to have read your posts too, there's always a dimension(s) to it. You're most welcome :)

Really happy there are readers like you that can see it! See you around!

This means that you have had the opportunity to be bombarded with so much knowledge, personally, when it gets like that, I feel my head swells up a bit😅

Multitasking actually reduces efficiency and productivity.

This is really sad but true. People prefer to cover more ground rather than concentrate on efficiency. You can't exactly blame them.

I hope your small business because a biggg one in no time.❣️

And the picture! I do not know how you do it but you do. Words cant exactly explain how much I love your artwork. This was a beautiful piece. I think I like the set taken in the morning.

This is really sad but true. People prefer to cover more ground rather than concentrate on efficiency. You can't exactly blame them

If it is bad for the company at the end of the day - one should not give in to artificially imposed rules. Unless, of course, you really only go to work to get paid and forget about it as soon as you pass the exit door.

If employees do not care about getting the job done efficiently and producing really good results, the company will not grow and therefore employees' wages will also remain stagnant. A company is only as strong as its weakest link:)

I hope your small business because a biggg one in no time.❣️

It is the niche thing, so never counted to grow big, but I just want earn so much that I can sleep well:)

And the picture! I do not know how you do it but you do. Words cant exactly explain how much I love your artwork. This was a beautiful piece. I think I like the set taken in the morning.

I am glad you like it! It really funny how drawing can look completely different with artificial lightning, right?

You are a lady and I just realized now😅. I thought you were a gentleman 😃. Here we know each other because of our writing gender and person doesn't matter which I like most.

Multitasking is beneficial depending on task. If we need to focus continuously in anything then in that case multitasking is not beneficial.

The picture of multitasking you drawn here is really good one.

Lady? Nah, female biologically speaking, but not much of a lady, to be honest 🤣

Never worry @intishar, most of the people here thought I am a guy. No harm in that. I am happy that my drawings and writing translate good enough so everyone can find something for themselves.

Multitasking is beneficial depending on task. If we need to focus continuously in anything then in that case multitasking is not beneficial.

I would say if you can actually do 2 things at the same time you are happier than the most of us. I can draw and listen to book, this is where my capacity for divided attention ends :D

The picture of multitasking you drawn here is really good one.

I truly love pictures/ photomontages by Philippe Halsman, it is such great inspiration! My favourite is this one, check it out!

most of the people here thought I am a guy.

Hehe. And in my case most of the people thought me as a female person 🤣.

My favourite is this one, check it out!

It's looking good but I wasn't able to understand the meaning of it. Can you say some word about it.

Hehe. And in my case most of the people thought me as a female person 🤣.

There you go! 🤣 🙌

It's looking good but I wasn't able to understand the meaning of it. Can you say some word about it.

So this picture/photomontage featuring Salvador Dali - famous and brilliant artist, a pioneer of the surrealist trend in painting. Many of his paintings looked like they're suspended in a vacuum. A photograph Philippe Halsman was exploring this connection between his model - Dali and his artistic works. His most well-known picture is 'The Persistence of Memory', you can see it here :)

Nice to read you, and to see your drawings!

Always happy to see you around! Thank you

Saw your new painting too! Exquisite!

This was an interesting read and your artwork is so amazing. I am in awe. Good work.

Came in from @dreemport #dreemerforlife

I am glad you have found something for yourself in my article:)

Thank you for your visit!

I think the reason why almost every River hesitated to create an account when we were first introduced to it was probably that we weren't giving out minds a chance to absorb all the details about Hive hehe

It's true, Hive appreciates the longer form of expression and that's why it is unique, completely different from other social media platforms.

Doing what you are passionate about here is one thing any Hive user can't go wrong with. You are talented.

The Drawing or sketch is beautiful.


To be fair - it is not easy to find reliable sources of information's. Plus name 'hive' as been used by many platform and company's, it is challenging to find it if you are still very green on the subject :)

It's true, Hive appreciates the longer form of expression and that's why it is unique, completely different from other social media platforms.

That was biggest surprised for me, not gonna lie:)

Thank you for all kind words, I am glad that you like my work.

See you around @jessicaossom:)

I really love your artwork, and I am also inspired through your write-up , your artwork particularly are amazing and beautiful.
#dreemerforlife #dreemport #teamflash

Hello @wallay! Welcome to my blog:)

I am very glad you find not only my drawing but my writing interesting as well:)
I means a lot to me!