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RE: Reach Out, Connect

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Thank you Leia!
I work in oils, the brands vary, I'm more interested in the colour than the brand so I have my favourites from a few.
This painting was painted with:

  • Titanium White
  • Naples Yellow
  • Permanent Magenta
  • Cadmium Red (tiny amount)
  • Prussian Blue
  • Paynes Grey

Your paints are calling you! 😀


Thank you!

I started a journey with acrylics some time ago, and since I discovered 'Golden' paints I'm obsessed with their quality. A game-changer for me

Have a pleasant day, and thanks a lot for pushing me toward an action

 2 years ago  

A friend of mine, who is an acrylic artist swears by Golden acrylics. I'll spend money on oils, but I'm cheap when it comes to acrylics.

I'm happy to hear you are motivated. Get to it! I'm on the easel tonight myself.