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RE: Cunning, hedonistic & manipulative - say Hi! to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen || FanArt

in OnChainArt2 years ago

I would love to know!

You already know what it is. It's the same what you do when you create, applied in the medium of music.

Put in more detail specific to music, anyone improvising like that has practiced to the point where it becomes like a meditation, or you could say "in the flow", which is where that magic happens organically, a tapping of direct connection and channeling that through one who has both the ability and is practiced. It becomes "indefinable", the more I attempt to describe it in words.

But when a few artists, who don't know each other, get together and go to some common tune naturally - it looks like magic to me.

It is a kind of magic. Not knowing each other doesn't even matter. Everything and everyone is connected, so there's a whole world of communication that goes on beyond just five senses. Even if they aren't consciously aware of that, it's still happening.

If you don't mind me ask - where do you live? Musical community sounds really cool:)

Canada, in a too big city with an excessively tall pointy thing. How about yourself (also, if you don't mind)?


I find this extremely intriguing. To be fair- I like to watch everyone working on their art. And it doesn't matter if it's the beginning of the path or being close to mastery - full concentration, and as you said - immersion, meditation. Something beautiful happens.

Canada! When I left my home country(Poland) I wanted live in Canada very much, but with all what happened(pandemic and stuff) I've changed my planes and stay here, in Belfast(Northern Ireland). Feels like home now, and I don't think I want to leave anymore:)

It is extremely intriguing. Observation is one of the best approaches to real insight. I love to watch anyone doing anything creative, no matter what level they are at.

So you're originally from Poland? That's cool. Some Polish had settled where I grew up, fond memories of friends. I wouldn't have thought you're up in Northern Ireland. I'm mostly Irish in background, still have some family in the South. Small world.

What part of Canada appealed to you for living in when you were considering it? I can see why you chose to stay.

Yeah, I am, born an bread:) I live in NI 5 years now. When I still had plans to move to Canada I though about London, Ontario, but it is no easy thing to get to Canada if you have polish nationality. I actually had job offer there, but work - permit process was dragging terribly, and I lost the job offer to somebody else. And then - I come to conclusion it is easier to get to UK, get at least temporary settlement here and stay 2-3 years here, and apply again. I've heard it is way easier that way.

So I moved, and after a while I've got job here, and started really liking here:) I'm slowly growing into the place, putting down roots:)

Irish eh?, there you go! Ever been in Ireland?

Five years in Northern me that's settled in a spot. London, Ontario, well, well, well. That'd put you a stone's throw away. How ironic.

Interesting how Canada is slow with papers if you're Polish. I can't tell you how many immigrants have come here in the last couple years. I'm not hearing Polish accents among them though. Seems it depends very much on what Canada Inc. is shopping for; perhaps there's work arounds I'm not privy to.

I've never been to Ireland or Europe. I would have liked to go many places. I used to have an interest in travelling but let that go in 2001. Domestic travel only from that point on. Haven't been on a plane since 2012 and now, I'll never get on one again for a whole host of reasons.

So when you are trying to get visa - it is better to have some 'useful' occupation. Not only that - good to be married as well. It is way easier then. Plus if you are a designer or artist some kind - yeah, doesn't help your cause.

I am not really travel - type myself. I had to fly a lot in my old job(mostly China), and although I've learned a bunch - I don't think I would want to get back to it.

2012? So there was some space for feet back then I imagine:)

Interesting. Of course artist/designer/creative never helps. I've never attempted it myself.

You had to fly a lot for work, yes, that would lessen travel interest substantially.

2012? So there was some space for feet back then I imagine:)

Barely, but then I was on domestic flights and I do my best to spend as little as possible on such things. I remember watching fares for at least three months in advance of when I planned to go the way some people watch the crypto market, so I could score the best rate.

All make sense. Now I am only trawel to see my parents and friends and back. I haven't travel on holiday or something like that. I like it here. It is moody and wet:D