Uruz - the story behind the art

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)

Mixed media
Summer 2020
Created live for a talent show on Bigo. All photos by myself and J.Stanley.


Bigo is a live streaming app that I stream from almost everyday as an official host.
Night one of the talent show I presented a performance that showcased hooping and painting. I created a backdrop using yellow paper and put the Uruz rune symbol on it with adhesive vinyl. (I have no recording or photos from the performance but here is a bit I filmed later that night)

I made it to the next round but afterwards I felt really embarrassed. I was alone, and spiraled into a hole that lasted into the next day. I was questioning going back for the 2nd night. I couldn’t not do it so I reached out to friends for support. 2 dear friends came to my aid to be a physical presence. Our silliness together inspired the idea of throwing food covered in paint. We experimented with noodles, eggs and rice. The rice was a huge mess and didn’t work well with the paint. But the noodles and eggs were incredible!!


I put a lot of thought into why I was so embarrassed about the performance. I think it’s a lot to do with being alone afterwards. As a performer, I’m so used to getting hugs and feedback afterwards. So when it was just me and me… I wasn’t very nice to myself. I judged myself harshly. It was hard to get out of that funk but I did eventually muster up an IDGAF attitude and ended up making one of my favorite pieces of art. And that moment where I chucked an egg at the wall with all my might, is a memory I’ll have forever. It felt freeing. Especially in that moment I didn’t give any fucks.


I would say the audience and the judges were mostly confused about what I presented. Why was I throwing food at the wall and calling it art? Why didn’t I present one of my many talents, like hooping or yoga or fire dancing? (Something the judges would understand and like?) I guess calling upon the powerful forces of Uruz, I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into... More about Uruz later in this post.

Many people were uncomfortable at the wasting of food. A few people had nice things to say. My family and close friends were all there. And Lee Jeffries (a hoop inspiration of mine) said “this is superb” in the chat during my performance and that honestly meant the world to me!!


The first night I wanted so bad to impress the judges and the audience. I wanted them to see how much I could do. I felt embarrassed. The second night I was there to make a mess and have fun! It wouldn’t have been the same if I didn’t call on my friends for support. I know myself and know I would still have showed up, I wouldn’t cancel an opportunity to perform unless I absolutely have to. But I don’t think it would have been as amazing without them. (Note to self: remember this when you isolate, that connecting with others is helpful.)


I didn’t watch the videos from this piece until I started working on the nft Story Series. 4 months later I’m finally ready to reflect on this creation. This one shook me up more than any other piece I’ve made, making it worthy of its own blog post. After I watched the performance that I screen recorded from Bigo on my phone, I laughed a lot. It was brilliant!! Why had I been so scared to look at it!?!

This whole experience led me to understand more about myself! I saw some repeating patterns throughout my career as a performing artist. I have always been this hard and judgemental on myself. Never about my art, it’s always specific to performing. Still working through these things.

I chose the Uruz rune because I was initially drawn to the shape of it. Then I when I read briefly about what it represented- freedom, independence, perseverance- it seemed a good fit. It wasn’t until my recent research exploring deeper into the meaning of this rune that it all makes sense!

This painting is the backdrop for 2 pieces in the Story Series- an art nft collection intended to tell they art story.
See my works here: https://app.rarible.com/polyannie/onsale

Here’s some of my notes about Uruz

Uruz represents a Wild Ox (Auroch) with huge horns and great agility and speed

Thor embodies the warrior spirit of Uruz with the untamed power

Although Uruz can signify a lightning-strength explosion of creativity, it can also herald a perilous time of trouble. Wild energy of entropy needs to be leashed. Uruz’s energy puts up a personal force field to empower you to retain your power, hindering those from robbing you of your spirit. Strength trained to your advantage forces others to stop exerting their power over you.

The concept of sacrifice can be hard work and fortitude or loss and uncontrollable energy. In the wild, nature takes it course without interference, and this rune expects the same from you.

You don’t have to control the energy of the wave you only have to ride it. These challenges can lead to major life changes, and the responsibilities that go with the acceptance of these challenges.

Harness this primal force to have this wild energy captured for your use,

Capri diem “seize the day”

Keywords: Wild Ox (Extinct Aurochs), Untamed, Savage, Impulse, Vitality, Strength, Speed, Potency, Prowess, Energy, Endurance, Tenacity, Mettle, Manifestation, Primal-Force, Healing, Courage, Responsibility, Freedom

Associated Tarot Cards: Magician, Emperor, Chariot, Strength, Hanged Man, Star & Sun

Astrological Signs: Taurus & Aries

Planets: Sun & Mars

Norse God: Thor was the Norse god of strength, thunder, war and storms and was the son of Odin

Other Spellings: Uraz, Urs, Urur & Urus

Pronunciation: Oor-ooze


refers to all of those aspects considered masculine that are still present in the female, such as athleticism, competitiveness, and more overt sexuality. It may also refer to the abuse or overuse of those powers

sexuality and virility

a show of force


Energy: Vital formative force, archetypal patterning, raw primal power, survival, healing, endurance, manifestation, organic structuring

independence and freedom
Strength and tenacity, courage, persistence against all odds
Ability to control aggression and take responsibility
Rites of passage, especially into adulthood

wild creatures

young warriors.

rune of powerful unconscious shaping energies

the untamed powers of creativity are not without danger – a reality quite clear in our modern technological civilization. It is the user’s skill and practiced techniques that will control the energy unleashed by this rune. It is the rune of independence, asserting oneself and one’s territory.

rune of manifestation, regeneration and endurance. The organic patterning energy of Uruz laces up the skin, sustains the ego and can be used to protect the psyche from trauma. Self-healing is the energy which pulls a diseased or ill form back toward its ‘primal blueprint’: the original, invisible shape intended by nature’s design.

We can assert our right to exist and be free in the very same primal authority that the aurochs did theirs. It is the will to live passionate and free.


It is the rune of the inner strength, the perseverance and the energy. However its hooked shape has to incite us to think before acting.

Uruz is in direct relation with the mother archetype. It indicates the sacred power of gestation and the miracle to create the life. Uruz contains the intuitive wisdom and all the availability of the Mother and in a latent state : Love, vitality and strength.




Curated for #naturalmedicine by @drrune.

Ahhhhh, such a wonderful experience you share here! Yes, you called upon tremendously powerful energy with that huge Uruz. The Runes are among the most important practices I've incorporated during my spiritual journey, I use them for readings and rituals regularly. When I saw this post, I was thrilled.

I see why not many people understood the process you describe here. You were exploring your inner passion very openly, and for that, I honor you. Great blessings to you! May your artistic endeavor grow even deeper and mightier!

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Thank you! You maybe the first person I've spoken to who really understands what happened here with the rune energy. I had only basic knowledge before. My stepdad works with them, I've always been into sacred geometry and colors as a way to connect. But once I started looking into Uruz... I couldn't believe it! Understanding it made this whole experience make more sense to me. I plan on doing more paintings like this, and allowing myself to learn the tunes as I go along. Intuitively picking them one by one! Thank you so much for commenting!

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