Today I would like to share a drawing I made a few years back. It was when I first started drawing portraits and at the time it was a challenge. I was used to draw cars and motorcycles but the human face was new for me.
Size 20x30 cm
Medium Graphite
Today I've done a few more portraits and every time I get better and better. A key ingredient to be a good artist is practice. I have still a long way to go and every time I create a new drawing I learn something new.
Today I was at the art store and I bought some new pencils to hopefully improve my drawings. I also want to try out a new technique and different mediums. I bought some ink pens in different sizes so stay tuned if you want to see more.
I'm sorry for not posting as much the recent month but I have had my hands full with other projects. My hope is to post at least 3 times a week from now on
Below you can see the process of my Jim Carrey Drawing
My reference
In The community onchainart it's allowed to repost because art is not limited in time. The rules is to wait 2 months. Last time I posted this was 3 years ago!!!! I'm so fucking fed up with this bullshit. Hive is a completely centralized blockchain with a few controlling everything. If the top doesn't like my post then it will Come nowhere.
Sounds to me that they started incentivizing recycled post spam exploitation.
Despite that this excuse "because art is not limited in time" does not make sense.
Everything is limited in time. Art, furniture, books, cars, stars, planets, etc.
Art gets lost, destroyed and forgotten in time too just like anything else.
I will not repost again. But you should go after every one that does the same. And those are plenty. I will rethink if Hive is a good plattform or not
I think you only mentioned the part of the rules that suits your interests, realitycartoon.
This is from OCA rules (
It's not the same 3 drawings. Not even the same 30 drawings. If I posted a drawing 3 years ago, is that the same post over and over again???
C'mon, how many times you have posted the AC Cobra drawing and others? You post a drawing, later post it again with a few generic extra text, and again with some more text, and again in a recap, and again as art of the past... I'm not against that people repost some content time to time, but milk the same small set of drawings along the years, again and again is too much. Anyway, you are free to do it, and community is free to complain about it.
But don't act like clueless about it. You were not adding sources to your drawings with cheap excuses until we had to find them for you. Like "I saw this drawing in a wall in house of a friend"... of course the reference was from the internet. Well, if it seems you are not using them, that makes you look like more skilled, so more chances to get better rewards, right? So you do whatever is possible to maximixe your earnings, thinking nobody notices your little "tricks". We are not dumb.
Your drawings are good, and you probably could be earning far more with them, but your attitude, which I'm describing in this comment, is not much appreciated around. Think about it.