
C'mon, how many times you have posted the AC Cobra drawing and others? You post a drawing, later post it again with a few generic extra text, and again with some more text, and again in a recap, and again as art of the past... I'm not against that people repost some content time to time, but milk the same small set of drawings along the years, again and again is too much. Anyway, you are free to do it, and community is free to complain about it.

But don't act like clueless about it. You were not adding sources to your drawings with cheap excuses until we had to find them for you. Like "I saw this drawing in a wall in house of a friend"... of course the reference was from the internet. Well, if it seems you are not using them, that makes you look like more skilled, so more chances to get better rewards, right? So you do whatever is possible to maximixe your earnings, thinking nobody notices your little "tricks". We are not dumb.

Your drawings are good, and you probably could be earning far more with them, but your attitude, which I'm describing in this comment, is not much appreciated around. Think about it.

Fair enough. But for me it's not worth spending 10-20 hours on a drawing and get a few dollars in reward when total crap can get 40-50$. Then I'd rather not post at all

Btw the reference from the african turcan is hanging on my friends Wall. But I thought it was mayan People so when I searched for it I got no result. So I took a photo of it and used that. It was no lame excuse

I have to agree about that many garbage gets overrewarded while good content is ignored. Also that spend 10h or 20h in a drawing to post here, and don't get decent rewards is not encouraging. But that applies to things specially drew to post in Hive, not the comissioned work, or drawings made for fun/practicing. They probably deserve more rewards, but don't portray the matter like you are drawing all of them for Hive.

You should consider that if everybody recycles the same content again and again, readers get bored and don't reward it, also the place becomes boring so lose value, and that doesn't bring more users and investors to Hive.

Absolutely and I will not repost anymore. But the big problem with hive is actually the fact that it's 5 or 6 accounts that decide if a post should be trendig or ignored. And also People don't vote when the reward is 1 cent. 99,9% of the accounts has less than 1000hp. For them voting is a waste of time. I will consider going to another plattform where rewards are based on views instead.
If I would get 30-50$ in reward on my posts I would draw something new every day but I don't believe it will happen so I focus my attention on things that make an income

Yup, altought the spread of the rewards have improved last times, we still carriying this legacy of what happened in Steemit time ago. So be able to give noticeable votes is in the hands of few accounts. The ratio of stacked power related to the amount of rewards per vote, is very poor. This don't encourage to hodl. I think this is something that will be solved when SMT's will arrive. So at the moment is about to make grow the place and quality of the content. Of course everybody is free to bet for it or not.