My ELO rating is now over 2000

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Who could've imagined that by March 2022 I would have an ELO rating above 2,000.

If you don't know, I began this Chess journey with the goal of having a 1,500 rating in Rapid chess by December of this year, so this would be an amazing feat... I mean to be 500 points above my goal 9 months before my deadline?

Sick, right?

The problem is, this is not my Rapid rating, it is my puzzle solving rating.

Did I clickbait you into opening this post? Yes.

Did it work? I don't think so, my vids don't get a lot of views, so hopefully this will make you open the video and watch it, even if you only half ass watch it in the background while doing something else.

After all, every view and vote helps my 3speak channel growth.

Puzzle solving

I am around 1,150 rated in rapid, but I am definitely pretty good at solving puzzle so I thought about making a video explaining my train of thought when I solve puzzles.

I am not a charismatic content creator nor a great chess player, but these videos are honest work and hopefully you like them.

If you have any feedback, it is more than welcome and I appreciate any comment- they actually help my 3speak channel get more attention, the more comments and views, the more chances the video trends and more people stumble upon it, so please, watch and comment away!!

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 3 years ago  

Hi @anomadsoul, I just saw that you asked, and yes, you can find a Discord-link in the desription of the chess community.

Hahahaha, I always watch your videos. Puzzles are fun.

16:28 - very funny, "To the untrained eye"

I don't solve alot of puzzles anymore. Then I had a target of 2650+ puzzle rating. It been a long time now.

Okay scrap that. (31:00) is the funniest. I thought you would find it, because you already explained the theme. That reminds me, there is a book called "Blindspots" that talks about this. There are just some moves we don't consider by instinct. Moves like a backward queen move, a L-shape Rook idea, a bishop backward move,a king one step move for safety, and so on.

The more puzzles you solve, the more dangerous you would be.

Man you have no idea how much I appreciate you watching the vids and giving me feedback, not many people do haha.

Tricks for the uninitiated is also a great phrase lol

I imagine that once you reach certain level, puzzles are not helpful anymore, to me, solving them allows me to practice pattern recognition and also practice decision making in specific situations, but I imagine that once you reach certain level like you, it is more important to focus in positional advantage and advanced tactics.

This book could definitely help because it is just soo true, so many blindspots and moves that defy logic like that one, to push the king to a square, you have to attack it from the side you want it to move. I find backwards bishop moves the hardest to spot, knights no so much, I don't know what rook Lshape moves are but I will find out.

Thanks for the comment man! See you on Friday


Yes you did, it was just hard to believe!!!

My rating was the mid sixteen hundreds at the end of last season, now I am struggling in the low fourteen hundreds. I expect to be back to the sixteen hundreds by the end of this season or first part of next season.

Wooow!!! I didn't now puzzles were so important for getting better at chess. Very instructive.

It is one of the most important parts of chess when you are striving to get better! I'm glad you liked it.

Ja, Puzzles sind wichtig!
Weiterhin viel Erfolg auf Deinem Weg zu 1500. Ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Du sie knackst! Deine Durchschnittsperformance bei den Freitag-Turnieren ist schon fast bei 1500! Letztens sogar >1700!

Little by little, I am pretty sure if I continue down this path I will reach those 1,500. Surely participating in the Friday tournaments plays a big part on my development. If I reach 1500 soon I imagine I will try for 1700, I can't help it hahaha. Thanks for dropping by!

I'm pretty happy with my German reading comprehension skills but I'm far from being able to respond in German :P

Yes, one should always have some challenging goals!

Oh, sorry, I was for some reason under the impression you were a German native speaker. But now I understand why your English is so good 😂