Man you have no idea how much I appreciate you watching the vids and giving me feedback, not many people do haha.
Tricks for the uninitiated is also a great phrase lol
I imagine that once you reach certain level, puzzles are not helpful anymore, to me, solving them allows me to practice pattern recognition and also practice decision making in specific situations, but I imagine that once you reach certain level like you, it is more important to focus in positional advantage and advanced tactics.
This book could definitely help because it is just soo true, so many blindspots and moves that defy logic like that one, to push the king to a square, you have to attack it from the side you want it to move. I find backwards bishop moves the hardest to spot, knights no so much, I don't know what rook Lshape moves are but I will find out.
Thanks for the comment man! See you on Friday