Hi chess lovers, this is my first 3Speak chess video, and I really hope you like the eight presented lightning chess games!
The shared motif of all eight games is that in each I managed to trap the opponent's queen. I think it's really amazing to observe how even very strong chess players way too often overrate a material advantage over piece activity, mobility and dangerous attacking chances (while letting their queens being trapped is just one example of many others).
I'm bound to say that I am not at all accustomed to talk while analyzing chess games, especially as English isn't my mother tongue ... Nevertheless, I hope my comments are understandable enough for you to benefit from watching the games.
Have some fun now!
▶️ 3Speak
I enjoyed evaluating your games as in my last tournament I lost/gave away my queen in four of the eight games, in most of the games I was ahead.
As you stated many players careless go for the material gain with there queen that end with it getting captured. Will this be a lesson learned? We will have to wait and see as we have a tournament tomorrow.
Game #1:
Very good trap for an unsuspecting opponent. However I have personally lost in situation where I didn't immediately take the queen believing the queen will remain trapped. I know your attention to detail won’t allow that to happen to you.:)
Game #2: Your insight always great, however there was another option to capture the black queen after the errand black bishop captured the white knight.:
qf2+ kd2
then rook capture black queen and pawn capture black bishop.
Game #3: The entrapment of the black queen with the two knight many times go undetected also you manage to entice the black queen to check you, allowing you to trap it.
Game #4: Black Queen is out to early with his king side completely undeveloped and it end in a disaster for black.
*Game #5: The piece exchange in the end game was the winning moves for black, allowing black to capture the white queen. Great insight if you are being pressured by the clock to perceive the results from the exchange.
*Game #6 Black takes advantage of white queen errant capture of the white pawn and finds itself surrounded by the black pieces and loses its queen.
Game #7: Great tactical play to gain dominant position of the center board with the pawns and rook, also good insight to trap the queen with a pawn.
Game #8 Black manage to develop it pieces slightly more than white, which was an advantage. Then white errors with an alone attack by the white queen which ends with the white queen being capture.
As for the clock running down I completely understand the errand play that it forces you into.:)
Great: you really watched the whole video and analyzed all games!
No: 11. ... Bxc3+ is a check! So I had to parry it first! :)
Mein Sohn (6) hat Gefallen am Schach spielen gefunden. Das hier ist ihm (und mir auch) eine Nummer zu hoch. Aber etwas Denksport schadet nicht. Ich freue mich, daß er sich für Schach interessiert.
Sry, ist offtopic, und das noch auf Denglisch dazu... . Aber ich dachte, ich schreibe es Dir mal. ;-)
Ich hoffe, dass innerhalb des Denglischen das Englische zumindest leicht überwiegt. :)
Um dieses Video zu kreieren, musste ich ja mehrere kleinere Videos aneinanderfügen. Bei vielen dieser Videos überlegte ich mir beim Anhören, ob ich sie noch einmal aufnehmen sollte, um dann diverse Aussprache- und Grammatikfehler zu vermeiden. Letztlich dachte ich mir aber, dass ich dann stattdessen sicher immer wieder andere neue einbauen würde und beließ deshalb alle Videos einfach so, wie sie beim ersten Mal aufnehmen eben waren.
Nice illustrative games and good commentary too. Very enjoyable and instructive to watch.
Nice to read that!
I just added the pgn files in the comment section.
Srey-Yuu (@KidSisters), our daughter learned how to play chess last year, and also knows a bit of strategy too.
This is a bit beyond her understanding, but it's cool to see some chess-related stuff on Hive.
Thanks for sharing, have a !BEER
Nice analysis and commentary on these relatively common blunders. Let's hope everybody can learn from this!
Zwei Spiele habe ich mir angeschaut... 😊
Ich kann zwar Schach spielen und mir ein paar Züge und Möglichkeiten des Gegners im Voraus überlegen, doch dies hier geht mir eine ordentliche Nummer zu schnell.
Aber du hast deinen Spaß (das hört man 😉 ) und das ist die Hauptsache!
Theoretisch könntest du das Video an bestimmten Stellen anhalten, aber ich gebe zu, dass diese Schachlektion für Nichtturnierspieler ziemlich harter Tobak sein dürfte.
Bestünde die Nachfrage, würde ich möglicherweise einmal versuchen, etwas für Schachanfänger zu machen, wobei ich beim aktuellen Versuch gemerkt habe, wie schwer es mir doch (noch?) fällt, in einen Notebookbildschirm hineinzusprechen. :)
Hm. Aaaalso...
Ich glaube, das Video ist prima und hat unter Schachfans seine Interessenten, genauso wie ein Anfängervideo sie hätte. Ich möchte aber behaupten, dass "wir" auf beiden Chains einfach zu wenige sind und der Aufwand in einem echten Schachforum bestimmt besser eingesetzt wäre.
Ich? Bin leider nicht angesprochen. Ich war gestern echt nur etwas neugierig, genau wie auf die "Ost-Kneipe". Hatte persönliche Gründe, warum ich etwas länger am PC verbracht habe und mehr oder weniger ziellos herumgesurft bin. Komischerweise finde ich mich beim Surfen hauptsächlich in unserer Filterblase Blockchain wieder.
Auch wenn es dir schwer fällt, in den Bildschirm zu sprechen: Du machst das echt gut und vielleicht wirkt es gerade dadurch so natürlich.
Schönes Wochenende,
hello dear friend @ jaki01 good night
This is a game that I always wanted to learn, however I never could, I may not try too hard
I appreciate that you let us know all these movements, and shared your knowledge, many lovers of this game will appreciate it.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful start to the week
Thanks, same to you! :)
By the way, you posted this comment thrice. Maybe just delete the other two versions.
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Hey @jaki01, here is a little bit of from @justinparke for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.If you are very right, today my internet did not work very well, which made my comments double and triple.
That you continue enjoying your strategic plays
Have a wonderful night
duplicate comment, sorry