I enjoyed evaluating your games as in my last tournament I lost/gave away my queen in four of the eight games, in most of the games I was ahead.
As you stated many players careless go for the material gain with there queen that end with it getting captured. Will this be a lesson learned? We will have to wait and see as we have a tournament tomorrow.
Game #1:
Very good trap for an unsuspecting opponent. However I have personally lost in situation where I didn't immediately take the queen believing the queen will remain trapped. I know your attention to detail won’t allow that to happen to you.:)
Game #2: Your insight always great, however there was another option to capture the black queen after the errand black bishop captured the white knight.:
qf2+ kd2
then rook capture black queen and pawn capture black bishop.
Game #3: The entrapment of the black queen with the two knight many times go undetected also you manage to entice the black queen to check you, allowing you to trap it.
Game #4: Black Queen is out to early with his king side completely undeveloped and it end in a disaster for black.
*Game #5: The piece exchange in the end game was the winning moves for black, allowing black to capture the white queen. Great insight if you are being pressured by the clock to perceive the results from the exchange.
*Game #6 Black takes advantage of white queen errant capture of the white pawn and finds itself surrounded by the black pieces and loses its queen.
Game #7: Great tactical play to gain dominant position of the center board with the pawns and rook, also good insight to trap the queen with a pawn.
Game #8 Black manage to develop it pieces slightly more than white, which was an advantage. Then white errors with an alone attack by the white queen which ends with the white queen being capture.
As for the clock running down I completely understand the errand play that it forces you into.:)
Great: you really watched the whole video and analyzed all games!
No: 11. ... Bxc3+ is a check! So I had to parry it first! :)