Hive JAコミュニティ Thanks Giveaway (For delegators) #13

in Hive JA3 months ago (edited)

--- English text is in the second half ---


こんにちは、@go-kyo です。

コミュニティ支援アカウント、@hive-ja にHPをデリゲーションしてくださっている皆さんに、13回目のHSBI シェアのギブアウェイです🎁




スクリーンショット 2024-11-29 14.07.36.png

@selfhelp4trolls @dbooster @boxcarblue @borsengelaber @wittyzell @akipponn @ecency @djynn @rt395 @alkirua @mizuosemla @mamaemigrante @roky @yadamaniart @koto-art @shawnnft @itz.inno @appleeatingapple @iroha @penta555 @pxm91116m

最近、ブログ投稿が少ないなと感じている方もいるかもしれませんが、Hive JAのコミュニティSnapsの方は何人かの新しいユーザーの方も含め、賑わっています。よかったらぜひ、遊びに来てください😉

いつもHive JAを応援してくださってありがとうございます。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。



Hello everyone!
This is the 13th HSBI Share give-away to all of you who have delegated your HP to @hive-ja🎁

This time there was 16 $HIVE wallet balance in the wallet. This was because I had some prize money left over from the Snaps posting event I had recently organized for the Hive JA community.

(Never because I was too lazy to do the drawing... never 😅)There are currently 21 delegators (10HP or more) to @hive-ja, and if I had 5$HIVE more, I could distribute to all of them. So I added 5$HIVE from my personal account and distributed 1 HSBI share to everyone.

スクリーンショット 2024-11-29 14.07.36.png

@selfhelp4trolls @dbooster @boxcarblue @borsengelaber @wittyzell @akipponn @ecency @djynn @rt395 @alkirua @mizuosemla @mamaemigrante @roky @yadamaniart @koto-art @shawnnft @itz.inno @appleeatingapple @iroha @penta555 @pxm91116m

Some of you may have noticed a lack of Japanese-language blog posts recently. However, Hive JA's community Snaps is bustling with activity, including several new users. Please come visit us if you like😉

Thank you for your continued support of Hive JA🙇

(The photo is a “pig” that my second son made with Lego blocks❤️)


wow thanks nice got sbi

Please join us for the Giveaway here.
This time you can win HSBI share by entering with an image of Spooky Pops NFT in the comments section.
You don't have to mention the giveaway recipient.

So I just share this?

Yes, yes! Just comment on this image and your entry in the comments section of the post by @djynn above👍



!sbi status

Hi @hive-ja!

  • you have 105 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 421644936318 or 0.165 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.055 $

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!

Thanks for support

You're welcome!