'Akira Toriyama' :Japanese Famous Cartoonist 日本の有名な漫画家 鳥山明 [English and Japanese]

in Hive JAlast year

"Akira Toriyama': Japanese Famous Cartoonist

Do you like anime or manga? I do. I grew up watching anime a lot. Every Sunday morning, we could watch anime in the bedroom without preparing anything before getting up. I really enjoyed this moment with my brother.

Unfortunately, Akira Toriyama, a super famous Japanese cartoonist, passed away. Even though you might not know his name well, you know 'Dragon Ball,' right? Of course, I enjoyed watching Dragon Ball, but my favourite Akira Toriyama anime (manga) is 'Dr. Slump.' The image at the beginning is not Akira Toriyama's artwork. I used AI to create an image similar to his animation.

The adorable character from 'Dr. Slump' is called 'Arale-Chan.' Dr. Slump is set in Penguin Village, where Senbei Norimaki, an inventor, built a little girl robot named Arale Norimaki. Arale-chan is such a cute girl robot, but she is also powerful. Arale-chan and her friends created hilarious stories.

When I was young, my mother didn't want me to wear clothes or shoes with anime characters daily. She thought they were tacky because of the quality of the materials. However, she allowed me to buy Arale-chan's cap, which is a symbolic cap from Dr. Slump. It was of super high quality. There were two wings on the side of the cap, and there was a goggle on the top of the cap. I could move those wings and goggles if I wanted. It looked the same as Arale-chan's cap from Dr. Slump. The cap was the first, but the last, characteristic cap that I ever wore in my childhood.

When I wore the cap, I thought I could run as fast as Arale-chan in my mind because she could run at high speed. She usually runs at about Mach 1.5 (1800 km/h), but if she's serious, she can run at about Mach 3 (3600 km/h). Wow, yes, I felt I could run as fast as her. Believe it or not, I was a pretty fast runner when I was young. I always joined the relay competition when we had sports days because of my speed record. I didn't wear the cap, though.

By the way, did you know people call cartoonists "sensei" (先生)? Sensei means teachers, masters, or professionals. Doctors, lawyers, martial arts instructors, or any kind of masters are sensei in Japanese. The cartoonist is a sensei because of their professionalism. I miss Akira Toriyama's manga and anime series already. Almost everyone has interesting memories of manga and anime like this in Japan. Most of the kids grew up with anime and manga. R.I.P Akira Toriyama sensei!

About 'Dr. Slump': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dr._Slump_characters

Japanse 日本語

日本の有名な漫画家 鳥山明


残念ながら、日本の有名な漫画家である鳥山明氏が亡くなってしまいました。この方の名前は知らなくても「ドラゴンボール」を知らない方はほとんどいないのではないでしょうか?もちろん私もドラゴンボールを楽しんだファンのうちのひとりですが、鳥山明氏の作品でいちばん好きな漫画とアニメは「Dr. スランプ」です。この投稿の画像は鳥山明氏の作品の画像ではありません。AIを使って鳥山明氏風の画像を作成したものです。

「Dr. スランプ」の主人公である可愛らしいアラレちゃんはとっても有名ですね。「Dr. スランプ」はペンギン村が舞台で、発明家である則巻千兵衛(のりまき せんべえ)が発明したロボットである則巻アラレ。アラレちゃんはとても可愛らしい女の子のロボットでありながらパワフルです。そんなアラレちゃんが愉快な仲間と一緒に繰り広げる楽しい物語です。

小さな頃、母は私がアニメのキャラクターが描かれた洋服や靴を身につけるのをあまり好みませんでした。質が良くないうえにデザインがちょっとダサいのが嫌だったようです。ところが、「Dr. スランプ」の象徴的な帽子でもあるアラレちゃんの帽子だけはかぶることを了承してくれました。実はその帽子はとてもクオリティーが良かったのです。アニメと同じく帽子のサイドには羽が2本ついていて、帽子の上にはゴーグルがついていました。羽もゴーグルも必要に応じて動かしたり装着することができました。その帽子はアニメから飛び出してきたと言っていいくらい作りが精巧で、アラレちゃんの帽子そのものでした。そのアラレちゃんの帽子は私が身につけたキャラクター物の最初で最後のキャラクターでした。



Thank you for reading!




”女性の技術者” その通りですね!確かにブルマは元祖ギャルですね。髪の毛の色とかファッションがすごくポップでかわいらしいので惹き込まれました。アニメのエンディングテーマがブルマにフォーカスされていたのが嬉しかったのを覚えています。(かなり古い話ですが…)


I was shocked to hear he died. Only 68! That is too young to die. I grew up watching Dragonball and playing Dragon Quest for the NES (famicom). Later when I was in high school I really enjoyed Chrono Trigger for the SNES which Toriyama also did all the designs and art for and helped with the story. My son really likes Dragonball Super, so he was also sad when he heard the news. Toriyama was working on a new Dragonball series. I wonder what will happen to it now. Anyway, it's too bad.

Yes, he was only 68... Chrono Trigger! Natsukashii. I don't play games much, but I know the game. It's for Super Famicom, right? It's nice to hear you and your son have a common favourite anime like Dragon Ball. Was he working on a new series? That's so sad to hear...kanashii.

this was sad TT. I hope they are still able to continue dragon ball super

Yeah, I hope so too. I hope his family is okay.

i hope so koto TT