Oppenheimer: mixed reviews/映画「オッペンハイマー」の賛否両論

in Hive JA8 months ago (edited)

The 96th Academy Awards (2024) ceremony ended with seven awards, including Best Picture, for Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer. The film depicts the tumultuous life of Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist who was a leader in bringing together the best scientists in the "Manhattan Project" to build the atomic bomb.

In contrast, the Japanese release of the film was delayed and finally released this year. In fact, one of my Facebook friends is a professor at DePaul University in Chicago, USA, and she has repeatedly criticized the film on the grounds that it does not "adequately depict the suffering of the victims.”These victims include not only the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also the residents of the former test sites of the atomic bombs, the black workers at the uranium mining sites, the victims near the Terror-Ulam-type hydrogen bomb test site conducted on March 1, 1954 at Bikini Atoll, including the Daigo Fukuryu Maru, and many others. Mankind has been given weapons that it should not have had. I believe this when I see another war going on somewhere in the world right now, and Russia is flirting with the use of nuclear weapons.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on July 7, 2017, and came into force on January 22, 2021, but Japan, the only country to have suffered from atomic bombings, is not a member for some reason.

So I was unsure whether to see this film at the cinema, but I went to see it at the Sendai Forum on April 16 this year (2024). Since I suffered from schizophrenia, I have lost my ability to concentrate and have become unable to read or watch films, so I was worried about whether I would be able to see a three-hour movie, but in fact the three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

I remember it started with a scene of it raining. Rain rings formed one after another.

Then it depicted the storm of McCarthyism in America at the time. Oppenheimer, the main character, had many fellow Communist Party members. Unfortunately, in the end, the Communist Party USA chose to follow the Soviet Union rather than face up to their country's problems and it is said that a disappointed female party member left the party. Oppenheimer sympathized with Communism but never became a Communist Party member. It was an incredible film.

And the doubts about the atomic bomb are expressed by Oppenheimer's friend asking, "If this is dropped, good people and bad people will die together, right?" It's really weak, but I think this was the limit of what they could say in a country where schools teach that the atomic bomb "ended the war quickly."

Then, the scene where Oppenheimer looked at a Picasso’s painting while Stravinsky's ballet music "The Rite of Spring" plays was strangely impressive. That was the era. Maybe it's because I'm an artist?

Right now it's Hiroshima and Nagasaki season, so I think this film is worth a watch, so I recommend watching it when it becomes available online.

Thank you for reading.








で、オッペンハイマーがピカソの絵に見入り、ストラヴィンスキー のバレエ音楽「春の祭典」が流れるシーンが妙に印象的でした。あの頃はそういう時代だったのね。私が絵かきだからですかね?








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