The photo is a view from a balcony.
Have you ever suffered from weather-related illnesses caused by changes in atmospheric pressure? I have never been bothered by weather-related illnesses until a few years ago, but this year the weather has been particularly strange, and I have been experiencing frequent symptoms, such as body sluggishness, subtle headaches that appear and disappear, and a dull pain in my abdomen that appears and disappears, I told my family doctor about it, and he said that I was suffering from autonomic imbalance due to climate change and did not give me any medication. I had a gastroscopy last month and found no abnormalities except for a mild case of reflux esophagitis, and was found the fundic gland polyps, but they seem to be a polyp that can be left alone. I also had a uterine cancer test with no abnormalities, and a colonoscopy in February with no abnormalities.
Sleeping pills used to work and I could sleep for about 5 hours, but when I was in Senmaya, all the rooms except for the western-style room on the second floor, which was air-conditioned, were all fan-conditioned. It was better than no fan, but the humid, hot air made it hard to sleep and I could hardly sleep at all. Then, at 1:00 a.m., my aunt was walking around dazed. When I was little, it was cool at night even in summer in Senmaya, and I don't remember using a fan. I couldn't help but think about the effects of climate change. And compared to when my grandma was healthy, maybe it was because they were busy with work or something, but the room that she used to use for her make-up has become like a storage room, full of stuff. The rooms other than there were also generally cluttered.
My cousin's son, who is the successor to a Shinto priest, is attending a university with a theology department in Tokyo, and he found a part-time job working, sort of behind the scenes, for an American singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift, concert. As I heard it, I wanted to say, “Taylor Swift had a big influence on Biden being elected president by announcing her support for the Democratic Party in 2020." In Japan, there is still a high hurdle for entertainers to make political statements, but British and American artists make political statements as naturally as breathing. I thought that if Japan is a difficult place to live, that is where it is.
Well, that's what these days have made me think about.
Thank you for reading.
みなさんは気圧の変化などで起こる気象病に悩まされたことがおありですか?私は数年前まではあまり気にしたことがありませんが、今年はとくに気候が変で、体がだるくなったり、微妙な頭痛が現れては消え、腹部の鈍痛が現れては消えといった症状が頻繁に起こるようになり、さすがに心配になり、かかりつけの内科医に話したら、気候変動による自律神経失調症とのことで、とくに薬も出ませんでした。今はお腹がイマイチですが、先月胃カメラ検査を受けて軽い逆流性食道炎以外はとくに異常なし、胃底腺ポリープ がまた見つかりましたが、これはほっといてもいいポリープ のようです。子宮がん検査も異常なしだったし、2月には大腸内視鏡検査を受けて異常なし。
神社の神主を継ぐ従姉妹の息子さんが東京の神学科のある大学に通っていますが、アメリカのシンガーソングライター、テイラー・スウィフトのコンサートの裏方みたいなバイトを見つけて働いていたようです。私はそれを聞いていて、「テイラー・スウィフトは2020年に民主党支持を公表してバイデン が大統領に選ばれるのに大きな影響を与えたんだよ」と言いたかったです。日本では芸能人が政治的発言をするのはいまだにハードルが高いけど、英米のアーティストは呼吸するのと同じぐらいに当たり前に政治的発言をする。日本が生きづらいとしたら、そこじゃないかと思いました。