The end of the war as seen by my father when he was an elementary school student/小学生だった私の父が見た終戦

in Hive JA6 months ago (edited)


When the Second World War ended, my father was in Manchuria and was a primary school student. I would like to leave a record of what my father, who is now in a nursing home, has repeatedly said in the past.

The reason why he was in Manchuria in the first place was because my paternal grandfather had been a guarantor for someone's debt, and when that person was unable to pay it, my grandfather's family suffered the consequences, so my grandfather decided to go to Manchuria to prevent the family from being separated.

My father's older sister was weak and often sickly, but she had a sensitive heart, and during the war she would secretly listen to classical music records with her boyfriend.

Apparently life in Manchuria was very good for Japanese people. It was a puppet government run by the Japanese. I won't go into detail here. The writer and lyricist Rei Nakanishi also said, "In Manchuria, I lived like a prince." There are many famous people who returned from Manchuria, including the film director Yoji Yamada and the manga artist Tetsuya Chiba.

Probably because Japan exploited the Chinese, they were so poor that it was impossible to talk about them. In Manchuria, the Japanese were arrogant. To make a living, Chinese people had no choice but to steal things from the Japanese (just like Jean Valjean in Les Miserables). The Japanese were violent towards the Chinese.

But my grandfather treated the Chinese as an equal, and they called him "大人" (meaning a respectable person in Chinese). His family had interactions with the Chinese, and my grandmother was taught how to make authentic gyoza by the Chinese.

And there was a middle-aged Chinese man who was fond of my grandfather's family. My memory is hazy, but he was called Yangche, and apparently he worked as a rickshaw puller, and once gave my father a ride when he was in elementary school. He also ran errands for them.

Eventually, Japan lost the war, and the Japanese in Manchuria fled in a panic. My grandfather was sick and bedridden, and my grandmother was packing their belongings by herself, when soldiers arrived and pointed bayonets at her. My grandmother was a strong-willed woman who was unfazed by this situation, and later, before she died of cancer, she said, "If it's this painful, I'd rather die," so I wonder how painful cancer must be.

As soon as Japan lost the war and the positions of the Japanese and Chinese were reversed, the Chinese took revenge on the Japanese who had been violent towards them, but my grandfather's family was spared.

Apparently, when my grandfather's family was loaded onto a truck with other Japanese people and the truck set off, Yangche ran after them crying.

During the repatriation from Manchuria, my father's older sister, who was already in poor health, died.

The hardships continued even after returning to Japan. They returned with nothing, so even getting food was difficult, and when my grandmother brought some kimonos with her son and went to ask farmers for food, they were coldly refused (like a scene from "Barefoot Gen").

Learning from those experiences, my grandfather's family always supports left-wing parties in elections.

I wish I could write this better, but this is the best I can do.

Thank you for reading.







そして祖父一家を慕ってくれた中国人の中年男性がいました。記憶がおぼろげですがヤンチョ Yangcheと呼ばれていて、人力車を引っ張る仕事だったらしく、小学生だった父を乗せてくれたことがあるそうです。使いっ走りみたいなこともしてくれました。
















yada さんのようにお父様お母様、おじいさまおばあさまのようにわりと早く亡くなってしまったのでは話しようがないですね、しょうがないです。


うちみたいに家族が、ではなくて一人で学んで一人で左にたどり着いたyada さんはすごい、尊敬しかありません。



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