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RE: 🔹 The reason I stopped watching Naruto / La razón por la que dejé de ver Naruto 🔹 [ENG|ESP]

in The Anime Realm2 months ago

Total +1 when it comes to the Lee vs Gaara fight and the beginning of this text.

As for the outcome of their fight, both solutions are ok in my opinion and make sense. Well, apart from the fact that there would have to be a different antagonist or a minor change would have to be made with the Desert Demon. I am in favor of Gaara winning, because it is... unfortunately very true to life. Talented people have to work their asses off to achieve success, and many untalented people burn out trying to catch up with them.

And as for Naruto's mistakes... Since the fight with Kakuzu, there have been so many plot holes and other mistakes that the drop is huge. Even bigger than in the case of DB, because Naruto has reached a higher level. Referring to several of our conversations about DB.

Good text, it was fun to read.


I read several with your opinion and I understand it. But I feel like it doesn't make sense why Gaara was so strong against Rock Lee and weak against Naruto. It's like they adapt it depending on the need of the script and I don't like it.
Besides, even if the result was good, I don't think they wasted the character that much. But well, it's just my opinion.
Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting, my friend.

I don't remember this fight (Naruto vs Gaara) because I saw it a long time ago, but wasn't it like Gaara didn't have control over Shukaku, which affected his power level/control of his power? I think there was something like that because I participated in a similar discussion and someone gave the same argument as you ;P.

Cool, thank you and same to you :)!