Best regards Hive community. 🎬📽️
Un saludo cordial comunidad de Hive. 🎬📽️

Have you ever stopped watching a series because you were disappointed or outraged by an event? That's what happened to me with Naruto. I had to quit because of something I couldn't stand.

¿Nunca les pasó de dejar de ver una serie debido a que un evento los decepcionó o indignó mucho? Eso mismo me pasó con Naruto. Tuve que dejarla por algo que no pude soportar.
It's a fact that the fight between Rock lee and Gaara is one of the best in Naruto. And dare I say that of the anime in general. Personally, I found it to be an amazing and fantastic battle. Rock Lee was a character full of potential. Someone who could prove that enough discipline could beat natural talent.
Es un hecho que la pelea entre Rock lee y Gaara es una de las mejores de Naruto. Y me atrevo a decir que del anime en general. En lo personal, me parece una batalla increíble y fantástica. Rock Lee era un personaje lleno de potencial. Alguien que podía demostrar que la suficiente disciplina podía ganarle al talento natural.

Rock lee during this fight surprised everyone, even the masters. That boy who was underestimated and undervalued was fighting on par with a demon. With his 8 inner gates technique, he showed that he was willing to sacrifice anything to be a great ninja. Even if that meant great physical damage.
Rock lee durante esta pelea sorprendió a todos, incluso a los maestros. Aquel chico que fue subestimado e infravalorado estaba luchando a la par de un demonio. Con su técnica de las 8 puertas internas, demostró que estaba dispuesto a sacrificar lo que sea con tal de ser un gran ninja. Aunque eso implique un gran daño físico.
That boy who was born without any talent, was proving that his talent was perseverance and determination. By training twice or three times as hard as the others, he managed to surpass even the prodigies.
Ese chico que nació sin ningún talento, estaba demostrando que su talento era la perseverancia y determinación. Entrenando el doble o el triple qué los demás, logró superar hasta los prodigios.

Obviously, my problem was not the fight. My problem was the outcome of it. Rock Lee did EVERYTHING to win and still lost. By convinced of the script.
Obviamente, mi problema no fue la pelea. Mi problema fue el resultado de la misma. Rock Lee hizo TODO para ganar y aun así perdió. Por convencida del guion.
Really, the definition of this fight was disrespectful. Seeing Rock Lee being carried out on a stretcher and unconscious at the end while Gaara walks away like it's nothing made me very disgusted. It felt like a humiliation.
Realmente, la definición de esta pelea fue una falta de respeto. Ver que al final Rock Lee es sacado en camilla e inconsciente mientras Gaara se va caminando como si nada, me produjo mucho asco. Se sintió como una humillación.

After this fight I decided to find out what happened next with Rock Lee. Since it was clear to me that if they were wasting a character with so much potential, I wasn't going to continue watching the series. After spoiling myself, I didn't want to watch the series anymore. Since after the fight with Gaara, Rock Lee becomes an almost irrelevant character. Something that made me very indignant.
Luego de esta pelea decidí averiguar qué pasaba posteriormente con Rock Lee. Ya que tenía claro que si desperdiciaban así un personaje con tanto potencial, no iba a seguir viendo la serie. Luego de spoilearme, no quise ver más la serie. Puesto que después de la pelea con Gaara, Rock Lee pasa a ser un personaje casi irrelevante. Cosa que me indignó mucho.

And I think what pissed me off the most was describing that later on Naruto beats Gaara with punches and headbutts. Basically, against Rock Lee he had sand shields on sand shields and against Naruto he didn't have a crap defense. They had to weaken him so the protagonist could show off. Because of course, the series is called Naruto, not Rock Lee.
Y creo que lo que más me enojó fue describir que más adelante Naruto vence a Gaara a base de golpes y cabezazos. Básicamente, contra Rock Lee tenía escudos de arena en los escudos de arena y contra Naruto no tenía una mierda de defensa. Lo tuvieron que debilitar para que el protagonista se pueda lucir. Porque claro, la serie se llama Naruto, no Rock Lee.
I've never seen such a wasted character since Gohan from Dragon Ball. And that Gohan in the last had a recovery with his new transformation. Rock Lee is very sad.
Nunca vi un personaje tan desperdiciado desde Gohan de Dragón Ball. Y eso que Gohan en lo último tuvo una recuperación con su nueva transformación. Lo de Rock Lee es muy triste.

I will not deny that the creator of Naruto did a good job with this work. That's why he's so well known. But that doesn't take away from the fact that he made a big mistake with this character. I feel that if they had worked Rock Lee as he deserved, today he would be one of the best characters in anime.
No voy a negar que el creador de Naruto hizo un buen trabajo con esta obra. Por algo es tan conocido. Pero eso no quita que haya cometido un gran error con este personaje. Siento que si hubieran trabajado a Rock Lee como se lo merecía, hoy sería uno de los mejores personajes del anime.
He probably didn't want to work it because he knew it was too easy for him to overpower the main character. And I get it, as far as I saw, I liked Rock Lee better than Naruto.
Probablemente, no haya querido trabajarlo porque sabía que era muy fácil que superará al personaje principal. Y lo entiendo, hasta donde vi, Rock Lee me gustó más que Naruto.
Thank you very much for reading my review. It is a pleasure to share with you. I look forward to posting in this community in the future. I send you all a big hug and hope you are having a good day.🎞️🎬
Muchas gracias por leer mi reseña. Es un placer compartir con ustedes. Espero poder publicar en esta comunidad en un futuro. Les mando un fuerte abrazo a todos y espero que estén teniendo un buen día. 🎞️🎬
All images edited by me using Photoshop
Todas las imágenes editadas por mí usando Photoshop
Total +1 when it comes to the Lee vs Gaara fight and the beginning of this text.
As for the outcome of their fight, both solutions are ok in my opinion and make sense. Well, apart from the fact that there would have to be a different antagonist or a minor change would have to be made with the Desert Demon. I am in favor of Gaara winning, because it is... unfortunately very true to life. Talented people have to work their asses off to achieve success, and many untalented people burn out trying to catch up with them.
And as for Naruto's mistakes... Since the fight with Kakuzu, there have been so many plot holes and other mistakes that the drop is huge. Even bigger than in the case of DB, because Naruto has reached a higher level. Referring to several of our conversations about DB.
Good text, it was fun to read.
I read several with your opinion and I understand it. But I feel like it doesn't make sense why Gaara was so strong against Rock Lee and weak against Naruto. It's like they adapt it depending on the need of the script and I don't like it.
Besides, even if the result was good, I don't think they wasted the character that much. But well, it's just my opinion.
Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting, my friend.
I don't remember this fight (Naruto vs Gaara) because I saw it a long time ago, but wasn't it like Gaara didn't have control over Shukaku, which affected his power level/control of his power? I think there was something like that because I participated in a similar discussion and someone gave the same argument as you ;P.
Cool, thank you and same to you :)!
Tienes razón, a mí también me decepcionan algunos animes, pero Naruto en especial, cuando mi Sasuke se va al lado oscuro, jaja. Bueno, me gustó tu opinion sobre este capítulo de Naruto.
Besitos, chico lindo. 💋💋🫶
Es gracioso porque al final, más de uno tuvo una razón para dejar de ver Naruto jaja
Me alegro que te haya gustado mi opinión n.n
Saludos, linda ⚘️
Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.
We hope to see you soon. Best regards!
Thanks to you for the good vibes and attention. I hope this community will be even bigger.
Best regards.
Saludos. Totalmente de acuerdo. Rock Lee es uno de mis personajes favoritos porque el realmente era el digno ejemplo de "si te esfuerzas lo suficiente, aunque aparentemente no tengas ningún talento natural, podrás ser el mejor y superar a aquellos que sí poseen un talento". Ese era más o menos lo que decían de Naruto, que el no tenía un destino prometedor porque no tenía ni talento ni nada, pero luego sabemos que el tiene todas las de ganar por aquello del Zorro, lo del Sabio y demás. Yo me quedé con muchas ganas de ver qué más podía hacer Rock Lee, lo tenía todo: fuerza, voluntad, disciplina, lealtad, compromiso y compañerismo.
Posdata: tengo entendido que a Rock Lee lo iban a eliminar de la serie desde esa pelea, pero ya tenía muchos fanáticos y lo dejaron. Creo que de ahí también viene el error: no planificaron nada más.
Rock Lee tiene mucho potencial para ser uno de los mejores personajes de Naruto. Y para mi no lo trabajaron por miedo a que sea más relevante que Naruto. Lo entiendo porque era muy factible que pase.
Es una lástima que no veremos nada de él nunca.
En cuanto a ese rumor, podría ser tranquilamente. Ya que despues de esa pelea no tuvo casi relevancia. Casi como que quisieron volverlo un personaje de relleno.
Gracias por tomarte la molestia de pasar y comentar.
Saludos n.n
Rock Lee is such a interesting character, it was a shame that he did not get a better development in Shippuden, I never liked Naruto or Sasuke, I think the other supporting characters has developments more interesting than them.
It's a real shame they left him aside in Shipuden. They could have done so much with this character.
I don't really like Naruto either haha
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, bro.
Cheers n.n
But why would you expect this show to satisfy your sense of justice? The world is unfair, and more often than not evil prevails over good. Similarly, crooks often get more than what talented people deserve.
Isn't it more believable when plot delivers story that you can't predict based on your sense of what's right, or what's ought to happen?
You have a point and you may be right. Although my main problem was the fact that they wasted a lot of Rock Lee's character after that battle. They literally ruined him. Aside from the fact that after that, they weakened Gaara a lot for the main character. I don't know, I didn't like it.
Cheers and thanks for stopping by n.n
I've tried many time to sit and truly watch it but it's stranger than me. My authentic disgust for this anime. I dontkbow how could I put it in words, haha
You are not the only one who thinks so. I wasn't completely hooked either.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, bro.
Regards n.n
Sis, though... But yeah, friend... Nobody could blame me for not trying to...
Dude, if you stopped watching the anime because of Rock Lee, then you have no idea how they wasted his rival, Neji.
He was practically the strongest rookie ninja and even Kakashi himself went so far as to say that the Byakugan was better than the Sharingan (the normal one).
He could have had a great arc and very great character development alongside Rock Lee. I'm sure they could have done some really cool stuff with both of them instead of shoving in pure filler.
Lee was a neglected character after that fight, he had practically no more epic moments, that was his prime. Not even the fight against kimimaro was as good as the one against Gaara, so in a way I understand you, but as you say, the anime is called Naruto and in a bad way, the creator focused on Naruto and Sasuke when he could have done such great arcs with other characters. It is such a wide and rich world that if you sit down to observe, each character could have its own anime.
Neji too? Really? Good thing I didn't want to see anything else. I was spared further disappointment.
Like I said before, I think the creator created a character with so much potential that he didn't know how to handle him so that he doesn't overtake the main character. And I understand that because I was more interested in Rock Lee than Naruto.
Anyway, too bad. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment.
Regards n.n
rock lee era un personaje que podia a ver dado más y salio mejor parado con gaara, pero la idea era demostrar que naruto era él que podia salvarlo o ganarle ps jeje, jaja por mi parte lo deje cuando lo orientaron a quedarse con Hinata, no apoyaba eso xD Buen post!
rock lee was a character that could have given more and came out better with gaara, but the idea was to show that naruto was the one who could save him or beat him ps hehehe, haha for my part I left him when he was oriented to stay with Hinata, I didn't support that xD Good post!
Te comprendo jaja, a muchos no le agrada Hinata. Al menos duraste más que yo jaja.
Tal vez retome Naruto algún día.
Gracias por pasar y comentar.
Saludos n.n
Te entiendo completamente... El nerfeo que le hicieron al personaje de Rock Lee es nefasto y de lo más absurdo que hay en toda la historia del anime. El colmo es que no es el único personaje de toda la obra que pasó por esto: Neji es otro personaje también. Y si, el creador hizo una obra maestra, pero lo de Naruto es tan absurdo que si nos ponemos a ver todos los errores, cambios o vacíos que tiene la historia no terminamos esta semana (es más, hay un canal de Youtube por ahí que ha sacado decenas y decenas de errores a la obra, para que te des una idea). En fin, yo si bien recuerdo ese momento, igual lo pasé por alto la decepción ya que, andaba viendo Naruto desde que era niño y ahora puedo decir que es de lo animes que más veces lo he visto, luego de Dragon Ball Z, claro.
Excelente post.
Si nos ponemos a pensar Naruto y Dragón Ball pasaron por problemas similares. Es innegable que ambos creadores son unos genios, pero es una lástima estos errores.
Siento que escribieron tan buenos personajes que se le hizo difícil dejarlos por debajo de Naruto. Porque estoy convencido que Rock Lee puedo haber sido mejor que el protagonista.
Saludos, amigo.
Gracias por pasar n.n