What's up community? I don't hang out here that often anymore and I've been missing a lot, but, I come with a new post to remind you of my existence hahaha... I tried to keep up with the Month Quest, but I haven't really had too much time to watch anime.
¿Que tal comunidad? Ya no me la paso tan a menudo por aquí y he estado muy desaparecida, pero, vengo con un nuevo post a recodarles mi existencia jajaja... traté de estar al día con el Month Quest, pero realmente no he tenido demasiado tiempo para ver anime.
One that I started watching recently is Fullmetal Alchimist: Brotherhood (yes, that one, because many say it's better than the first adaptation) and I don't usually post before finishing a series, but I've been liking it and every chapter leaves me intrigued. I'm barely on chapter 8 and, what many know already happened, the event with Nina and her little dog Alexander, and that made me wonder “how far is a person capable of going to achieve their goal? “because clearly Nina's father went over the welfare of his wife and daughter, even over the welfare of Alexander, and maybe for many it is a spoiler and I'm sorry for that, but I could not let this fact pass that disturbed me a lot of the series, even knowing that it was going to happen because many times I saw images of the event, but still, when I saw it I felt a huge discomfort.
Uno que empecé a ver recientemente es Fullmetal Alchimist: Brotherhood (si, esa, porque muchos dicen que es mejor que la primera adaptación) y no suelo hacer post antes de terminar una serie, pero me ha estado gustando y cada capitulo me deja intrigada. Apenas voy por el capitulo 8 y, ya paso lo que muchos conocen, lo del suceso con Nina y su perrito Alexander, y eso me hizo preguntarme "¿hasta donde es capaz de llegar una persona para conseguir su objetivo?", porque claramente el padre de Nina paso por encima del bienestar de su esposa e hija, incluso sobre el bienestar de Alexander, y tal vez para muchos sea spoiler y lo siento por eso, pero no podía dejar pasar este hecho que me perturbó muchísimo de la serie, incluso sabiendo que iba a pasar ya que muchas veces vi imágenes del suceso, pero aun así, cuando lo vi sentí una incomodidad enorme.
Sometimes I want to get ahead of the facts, so I want to see if Edward and Al can get their bodies back, but, I want to let the series take its course, although I think if they are going to get their bodies back, I think it would be nice if they show in the series that even with all the attempts, actions have consequences, and well, for something human transmutation is a taboo, but well, I will save my words for later in a next post of my full opinion of the series.
A veces quiero adelantarme a los hechos, así que quiero ver si Edward y Al pueden recuperar sus cuerpos, pero, quiero dejar que la serie siga su curso, aunque creo que si van a recuperar sus cuerpos, creo que seria bueno que muestren en la serie que incluso con todos los intentos, las acciones tienen consecuencias, y bueno, por algo la transmutación humana es un tabú, pero bueno, guardaré mis palabras para después en un próximo post de mi opinión completa de la serie.
So far I've been hooked on the series, I don't know why I postponed watching it for so long, but well, this would be all for today's post, I hope you liked it. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post ❤️
Hasta ahora me he quedado enganchada con la serie, no se porque pospuse verla tanto tiempo, pero bueno, esto seria todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 2
Item 2 Anime From Future:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 3 Movie Of 2024:
Link 1
Item 4 Small Events:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 1 https://ecency.com/hive-158489/@ibet/sometimes-the-flashbacks-in-naruto
Translated by DeepL
Traducido por DeepL
That discomfort that you comment is what makes that scene so powerful and remembered, in my case look at that father his aesthetics is pathetic and one of the characters that I like the least but leaves a message throughout his story and is just what you raise, how far we go to meet our goals is a question that leaves many sacrifices.
For example history indicates it, how many leaders sacrifice masses to remain in power just to mention an example, not only the sacrifice of others but also the self-sacrifice, for example Marie Curie famous for her studies of the nuclear aspect that just caused her end. And more everyday events like when we work and spend more time with strangers from work than at home with the family haha, the scene I think reaches many people just for all the above, when the human being has a goal takes everything ahead to become a homunculus without soul 😵.
ajaja don't get ahead of yourself, I got to see this anime the two versions and yes, this one is much better by far for being better posed and more exciting for the coherence of scenes and battles. My Capital sin Laziness and Gluttony in that order and in love with Lust 😍
It wasn't a surprise for me that it ended up like this, from the character's introduction, it was clear that he wasn't very well in the head and that he would do anything to get what he wanted, even if it meant sacrificing his own daughter. Thank you very much for stopping by and yes, I will listen to you and not get ahead of what happens in the anime.
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We hope to see you soon. Best regards!
Thank you so much! It is always an honor to post here
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I’m still yet to find enough time to watch the anime, I heard it’s a really good one.
I've really enjoyed the few chapters I've seen, they always leave me wanting more!
I’m definitely watching it
I'll just say that I watched it recently and I consider it one of the best anime I've ever seen. 100% recommended.
Good review.