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RE: Jigoku Shoujo 「地獄少女」Hell Girl (2005, 26 episodes)

in The Anime Realm10 days ago

I remember that at the time, this anime was quite popular and I was finally able to watch it when no one was talking about it anymore. I agree with your opinion, I was quite bored by the repetitive way in which things were happening and many of the cases didn't manage to hook me enough. This type of anime where each chapter is self-contained, it's not easy for them to manage to do it in a way that keeps you there for so long. I still remember that I didn't like Hell Girl's origin at all. The only thing worth mentioning that I consider and that I like a lot, is the opening "Sakasama no chou", that song is beautiful and it stayed stuck in my head from the first moment, that and Hell Girl's design... But it's one of those types of animes that you see once and you're sure you wouldn't watch it again, no matter how bored you are haha ​​Thanks for bringing your honest opinion about the anime Happy start of the week! 🤗💚
