
in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

~ Trifectant ~

So, this is the last post in this series about this particular artwork in progress. I have been working on and off on this piece for many weeks. I would suggest that if you don't want to read then just scroll through the images. However, i cant/won't be held accountable for any damages done to you for scrolling so much.


I usually like to give the tools of the trade a cameo appearance in order for them to be fully appreciated. I used all the pencils shown in this post at some point... some much more than others.


So, this is going to be a long ass post. That's the disclaimer so if you go any further you can't complain. Well, you can but you can't say i didn't warn you!

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Many Colored Pencils Were Harmed In The Making Of This Artwork and Post...

So, we are picking up where we left off in the last two posts. You don't need to see and read them to get the picture... but if you want to, then click on the blue letter links here below....

Expectant - NFT Showroom Collection - W.I.P.
NFT Showroom Collection - W.I.P. part 2

Otherwise... we are going to get into the art! I hope you enjoy this process and artwork to the fullest.




Take your time, be chill, and enjoy!

Chill is the way to be....

~ I Love Luci ~

Actually, before we get to the art NFT and the finished product of those previous posts and the process to get there... i wanted to share with you the video proof of me and Luci, my squirrel friend, eating from my hand. I know that if there isn't a video or picture it didn't happen. Hahaha so this is my record of what did happen. I said i would try to get some video and i came through in the clutch!


Click here to watch Luci 1 - short




This was happening almost every day. She would just show up while i would be working on something. It was funny because i would just look down sometimes and she would be looking at me. I was pleasantly startled on more than one occasion. I'm surprised she just didn't come tug my pants to get my attention like a little kid. I usually save the extra stuff for the end but i thought it might be best to show the squirrel stuff before we get down to business.

I Love Luci

~ Back to Black ~

If you look at the art images above you will notice the white background. So, here below you can see that i started to color the background with the black Sharpie marker. I did two passes over the paper to give a more even black. One pass was vertical and the other was horizontal. This gave maximum bleed to eliminate any absorbtion streaks. I usually do slightly overlapping strokes to minimize that anyways... but nothing works better than this two step process that i'm aware of.




Ironically, i was listening to King Crimson's song called Starless. Great soundtrack for the layers of black. Click the blue link if you want to jam the song while you check out this post.

Click Here To Listen To Starless by King Crimson

Now, i moved to the right side of the background filling it in one stroke at a time and one pass after the other. If you compare the right side to the left you can see the difference between one pass and two.






So, i did a thing. Before finishing the black inbetween the breasts, (which was a mistake to not do it all at once in the run) i decided to go ahead and color the nipples.

I had originally thought about connecting the two ladies with streams of milk kind of like how the hair connects them but decided to abandon that idea.




I used a metallic copper pencil just to get the idea down and i end up refining the nipples a few times before the final version.



I've never done the justify pull left and right but i thought it might help get through some of the images a bit faster. If you want to see them in a higher resolution... you can always click on any of these individual images to get a zoomed view. I didn't feel i needed to explain much more than i already did about filling in the black.

~ Black & Blue ~

Now that black is covering the whole background i could use and build the pencil layers up without already having a layer of texture to construct on top of. This helped get more out of my pencils and helped the paper hold out longer as i explained in the previous posts. Using the black also eliminated those pesky white specs that never seem to take the pencil coating all the way! hahaha




I really liked the tone of the blue once it was overlayed onto the black. Depending on the angles, it had a purple feel to it which coordinated with the purple skin tones. It also had a deep blue which shone through that went well with the yellow lady. At other angles it took on a black tone. It's something that can really only be fully appreciated in person.

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Generally, the darker the color and the richer the tones the softer the lead is on the pencil. This creates a lot more color dust and requires a softer touch as well as a lot of careful sharpenings. If you sharpen too fast or too hard you lose your lead. If you don't get it sharp enough it doesn't spread the same.

So, it becomes a tight-rope balancing act to get these darker colors to behave. You can see in the image below the layered texture left behind after it builds up enough. This needed to later be smoothed out with a soft kleenex tissue but while being mindful not to sweep it onto the yellow lady and cross-contaminate the yellow.


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~ Long Nights ~

I did some experimental long-exposure photography at this stage. It was night and i brought my artwork outside. It was noticible that the weird artificial lighting created some interesting tones that i thought to capture. I will make a seperate post with all those shots so i don't clog up this post with a tangent.





Light Painting Counts Too

There will be more to come of this selection of shots in a future photography post. It was my first time experimenting with the long exposure technique.

~ Getting Close To Finishing ~

Of course, close is a relative term. But, once the background was getting finished up, all i could think about was getting the details addressed.

Since i am taking photographs of this whole process the lighting and angle of the paper makes a huge difference in the values, contrast, and tones. I tried to use different settings on my camera to express the variety of color and values along the way. You can see an example in the two yellow lady versions below.


At this stage, i began to work on the final details. You can see that in the hair. I took the advice of a friend that said there should be some loose strands dangling about and i had thought the same. So, it was nice to confirm that and to work on it. Though i was nervous i would ruin the whole thing here at the end.

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I also started to work on the face of the yellow lady and some of her shading... which i knew in advance would be a tough job. I find yellow to be one of the most uncooperative and unforgiving colors to work with.

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~ Final Touches ~

Now that many of the highlights, contours, shadows, and details have been addressed it was time for the final touches and to show off some of the areas in their final form.

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I decided not to use ink on this artwork. Usually, a final session of adding details with ink is my standard practice. So, this was a bit out of my norm to just let the color do all the talking. I feel like ink would have polluted the purity of having drawn this all in color without any graphite pencil or ink.

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At this point, there is still some tweaking to do with the nipples.... pun fully intended! #ProofOfNipples

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For some of the final details within the red hair i used the red Sharpie maker. Since there was so much wax build up on the paper the red Sharpie stayed wet longer than usual. (i know... that's what she said!)
While it was looking for a place to absorb i used my finger to blend it in. I think that helped give some variety and depth to the red tones.

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Here in the next series of shots i took the artwork outside to try and see if the natural daylight would give any better visuals than my camera could do on it's own indoors. It was strange that the purple seemed to diffuse into it's blue tones.

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At this point, i opted to go out into the yard and capture some direct sunlight!

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It most certainly is...

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I tried to get different angles to show the metallic sheen in the copper. I think it was mildly successful.

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Even if only mildly successful in emphasizing the metallic sheen... i do love the gloss of the sun's reflecting light off of the wax color layer.

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Uncovered Beauty

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Now, we get to the end of all things.

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I dumped my pencil shavings out from just this one project to show you the aftermath. You can even see one of my long hairs that got caught in the crossfire!

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~ The Grand Finale ~

I didn't intend on making this post so long or adding all the good shots i took. But by now i figured why not. I promised i would put the higher resolution scans in and now i will finish with those, a link to purchase the NFT, and a gif of the scans. Thanks for sticking with me this long. I appreciate your time and attention.

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Now that we are at the end of the road here i figure it's safe to say that i have this minted and for sale in My NFT ShowRoom Gallery. You can click on that link to see everything i have minted and up for sale.

I was going to explain my thought process and inspiration behind this work... but you can actually read about that in the description for this artwork and the Expectant Collection description in my gallery.

I will create an auction in the future for the fist edition. But i had 16 other editions at staggered prices. I priced this one to sell and there are only a couple editions left for the lowest price of 3 Hive. The others are 4 and 5 Hive. Right now with the dip in value of Hive is a great time to go buy some art.

Click on the blue link beleow to go straight to the purchase page for this artwork i titled "Expectant: Trifectant " I also added an unlockable file with the finished High Resolution scan of the final copy for those that purchase the art.


Thanks again for your time and attention. I'm glad you made it this far. I'm glad we all made it this far. Now, we can put this all behind us and move on to the next big thing. I apologize to your thumbs and scrolling fingers and joints. I also apologize to your eyes for all the work they've had to do. Hopefully, in the end... it was all worth it.


Until next time.... Take Care Everyone.

Happy Ending Dance


I did two passes over the paper to give a more even black. One pass was vertical and the other was horizontal. This gave maximum bleed to eliminate any absorbtion streaks.

Today I learned something new! Thanks to you now I know this new technique hahaha. It's true that filling a background with black marker can be tricky because of the black lines that are noticeable, but with this technique it's all perfect!

This is an excellent work. Very interesting. I like it very much. I'm surprised how nice the colors look knowing that you used colored pencils. I don't have such nice and perfect colors hahaha.

The post was long but it was worth it. Just meeting Luci made it worth every damn second...!!!! 😝

I'm really glad you enjoyed meeting Luci and that taking the time was worth it. I am also glad you learned something new that you might be able to use in the future with your own artwork.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave such a nice comment! Cheers

It was a pleasure!

you did it!! yess:) I must say when I started reading and you suddenly came up with the black backround I was a bit shocked hahah, but then even more surprised by how great that looks with the blue you put on top.. Also with the reflection of the light we can see in in some photos it looks great!!
And talking about the music you where listening was nice, that you shared that.. I was thinking about that recently, that it would be cool to see what music people listen too while drawing/creating in my case sewing, because I guess it does fill up a big part in the process (for me anyways).. And Lucy of course is super cute!!! well I am looking forward to when she will sit on your shoulder watching you drawing:)) (that doesent seem impossible anymore at that stage)
Well it was very nice to see how that drawing turned out!

Thank you for stopping by and dropping such a meaningful comment. I do think the background was a different direction than i originally intended but i also like the way it turned out.

I'm glad i'm not the only one that enjoys the shine and reflection of the light on the wax color! hahaha

I will try to add more of the music next time that i jam as i create. It's usually always different and tailored to either my mood at the time or how i feel might inspire a bit more creativity in the direction of the art i am working on.

And yes, i do think Luci would come hang out in my lap at somepoint... but unfortunately for her and i... i will be leaving the country in about a week. I hope she doesn't miss me too much.
Thanks again for stopping by and appreciating the art! Have a great weekend!

I am glad you appreciated my comment:) And I am looking forward to see what kind of music is inspiring your work.. about Luci, well yes I guess thats the difficult part about those relationships, but you might build up the trust again, when you are back.. hopefully:) Have a great week!!

I'm hoping she will have her little babies with her when i come back and then we can all be one big (small) happy family! hahaha
I always value and appreciate your comments. You do put time and effort into them and i can tell you actually read and comprehended the posts... which takes a lot of work as well. So, thanks.
Music will come on my next art endeavor. hahaha

ooh yes that would be too cute, actually I have never seen baby squirrels in real life, must be really lovely:)
and true it does take time to really read posts.., but well I think it is nice to take some more time to share and talk about things we do yes:)

I haven't ever seen like super baby squirrels... but i have seen some very young ones running around. They are pretty cute to watch.

I think that is a great attitude to have. Taking time is important. I think sharing and discussing is important too. So, thanks again. Going to answer your other comment now. hahaha

This was almost like watching a three-episode miniseries on TV... with characters and everything, including Luci the squirrel hahahaha. And also soundtrack (I clicked on the King Crimson link).

I really like how you make these posts by parts of the process of your art. In fact, I learned a lot seeing so many images of your process, especially the evolution of the coloring. I learn mostly by seeing and you have been very generous with the images. More or less I had an idea of ​​how it would end, but the result definitely surprised me, very interesting, faithful to the concept of motherhood. Good job bro! :)

That's awesome that you actually checked out the song. After hearing the lyrics, now you can see why i included it. hahaha
I'm glad you got the miniseries vibe from the 3 parts. I was hoping that someone, artists in particular, would get that kind of an experience out of my process.

The fact you learn by seeing and with your attention to detail to actually see the evolution of the art makes me feel better for including all the shots that i did. Now, i feel generous rather than greedy for OverSharing. Thanks for stopping by and offering your thoughtful comment. It's cool that you had an idea how it would end but that it surprised you anyways and stayed faithful to the concepts. Cheers bro!

hahahaha, I know that you create these publications with the intention of making a kind of miniseries, recounting and relating each part. I read them and enjoy them, as well as learning from your drawing technique. That's why, for me, the more images the better! =)

The song also caught my attention because it reminded me of an uncle of mine. My first job was as an assistant in his carpentry and he always put on a radio station that broadcast that type of music.

Cheers bro, take care :)

Awesome! I bet working in the carpentry woodshop smelled good. I'm sure he played some 'classic' rock though the music i listened to when i was younger is now 'classic' rock. hahaha That King Crimson was before my time but it's still great music.

I'm really glad you enjoy the process and the way i present the info and art. That makes me feel a bit better about it.
Cheers homie!

The smell was fantastic. My job was to sand the wood, apply sealant and varnishes. I think my uncle was one of the first artists I had contact with; what he did with wood was his art. Yes! Hahahaha, a lot of classical music was playing and also Latin music. It was great. Your work is amazing, keep sharing it like you do bro! =)

I'll be honest with you, this is not the most familiar art for me, maybe too provocative for a snob like me 😅 But I cannot not appreciate your professionalism and the titanic work that you have done. It's unbelievable!

As I promised, I'm sharing your work with my wife. She really likes how consistently and accurate you show and explain everything. She will try the techniques you described. I think she reviews your posts all the time 😁I'm very glad that she is trying to return to drawing. The next step is to gently attach her to the local wonderful community 😅

It's not familiar art with me either to be honest... snob or not. hahaha
It's an experiment. I just posted an extension of the Long Night section with photographic experiments. Show her that as well.. and just know that i am happy to help show the way.... even if or especially if it's in a different direction.

Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment and look at my art.

Beautiful process and amazing artwork, brother!! Love the saturated/ Bright colors and the concept itself is amazing. Welldone!! And thanks for including the videos of the little visitor haha.

Ahh! It's good to see you here and thanks for your input! I'm really glad you liked it and i appreciate you my friend! Cheers!

Love this artwork. And now it's my (NFT) ....hahaha. Just looooove it ❤️🤗💃thanks for your talent 🕺

WOW! Awesome. Thanks for loving it enough to make it yours. I am sure it's in great hands! I appreciate you stopping by to check out my art and taking the time to leave an awesome comment! Cheers

💕💃 My first Hive NFT! Hahaha. I am proud as hell. Looking forward for more 😁🤗👍🏼 have an aaaaaaaamaaaaaazing day and thank you so so much for it.

Oh wow! That's even cooler to get to be the first piece in your Hive collection. Thanks again and you have an amazing start to your week!

Jesus!! The final outcome is mind blowing. And I must say I appreciate your patience and effort on this artwork and on this post. It's definitely not easy to give such detailed description of step by step process. You've done an incredible job on this one. Thank you for sharing your work with us and taking us on a virtual tour of what went behind this masterpiece.❤️❤️

That was an awesome way to put it... a 'Virtual Tour.' I never thought about it quite like that, although i did want to intimate the process so it felt more like me and the reader/viewer were together for the process.

I could always go into more detail about the process or techniques and mindsets but my posts are always so long i don't want to put anyone to sleep! hahaha

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my art. Thanks also for taking note of the patience and effort i put into this one. It was a little more than usual. I'm really glad to have blown your mind with the final outcome! hahhaa That's a highest compliment in my book.


That's just amazing. And your post definitely has accomplished your purpose of intimating the process to your readers. Looking forward for more such amazing content.❤️✨

Thank you for taking the time to be intimated to! hahahaha I am thankful if anyone connects with the art, writing, or process. So, i appreciate you taking that time and offering your comment. =) Have a wonderful weekend.

And onwards marches the progress of our art, eh? @castleberry and we all know it'll never be 'done' but we'll take 'stages of done'. In fact one of the joys of the digital age for me is that my work can have many 'done' phases and I love that. I often feel my art pieces are like my children and to see SO many possibilities from 'one child' is wonderful and sometimes it feels like the stages of their life. For example I've been adding color to my black and white illustrations of late and have been having a blast. They get to move onto the next 'phase' of their varied life, my "art children".

I'm really loving the color and the new figure coming into this piece. Well done on documenting on so many angles and stages, we could all learn from you on that one.

Just wonderful @castleberry

Thank you! Onwards and Upwards hopefully. I thought about doing many things to continue this artwork. I thought about adding things to the background. I considered putting ink on the top... adding metallic gel accents. I had many possible options forward... but thought in this case less may be more.

I still have yet to really dip my toes into the digital art realm. I just find the programs to be so cumbersome to learn. It's like i get the concepts but actually getting the user interface to behave.... that's another story.

I can utilize and manipulate the traditional tools to bend to my will and techniques... but that's not the case, yet, with the digital possibilities.
I have really enjoyed watching your digital growth in applying it to your traditional sensibilities. Keep up the great work and thanks for dropping by! =)

hahahahh the Cameo! That's just epic bro! My fingers now have muscles hahaha I can't do very deep comments but to let you know your hardwork is very much Appreciated. I love to push that mint button let's go!

I would imagine that your fingers would be too sore to do a deep comment! hahaha But glad they have more muscles today than yesterday. Thanks for stopping by and appreciating the art. Hitting that mint button does have a nice feel to it! Cheers bro and thanks for the bonuses!

hahahaha I bet they are bro but I am just getting ready for another long assss post in the future better build this muscles right now hahaha. Keep slaying and doing awesome bro! Best regards to Luci

I will tell Luci you said Howdy! hahahha Looking forward to more of your posts... long or short! Take Care and you keep up the great work too!

hahaha Stay relax there with your little fellas bro! Looking forward for your next nfts to bro cheers!!!

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So, this is going to be a long ass post.

Aren't all of your posts long ass?

I though these were drunken noodles and I got excited.

Those nips are pretty, they look like fancy gold jewelry.

Thanks for dropping by and adding your always appreciated humor! hahhaa Those were some decent nips....
and yes, my posts are always long ass... just some, more than others!

I thought i was going to break Hive with all my photos! hahaha

@castleberry walks into a bar. Bartender says
"Why the long ass?"


That's a serious case of mumps! Probably should have gotten the vaccine as a kid...

Or a major allergic reaction to bullshit! hahhaa

You shouldn't eat bullshit.

Your hard work on this is very inspirational. I wish I could be good as you!
Great Job Sir!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my art and for your kind words! Stay inspired and keep up the great work yourself! Also, thanks for the reblog as well.

Your welcome Sir. ❤️

Wow that is an awesome work. Such a masterpiece! Attention to details paid off here, from my perspective.

@tipu curate 5

Man, Thank you so much for the tipu Andy! I truly appreciate it. I am also glad you really liked the attention to detail and the finished work. I value and appreciate your perspective very much! Also, thanks for the help in Photography Lovers lately. Also, did you hear about our Game 2 amazing comeback without Luka? Game 3 looks to be awesome and hopefully we will have our sLOVEnian star back! hahaha

You are most welcome! Trying to support great work and effort, what else do we curators do?
You are still doing majority of work in Photography Lovers community, but I am glad I can help at least in my morning hours, when you are probably sleeping :)
And now my favorite topic - basketball!
Not only that I heard, I watched it on League Pass in the middle of the night and can't wait to do it again today. Who need to sleep? Even if our Slovenian wonderboy won't play, I am still cheering hard for Mavs and liking their chances. Especially after Game 2! For Game 4, I want him back and than lets go all the way...
See you around!

Yes, Jason Kidd, who was drafted by the Mavs back in the day, has done a marvelous job accelerating a winning culture in our organization. I say... nobody needs sleep during the playoffs for basketball or for the World Cup. hahahaha

Yes, i will be slowing down on curation here in a week or two. I'm heading over to Sweden and so i will be offline for a couple of days. I will also probably need a few days to adjust to being 7 hrs into the future. hahaha But i will let you guys know on discord before i ship out.

Thanks again for your support Andy. You rock bro!

Thanks for sharing such a detailed description of how you created your amazing art work! And for sharing the footage of Lovely Luci!! 😍

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to check out my creation and read about my detailed process. I am also glad you enjoyed the portion about Luci! hahaha

I wish I had a squirrel friend like her. She's adorable! :)

 3 years ago (edited) 

Did your buddy have a name? (oops... i misread your comment and subbed miss for wish) I had a male (i didn't know at the time it's gender) last year i named Dallas, since that's where i am from and it can be a Unisex name. I noticed the nipple rows on Luci and now i can find the gender much easier when looking at squirrels than trying to see if they have little nuts. hahahhaa Cheers!

Oh, I haven't had a squirrel friend before. I was thinking how nice it must be to have a daily visit from one. We have 2 cats so not sure they would allow a squirrel to come and say hi... :)

HAhaha... yes, cats and squirrels would probably not make the best of friends. =)

Loved to check your whole process man! Beautiful artwork btw!

Thanks man! I really appreciate that time. Thanks for the kind words too! Glad you liked it. =)

Ah I See You've Finally Completed This Beauty!! Turned Out Pretty Good Even Loved The WIP GIF ✨ And I'm Really Excited For Those Long Exposure Shots Now 😂

Thanks! I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to let me know what you thought. I actually had my buddy in India help me make that WIP GIF. The long exposure shots were fun and turned out really cool. Take care and keep up the great work my friend.

 3 years ago  

These are awesome and I grabbed one, you really are Bob Ross with your squirrels haha that's adorable!

I noticed you scooped one up! Thanks for that. Feel free to use that unlockable to recreate that art in your own image or something like that! hahaha

Yes, me and Luci get along quite well. She's a little less crazy than the male i named Dallas from last year. Though, at the time i didn't realize he was a he. I kept looking for a sign (mostly nuts) and never saw any. But, Luci has this obvious row of nipples that made it easy to tell. Maybe soon i can get her to sit on my shoulder or chill in my pocket while i curate! hahaha

 3 years ago  

I really want to take a squirre! any tips? I'm guessing food is probably the best way to start

Well, first you have to find one. The next step would be to have some peanuts. The kinds with the shell.... and you can toss them out far so they don't have to get close.

Eventually, they know where to come and when they see you are the one always tossing them they end up liking you. It's sheer bribery.

Toss the peanuts closer and closer. Then, eventually, start to hand them off or make them come desperately close. They will fidget and go back and forth... it takes a lot of patience.

But once you get them to take it from you... then you can shell them (which they appreciate greatly) and you can start to have them come get the shelled peanut too.

I haven't worked out the next steps yet... other than petting her while she eats. hahaha

 3 years ago  

Nice, we have some squirrels hanging around in the backyard and some of them aren't shy at all and run up on the patio so I think it won't be too difficult. My dad just set us up a birdfeeder and there is so much action around it it's like a bird party 😂 A squirrel just found it this morning! `I just recorded this to show my dad:

That's awesome! Were those BlueJays? I was going to say what we do is have a big metal bucket outside to store birdseed and peanuts in. We get these giant bags of roasted or raw peanuts in the shell because they keep longer and have them in the bucket too. I just grab a handful and always have them ready.

If those are BlueJays then they will eat the peanuts too. But, i was going to suggest when you see the squirrel out there you can toss it close to the birdfeeder. Get the squirrel distracted from the bird food with a bigger prize.

You could leave a trail of peanuts also bringing it closer. Just be careful once they get too comfortable on your patio because they can be pretty destructive. We have to patio chairs with holes in the cushions now so the squirrels could get some of the filling i assume to make a nest with somewhere. They also ate the outdoor carpet for fibers too. hahaha

YOU GOT THIS LADY! If none of that works... then just use your Alien Overlord powers.

 3 years ago  

Yeah blue Jays! Just this week was crazy, I also have chickadees, Robin's, crows, little yellow warblers I think, I also saw cranes or some type of huge birds flying overhead and a trio of pheasants! I need a camera strapped to my head 24/7 to catch any of it in video 😂 I think I may have seen an eagle too but I'm not 100% sure and there is an owl somewhere I hear HOO HOOING in the evening. Id live to take some birds but it seems like squirrels going to be a bit easier, the birds are very nervous.

Great job! I saw what you did in the gap between the two violet expectant ladies, superb!

I would be curious to hear what you see or saw! =)
Glad you liked the art. Please do share your thoughts if you feel up for it. =)

The animated gif is especially helpful... Don’t scold me if I am completely off what you had in mind 😂

The area between the outer arms of the two ladies reminds me of the uterus/womb itself... this is much more beautifully shaped than the real shape...
the dark area between the two ladies - the empty space- reminds me of the cervix/birth canal... I can also see it like the perineal area of a woman - including the opening of the birth canal-the vagina.
The red hair surrounding the ladies reminds me of the nourishing placenta...
The entire layout reminds me of a sacred union between two people...lots of symbolism...

I don’t know if my imagination is overactive but these are all the things I saw/see....

On a lighter note, I remember the days when we were asked what the poet meant in a poem, back when we were still in school. Writing this comment made me remember those days:).

So I see poetry in your art, my friend:).

I can actually see everything that you mentioned. After deeply thinking about your response here... i believe i may have sub or unconsciously put those things in this artwork intentionally. I had a feeling that there was more symbolism and value going on in the negative space... but i could never put my finger on it (and no actual pun intended this time)...

So, your interpretation i think is correct. If you hadn't seen the poetry in my art i might have missed the deeper connections being made. I felt like this art was special but too plain. Now, i realize that the art is not plain and it is special on a much deeper and more profound level than even i consciously realized.

My whole life people have seen things in my art that were actually there... but that i didn't realize i had put there. This feels like one of those occasions and i usually leave the art to be valued and interpreted by the viewers for such reasons. It inspires me greatly when this happens and makes me want to create more to see what else flows out of the creativity and application of the art process.

I am pretty impressed and blown away... yet not surprised that you were the one that picked up on these things. Thank you so much for actually answering. If we were in school you would have gotten an A++ from me. hahaha You got a full 100% upvote from me for this comment. Wish i could upvote more! hahaha Thanks again.

This is exactly why we(or at least I) love art! It is an expression of our innermost feelings and for me seeing what others have expressed is so ... satisfying... uplifting... revealing...broadening... It is a lot more things than what I can express here...

Your thoughts just flow into your creations without you realizing it I guess... You have been at it for so long that I don’t think you even need to think consciously about what you are creating. Great work, thanks for inspiring always. I hope you continue to do this for a long time to come...

You are too kind and generous, as always.

Thank you so much for actually answering.

The pleasure is all mine!:) Thank you so much:).

I totally feel what you are saying. After thinking about it... i feel like the mirroring that i did to get the outline to start from in my first post... might have actually been my subconscious coming at the art from the negative space and my conscious mind coming at it from the subjects. This might have been my mind mirroring the process literally and figuratively. That fascinates me to consider. hahaha

Thank you for your kind words and for synergizing with me on this one! Take care and i really appreciate you and your feedback. This also, is why i love art and artists so much. Cheers my friend!

You take care too and thank you!:)

That's quite the sculpture of pencil crayon shavings! Very nicely finished with lovely creative handling of the hair and figures combined.

Thanks! I even got some #proofOFnipple action in there too, even though it wasn't as good as yours! hahaha Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check it out. Those pencil shavings were a work of art in and of themeselves!

You're welcome! You've done well, forget about mine, that's done and done.

Did you sell out of them? They went like hotcakes if i recall correctly!

In what I said, I was referring to having moved on to other things, as is my usual. Being in the moment is the most fortuitous focus.

I had a feeling that is what you meant. I rarely stay on one art project for too long myself. That's why i was glad to actually have finished this one and it's probably my first themed collection ever also. =)

Your first theme collection, eh? Keep it flowing. Do you know what you'll work on next?

I don't usually go and comment on, art posts like this, especially since I don't do traditional art, but all I can say in this art is that it's not easy to get pregnant. And I have experienced this 3 times.
Great work by the way sir. 🖌 🖌

Thanks for taking the time to comment and appreciate the traditional art. I guess there is one pregnant lady in this artwork for each time you experienced it... if i understood what you meant properly! =)
You know what they say... "If at first you don't succeed... try, try, again!"

What I mean is, I've been pregnant 3 times and it's not that easy or let's say "it's hard to experience pregnancy"😊 😊 😊

That's what i thought you meant. But i wasn't completely sure. Your husband must be a lucky/blessed guy. Do you both do Hive together?

"Your husband must be a lucky/blessed guy" I think so 😊

Yes sir, he encouraged me a lot of times because he can't do so much hive blog because of his work, well, his encouragement succeeded. And here I am, a Fulltime Mom / Hivers at the same time.

That's some awesome support and encouragement.

That's What Husband and Wife Are For ❤️

This is an absolute piece of art❤ Hats off to your patience to do this while capturing it!

Thanks for stopping by and for your appreciation of the art. Also, thank you for appreciating the patience to capture it along the way so i could share it all with everyone. Cheers!

This is impressive. I really wish I had some artistic talent like this. A great concept, well realised.

Ahhh Thank you! I really appreciate your comment and your time coming to check out my art. I know you are the type of person that wouldn't say this unless you actually meant it. I think everyone has artistic talent. Your photography proves that you have some... but i know what you mean. I like to try and encourage people to go outside of their comfort zones and give art a shot. I think it would be cool to artistically recreate some of your photos. That would be a fun project. hahahaha

it takes a little time to see all the pictures you share, the pictures are really good

only people who understand art know the content of the images you share

Yes, it does take some time to see all there is to see in this post. It is helpful to be an artist to fully appreciate but i try and explain it so non artists can value the work too! Thanks for stopping by and for the reblog!

Very sexual and psyhodelic!

Your work is really great, nice steps too... And about LUCI It must be an awesome experience, getting species of such to really come close is rare.

Thanks for sharing 😇✌️

It has been awesome developing a relationship with wild Luci. hahaha Thanks for stopping by to check her and the art out! Cheers bro

You're welcome 😇😇

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Nice Artwork Sir!

Thank you!


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