That's awesome! Were those BlueJays? I was going to say what we do is have a big metal bucket outside to store birdseed and peanuts in. We get these giant bags of roasted or raw peanuts in the shell because they keep longer and have them in the bucket too. I just grab a handful and always have them ready.
If those are BlueJays then they will eat the peanuts too. But, i was going to suggest when you see the squirrel out there you can toss it close to the birdfeeder. Get the squirrel distracted from the bird food with a bigger prize.
You could leave a trail of peanuts also bringing it closer. Just be careful once they get too comfortable on your patio because they can be pretty destructive. We have to patio chairs with holes in the cushions now so the squirrels could get some of the filling i assume to make a nest with somewhere. They also ate the outdoor carpet for fibers too. hahaha
YOU GOT THIS LADY! If none of that works... then just use your Alien Overlord powers.
Yeah blue Jays! Just this week was crazy, I also have chickadees, Robin's, crows, little yellow warblers I think, I also saw cranes or some type of huge birds flying overhead and a trio of pheasants! I need a camera strapped to my head 24/7 to catch any of it in video 😂 I think I may have seen an eagle too but I'm not 100% sure and there is an owl somewhere I hear HOO HOOING in the evening. Id live to take some birds but it seems like squirrels going to be a bit easier, the birds are very nervous.
BlueJays, Crows, and Squirrels will all eat the peanuts. That's some pretty diverse variety of birds. If you get some good shots... feel free to share you photos in the Photography Lovers community. I'm sure you will get some squirrel and bird friends in no time! hahaha