Hahaha nipple committed! I love it. #pon if you don't get it by your deadline... it never happened.
My sense of humor gets pretty dark, bizarre, and oftentimes inappropriate. Sorrry (in Canadian) / Not Sorrrry... hahaha
I'm glad you checked out what i was mentioning and can see some of the vision in possible direction with where this is going. I thnk i was building my own anticipation and happy to take y'all with me.
I am super glad you enjoyed the post and loved the contours as much as me. When you do make your art or share any of the others that you have been holding off... feel free to share them here in the AlienArtHive Community. I'm anxiously anticipating your #proofofnipple! hahhaa
I have no idea how these things pop out of my finger lips. I agree, that's why I'm working on it right now.
Oh good, so my sense of humour isn't going to be too much, wipes brow in relief.
I tend to check out what's suggested, the cat in me is always curious, lol. A fun ride is always a welcome experience.
I'll post #proofofnipple in AlienArtHive Community, that should fit well, with this one, lol, thanks! 😂😂😂
Well, considering there are no nipples in mine yet... i have a #LACKofProofofNipple
Let the fun ride begin! It's a race for the nipple finish line. hahaha
LOL, I'd say that's a temporary nipple-less situation!
Are those nipple tacos?
Those are the bottom parts waiting to catch up to the nipples in the race! hahaha
😂😂😂 I knew it!
When your art is finished and includes nipples, I'll award you #proofofnipple. 😉
Raining Tacos. There's always a song it seems.