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RE: I grew a living battle helm

Wow ... you worked all that up from a mushroom in your backyard ... AMAZING.

I'm really glad to see you, because your kindness to me is about to go to another level ... I'm doing a presentation on how to start on Hive for the writing agency I'm a part of ... which I'm a part of because of work I did here ... which I stayed and did because of your starter generosity ... doesn't look as impressive to the world as this skull cap, but I SEE IT, and I thank you!


that is awesome :) BTW I never did that crossdimensional NFT portal project we chatted about because I ended up learning more about the platform I planned on using (OpenSea) and realized I didn't want to mint NFTs there. Then I got sidetracked by a different project as is my wont. But I appreciate your willingness to jump into my creative universe and co-create! Love Carl

We COULD just do the same project on NFT Showroom here on Hive ... promote the wazoo out of it ... but HEY, no pressure!