If I man cannot stand up to a demon now,
he is lost in the afterlife...
Be careful...
The attachments can last for eternity..
Some experience from a guy in the (almost)
Exact same shoes..
"Be Blessed"!
Read some Carlos Castanada...
Very Good (all 13 books), on what eternity is about,
and some of the Spiritual.Landscape...
Tell that to the demon :) ...Eternity, complicated topic but, we're on the same line...
Send him over...
I have dealt with that shut before & know what they are afraid of...
I deal with the all the time anyways,
That's what happened.to Me last week...
"I walk with The Father, which of them dares to walk against Me"?
Various kinds of demons, mate... Invisible-ish ones, human-shaped ones :)
Yeah I just thought I should tell You something...
They are just humans without bodies, but nothing more...
And they can do "nothing"!
They can only "influence" things to do things..
That's all...
Think about it...
That's the other thing...
You cannot "invite them in"...
They take it as...
"Well, a snake is a snake"....
How about a snakebite that turns you into a super-snake? With manners ofc :)
A popular type...
You can ignore them...
"Frustrates the shit right out of them",
They "cannot handle not being acknowledged"..
You need to read the post again, if I ignored 'em, I'll be frustrated too! Read it one more time? 🐵
I have been dealing with these things since 1960,
Serious ramp-up in 1966, and some other years as well...
I am."Much Older" than I look ( lucky for Me)..
But yeah ignore them, if it bothers You it is because of You..
Gotta fix that,
It's why I suggested Carlos Castanada...
Moved and still live (but am moving) to where the pointed out as being a extremely heavy concentration...
For Experience...