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RE: Removing the veil ❤️ Amonet (EN-ES)

in Alien Art Hive3 months ago

I can think of so many things to say about this... I almost always go by intuition, when I don't, things don't go so well... I remember in particular one instance where my heart was telling me get out of there, get out of there, free yourself and in the meantime, obstacles and discomforts were constantly popping up, but I was holding on and staying in the same place, weighing other things and putting aside my well being. I had an intention with being there (I wanted to help people), but what I didn't think clearly was that I could achieve it in many other ways. And since the Universe doesn't want us to be unhappy, it knocks down everything that doesn't do us good, even if it's in the worst way, so that we realize that we have to think of ourselves first in order to give to others.
And in the end I'm glad for all that learning, even if at the time it felt very bad for me.

As always your work is very interesting and achieves its purpose, to make us reflect.



It is always my idea that my learning is useful for someone else and I express it through art. Exactly the same thing has happened to me as to you, but we both learned and that's the most important thing. Thank you very much!💗

My intuition has also told me to be strong and resist when I am facing a big shadow or darkness, in which many things I can't quite understand... things that make me very sad, but my intuition speaks to me again and tells me to do something beautiful with that sadness and to take care of me and to connect with something bigger.
I tell you... there is so much I can say about the veils.

Intuition comes from the heart and it will never be wrong... we may not understand it at first but it knows what is best.