My lunch nowadays is at home and always with homemade and healthy food, nothing pre-made or bought but when I worked as a salesman I had to eat in a square, or places like that if I didn't want to be paying and go to a restaurant, as I was out all day. I would take my own food, homemade... the only thing is that I would eat it cold, of course, but I knew what I was eating.
But I've seen my colleagues eat very badly, fast food, poor quality food... or not eat at all. And you have to take care of that detail to have a very good health.
Fast food or not eating at all effects performance and that's not very productive. Many people don't have the discipline to eat well though and so eat what makes them most happy rather than what's best from a health perspective. I like to eat certain things like most, but I limit them and when at work try to eat in a healthy way, fresh foods not processed and that means I feel less guilty at those occasional times I eat a treat. Besides it keeps me looking good externally and internally healthy as well. It seems logical.
Choosing the healthiest of what is available is the best thing you can do, health deserves it and of course it is logical. Well done!