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RE: Scanning for CATs in my head

in Galenkp's Stuff4 days ago

When I was younger I used to look back and regret decisions I made, but today I don't regret anything because those things made me grow and become the woman I am today, full of learning. I plan to get to a time when I don't work, planning and striving for that, having everything organised and enjoying a quiet, relaxed life without worries... that's how it will be. Work is just a means to get there.

You will see that everything will work out.


Regret makes a poor friend so it's good you're able to say you have none.

There are none today, so I travel lighter. There will be no cats in your head, there will only be one brain!

One very small brain maybe...sort of like a pea.

I don't think so, the brain is a muscle and if it is exercised it grows.... it must be gigantic!