
Progress in what sense...?? Modernization at the expense of planet ??

Few take the planet into account, they don't care. And it's the only one we have .... I think.

Yes..and such progres that affect the humanity in longer is pure danger.

Where will humanity go.... dangerous question.

Being a witch find the answer...u got a good head on shoulder....

I train my head every day.

How do u do that....massage ??

Nowhere good.

Many... don't even have a head...

It's progress like this which helps to destroy the planet...think about how we cover more and more ground with concrete, divert water courses, allow rubbish and detritus to flow out to sea...all so someone can build a high rise building to house the ever-expanding population that takes more and more from the planet's dwindling resources. It can't continue without serious implications.

It is true, here there was a big complaint from the farmers, because they have allowed swamps to dry up and they say that there is no water when in reality... they do something else with it. They pollute the air with chemicals, they affect nature and health.

There are days when I have hope and others... I say where is all this going... the human being is a big virus.