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RE: Quick comment concept [QCC10] - 15,000 Ecency points being given away

in Galenkp's Stuff11 months ago


India real estate growth. In 10 years, the barren land turns into a skyscrapers with many residential and commercial complex around. I remember, visting this place in 2012 for investment purpose, but looking at the empty lands with complete isolation, no roads, no conveyance, all farming areas and dusty places. I switched my mind. And today's a single flat or shop in this area is worth more than a million.


Sadly we seeing development sprout up everywhere with no thought given to take care of the land and animals. Another brick, mortar, metal, glass monstrosity going up then complain about flooding?

That I read about concrete jungle, now I can see them in front of is insane how people required so many flats and shops to live in....there is one more thing...I noticed..there were 4 big shopping malls in my area earlier those used to be over crowded but now I see hardly any crowd and most of the shops were either closed or completelly empty.

All small business is disappearing here, buildings go up yet many stand empty in the massive malls or business parks, close in proximity. Natural green space disappears for tarmac!

Proper housing is urgently required with a garden, most flats become problematic, crammed space high crime, people simply don't enjoy living on top of each other.

They call it progress, I call it covering te planet with concrete sonut can't breathe properly.

That is the bitter truth. What used to be a farming land, is now more of a concrete just 10 years....I made it to the place this morning and found it completelly a new world. Malls, shops, building, and above all traffic...

The progress of humanity occurs at the expense of the planet.

And we are not preparing for the worse.

Yep, we're just adding to the problems that accelerate the journey towards what's to come.

So true ..

I love to see progress and that building is super!!!!😉

Progress in what sense...?? Modernization at the expense of planet ??

Few take the planet into account, they don't care. And it's the only one we have .... I think.

Yes..and such progres that affect the humanity in longer is pure danger.

Where will humanity go.... dangerous question.

Being a witch find the answer...u got a good head on shoulder....

I train my head every day.

Nowhere good.

Many... don't even have a head...

It's progress like this which helps to destroy the planet...think about how we cover more and more ground with concrete, divert water courses, allow rubbish and detritus to flow out to sea...all so someone can build a high rise building to house the ever-expanding population that takes more and more from the planet's dwindling resources. It can't continue without serious implications.

It is true, here there was a big complaint from the farmers, because they have allowed swamps to dry up and they say that there is no water when in reality... they do something else with it. They pollute the air with chemicals, they affect nature and health.

There are days when I have hope and others... I say where is all this going... the human being is a big virus.

The truth, it seems unbelievable

That true...but it is the true fact..