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RE: The treat

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

I don't have or allow sugar in my house. I'd guess my treat would be bacon which I have less than once per month.

When I can convince myself and someone else to go out for breakfast I know my order before I walk in the door. "Bacon and eggs, over medium, Hash Brown potatoes and Wheat toast." You can have what ever you like when we go to breakfast, but I know :)


Bacon is a great treat...I indulge more than i should. Lol.

Hach browns man, love them...too many carbs for me but I'd make an ex exception at breakfast with you.

I often get a "big breakfast" which here involves eggs, mushrooms, hash brown, sourdough toast (I don't eat the toast), wilted spinach, chorizo, tomato, bacon and usually avocado and sometimes baked beans. I don't eat for a week after it. Ok, not a week, a few hours at least!

Good to see you around Tom! Was just randomly thinking about you. Hope all is well with you and the bike out west there.

It’s good to stay away from sugar for sure but one can eat bacon more than once a month! Just stay away as much as possible from fake fats like margarine, crisco and other industrial chemicals.