I can't thank you enough for the support. I don't want to seem like a boot-licker so I will make this my last comment here for now and feel fully free to not vote for it. You and your brother have been extremely supportive of me and appreciate it more than y'all realize. Your dad's story was very inspiring to me and it gave me a broader perspective on perhaps how you've developed your points of view, especially surrounding WW2 and the impacts it had to force non-combatants into action.... with and without support.
I had an itching feeling we either mentioned it before or it was just a premonition that you would be familiar with Jocko's work. I tried to start from the beginning and since I am part Native American I thought those were some of the best ones. Podcasts 45, 48, and 325 were especially badass. Wooden leg was probably my favorite of that bunch. Check em out if you haven't already.
But, having the authors there to go over their books and experiences is really a deep insight into the carnage, benefits, and costs of warfare. I've heard much about his Ramadi experiences and I like his take on decentralized command, work ethic, ethos, and the list goes on.
Man In The High Castle was recommended to me a few months ago, but if I have time to watch anything, it must be worth it. Now, that you say it's worth a look I will probably check it out.
As far as having a balanced take on things... i always try to see Everything from the other side even when it's a polar opposite of my own view. But, as you said... the world has gone to the shits and it's getting more and more difficult to empathize with a spectrum that is stretching beyond reality. However, I still try to maintain an as objective approach as possible while forming my opinions. I am very opinionated but there are some things that do have that line in the sand.
Thanks for standing up for what you believe and supporting folks sometimes even when those beliefs don't align. That's pretty balanced itself. Always a pleasure to share and have an interesting back and forth about things that matter. Now, I need to get back to my Tik-TokING.
Judgement without facts (or any real understanding) is often what people do; I say a lot here (on Hive) but in truth people know so little about what and why, you know? Clearly you see a little more deeply and have hit on one of the factors I consider when talking about military service; I don't blame others though, they don't know and so say whatever it is they want, based on their own experiences and possibly their perceptions. As for my dad...he inspired so many and I think you'd have liked him.
I don't think there's a Jocko Podcast I've not heard (some many times). Let me call out one though, #78 (on Viktor Frankl.) I have learned so much from listening to that podcast, a really great addition to who I know in person and what I've read, and continue to read. War? Yep, it's terrible...but there's so many lessons in it and I'm not willing to ignore those. It's good to hear you take on some of JW's leadership styles...I was booked to go to one of his seminars when he was here but the thing was cancelled. I was devo. (Devastated.)
You're a good chap. It's people like you I feel so happy to support and engage with - there's a dwindling number of those people on Hive in my opinion. Thanks for your kind words and for seeing a little below the surface, between the lines I write and into the real person.
Now, you're off Tik Toking...I better go and finish planning out my Onlyfans content...it's going to be epic. Don't worry, a 20% subscription discount is coming your way...I know you'll not want to miss out.
Many people come to their own conclusions without much deduction and just take the path of least resistance to get there. So, I do get what you mean.
I already know I would have liked your dad no doubt. His inspiration has lived on through you two, for me.
I started episode 78 and it was a brutal intro. I had to take a minute to absorb the first 15 mins or so. I went into it forgetting what to expect and it surprisingly caught me off-guard. Looking forward to continuing on. Damn, it's too bad the seminar got cancelled. I bet it's badass to see and hear him in person.
I agree with you that there's a dwindling number of genuine folks at the core. There's always been a bunch of scammers but some of them have figured out how to be social and do things proper (so I can't complain too much)... but they are usually easy to spot.
I do have to say there are a few noobs in the last year or two that have really come in and figured things out and are genuinely cool people. But, there is an ebb and flow of activity to where it's always cool to see the old ones come back around.
Thank you for your kind words and noticing that I see a bit deeper. Sometimes, that is worth more than anything... except 20% off your OF subscription price.
That episode is pretty heavy, but so many are really...that's what I like about it I guess, the reality it brings and the reminder of how different the world can be for people depending on where they are and what they do, their experiences.
Anyway, it's Friday afternoon and I'm done with work for a long weekend now (Kings birthday public holiday on Monday) so...loads of time to work on my Onlyfans. 😆
Have a good weekend...and here's another vote. 😜