Get paid to come to Australia

in Galenkp's Stuff9 months ago

bliploogerthubber (1).jpg

Australia is a pretty legit country as far as opportunity and standard of living goes; it's not cheap to live here but incomes are good and if one is prepared to work hard one can forge a good life. We have everything here, it's sort of like America without the weird accents, and it's visually stunning with so many amazing places to see. It's, quite simply put, an awesome place to live and I'm blessed to have been born and raised here.

Keen to come over? No worries mate, just join the armed forces and you're in!

Ok, it's not quite that easy, but with the proposed new military recruitment drive it'll be easier. Basically, non-citizens will be permitted to come and live in Australia provided they join either the Army, Air Force or Navy, have been a permanent resident for at least twelve months and become an Australian citizen within two years...Oh, you'll also need to come from the UK, Canada or United States.

That's pretty good right?

Of course, you'll have to go to war and possibly die or be horribly maimed and disfigured but that's a small price to pay right?

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This Australian Defence Force (ADF) recruitment drive is because, after many millions of dollars spent on marketing, few have answered the call and the ADF is at well below required recruitment levels. That's not good.

Personally, I think everyone, male and female, should be made to serve two years in the military from the age of eighteen to twenty and then be obligated to answer the call to arms for a further ten years afterwards which would solve the recruitment problem but that's unlikely to the (retarded) government are looking at other means of recruiting cannon fodder pushing numbers but that brings opportunity I guess and I think the chance to come to Australia may well be worth a potentially horrid death on the battlefield.

So, if you're keen to live in Australia and are happy to go to war and probably die pack your bags y'all! There's a memorial and a headstone with your name on it.

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What do you think of compulsory military service for people between eighteen to twenty? I think it'll be a good thing for many reasons, not least if which would be benefits to the individual like discipline, work ethic, team work, self-esteem and other skills that would carry forward. Have you done military service already and if so how did you find it? Do you think you'd be keen to go to another country, one that's maybe better than your own, but your only way in is military service? Feel free to comment if you would like to.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


I went into the US Army at a young age voluntarily. At that time, I was apolitical and very much against 'the system'. So, I figured my way of 'sticking it to the man' was to go in for the shortest amount of time and get out the most benefits. Hell, if you can't beat them... join 'em, right? I thought I would get out with enough money to get property and a vehicle and then I could figure life out from there.

At that time, it was mostly peacetime except for a few undisclosed operations the public were unaware of. I grew up watching war movies and of course, Rambo was one of my heroes. I scored pretty high on the entry test and opted out of intelligence and went for the good 'ol infantry which you only needed a score of 15 to get into. Back then there was a quite substantial sign-on bonus for Infantry Soldiers.

I ended up getting wounded in AIT and my time was cut short... very short. I got home and healed up and was ready to get my waiver to get back in... but a month or so after I got out 9/11 happened. My unit would have been one of the first boots to hit the ground in the response to 9/11. So, by the time I healed up and knew better what to expect I went to sign back up and they didn't even consider giving me my waiver.

They said that there was not a need for soldiers like me since recruitment was so high. Apparently, 9/11 got everybody to come volunteer. Ironically, the guy who told me no was on hometown recruitment and I had gone to school with him. He had so many waivers for his criminal records I was shocked to see he was even permitted to be in the military and I couldn't even get a single waiver. I know this guy had MANY. hahaha

All that being said, I actually grew a profound respect for my country and for the service men and women. I grew a deep appreciation for the fabric of our ideals and how they had been established and protected throughout the years. I wouldn't say I became patriotic but I definitely had a more hands on experience about what the system I was so against was. Or, at least the people that comprised that system. The experience, as short as it was, changed my life for the better. It pivoted that other guy's life from death or prison (maybe both just not in that order) to a life of service with a family now.

To make a long story longer... and I did cut it short, I took it as a sign that I wasn't meant to be there. I also took it as a sign that not everything is as it seems. Even if I don't agree with what the military has been used to do at times I do appreciate the structure and organization of it. I appreciate the 'something bigger' that you become a part of. It also gives structure and value to some lives that lack those things.

Many adults that I knew growing up were Vietnam Vets. I can't imagine being drafted as a kid and having to go to war. But, I also understand that voluntary service will not win the day when push comes to shove on the brink of full scale war. With the times we live in I think it's important for people to realize that it's not all rainbows and sunshine... no matter what month it is. The only reason people can even have the opportunity to be free is because of the cost from those that came before.

I would have never been for mandatory service before my experience in the Army. But afterwards, I felt the same way you do. I thought a 2 yr minimum mandatory service would give people more respect for their country and an opportunity to give back.

I'd gladly come move to Australia but I don't know if they would accept an old broke-dick like me.


Hey mate, thanks for your story (some of it) and perspective.

It's a contentious issue I guess, and I knew that when I wrote this post, but one I think many are confused over due to their misconceptions and bias. Fair enough I guess, people go to war so others can have free speech and opinion.

People have to do difficult things sometimes, although I think many believe it's always up to someone else. There was this little thing called world war two and in it some people did some very difficult things that others refused to do. I wonder how it would have turned out for Europe, Africa and the Pacific region if some people didn't do difficult things. Not so well methinks. Thanks not to say that war is good, but as long as humans can't solve differences in better ways then there seems no alternative.

As for voluntary service, people will have their opinions. Some call it slavery and that's certainly a valid opinion when it's looked at in isolation however it doesn't need to be that way. It could be a positive and valuable part of a young persons life and one that helps set the time for the rest of it for various reasons, some of which I alluded to...but I guess some would rather see the youth of today waste their time making Tik Tok and onlyfans videos and growing up as little more than mindless meat sacks.

I wrote this post to see what people thought, get people thinking and sharing, knowing people may have strong opinions and it worked I guess. It's interesting to see who says/feels what I think.

Thanks for your comment, I didn't know that about you but I'm pleased to find out.

I don't get or make the time to comment like this often but the post invoked some old memories and I couldn't resist. Yes, anything political or military-related is bound to get some undies in a wad! But, being able to discuss such things with thoughtfulness is how real progress is made.

I would never say war is good... but I will say that at times it's necessary and unavoidable. It would seem that most folks who start and pay for wars are the least likely to actually go perform any duty in the action. I believe that is often why most wars are unavoidable... because there is some ulterior motive to profit and gain from. That could be it's own whole discussion.

US would likely have never joined in the fray in WWII if not for Pearl Harbor. Many elites willingly turned a blind eye to what was going on and many of them were pro-Eugenics. Some quotes are pretty shocking about Hitler making medical advances that we only wish we could make. The main reason for the advancements was from experimenting on human Holocaust victims. They didn't mention that but it was inferred.

It's been an interesting consideration of how the world would look if the Nazis had won the war. It's sad to see some of the few remaining living vets from that war having to see the shit going on today, especially for this month of pride. I almost cried seeing one old man saying I didn't sacrifice and see all my friends die for this... This ain't the freedom we fought for.

I find the whole topic fascinating and I identified with your dark humor and thought provocations.

I appreciate you. If you aren't familiar with this guy and his podcast you should check it out in your non-existent free time.

He has some great veteran guests and he goes over some amazing books of firsthand experiences. I really enjoy listening to the long ones when I am doing work. I have a feeling you are probably already familiar but if not... enjoy.

I appreciated it hence the big vote I gave it and that I sent it to curangel also. It was measured, balanced and personal which I liked. It's easy for people to become inflamed and incensed but a measured approach is the best way to go in this matter at least, and in most I guess.

Again your new comment above does the same, all good points that I tend to agree with. You may like to check out, Man in the High Castle a series based around the Axis forces winning WWII and a decent show. Worth a look. I also have heard veterans lament the fact they sacrificed everything and the world ended up turning out like it is, I have to say I find the world rather pathetic and quite shameful mostly. Sad to think it but that's just the truth, and for many reasons.

As for Jocko Willink, I'm all over it and have been for's an incredible podcast that delves into some serious and important issues and I like the way he goes through books, sometimes with the author there, and dissects them. It's gold, and all from a guy who has been there, done that. (He commanded task Force Bruiser in the Battle of Ramadi, the task force that Chris Kyle served in.) He is a legit dude and one to listen to in my opinion.

I'm glad you picked up on the dark humour in this post, that was intentional.

I can't thank you enough for the support. I don't want to seem like a boot-licker so I will make this my last comment here for now and feel fully free to not vote for it. You and your brother have been extremely supportive of me and appreciate it more than y'all realize. Your dad's story was very inspiring to me and it gave me a broader perspective on perhaps how you've developed your points of view, especially surrounding WW2 and the impacts it had to force non-combatants into action.... with and without support.

I had an itching feeling we either mentioned it before or it was just a premonition that you would be familiar with Jocko's work. I tried to start from the beginning and since I am part Native American I thought those were some of the best ones. Podcasts 45, 48, and 325 were especially badass. Wooden leg was probably my favorite of that bunch. Check em out if you haven't already.

But, having the authors there to go over their books and experiences is really a deep insight into the carnage, benefits, and costs of warfare. I've heard much about his Ramadi experiences and I like his take on decentralized command, work ethic, ethos, and the list goes on.

Man In The High Castle was recommended to me a few months ago, but if I have time to watch anything, it must be worth it. Now, that you say it's worth a look I will probably check it out.

As far as having a balanced take on things... i always try to see Everything from the other side even when it's a polar opposite of my own view. But, as you said... the world has gone to the shits and it's getting more and more difficult to empathize with a spectrum that is stretching beyond reality. However, I still try to maintain an as objective approach as possible while forming my opinions. I am very opinionated but there are some things that do have that line in the sand.

Thanks for standing up for what you believe and supporting folks sometimes even when those beliefs don't align. That's pretty balanced itself. Always a pleasure to share and have an interesting back and forth about things that matter. Now, I need to get back to my Tik-TokING.


Judgement without facts (or any real understanding) is often what people do; I say a lot here (on Hive) but in truth people know so little about what and why, you know? Clearly you see a little more deeply and have hit on one of the factors I consider when talking about military service; I don't blame others though, they don't know and so say whatever it is they want, based on their own experiences and possibly their perceptions. As for my dad...he inspired so many and I think you'd have liked him.

I don't think there's a Jocko Podcast I've not heard (some many times). Let me call out one though, #78 (on Viktor Frankl.) I have learned so much from listening to that podcast, a really great addition to who I know in person and what I've read, and continue to read. War? Yep, it's terrible...but there's so many lessons in it and I'm not willing to ignore those. It's good to hear you take on some of JW's leadership styles...I was booked to go to one of his seminars when he was here but the thing was cancelled. I was devo. (Devastated.)

You're a good chap. It's people like you I feel so happy to support and engage with - there's a dwindling number of those people on Hive in my opinion. Thanks for your kind words and for seeing a little below the surface, between the lines I write and into the real person.

Now, you're off Tik Toking...I better go and finish planning out my Onlyfans's going to be epic. Don't worry, a 20% subscription discount is coming your way...I know you'll not want to miss out.

Many people come to their own conclusions without much deduction and just take the path of least resistance to get there. So, I do get what you mean.

I already know I would have liked your dad no doubt. His inspiration has lived on through you two, for me.

I started episode 78 and it was a brutal intro. I had to take a minute to absorb the first 15 mins or so. I went into it forgetting what to expect and it surprisingly caught me off-guard. Looking forward to continuing on. Damn, it's too bad the seminar got cancelled. I bet it's badass to see and hear him in person.

I agree with you that there's a dwindling number of genuine folks at the core. There's always been a bunch of scammers but some of them have figured out how to be social and do things proper (so I can't complain too much)... but they are usually easy to spot.

I do have to say there are a few noobs in the last year or two that have really come in and figured things out and are genuinely cool people. But, there is an ebb and flow of activity to where it's always cool to see the old ones come back around.

Thank you for your kind words and noticing that I see a bit deeper. Sometimes, that is worth more than anything... except 20% off your OF subscription price.


Of course, you'll have to go to war and possibly die or be horribly maimed and disfigured but that's a small price to pay right?

A bargain at twice the price lol

There is no question in my mind that service would be a benefit to all young folk, if only for the personal growth that comes of it. So many these days shirk responsibility for anything including their own actions.
I voluntarily enlisted in the Army as a combat medic. I turned 27 years old in basic training lol. Little long in the tooth running with all the 18 year olds but I hung in. Now of course, I am much too old to do any military service, but I have been grateful for the experience gained during that time.

Thank you for your service, it speaks highly of your character considering your age at the time and your category (combat medic).

I was having a bit of a joke with this post to be honest, despite this recruitment initiative being tabled for real, just amusing myself I guess, but the underlying message is there and I believe in it - the compulsory service thing, I believe it will address many issues all at once.

Many thanks, and I thank you as well, for your service!

I think everyone, male and female, should be made to serve two years in the military from the age of eighteen to twenty and then be obligated to answer the call to arms for a further ten years afterwards...

That's slavery. There is no other way to describe it. Further, ready access to guaranteed soldiers incentivizes belligerence for the government goons who already cheerfully send other people to suffer and die.

They're goons for sure, no doubt about it.

Hi Galen, I am particularly a supporter of the militia as in Switzerland (at least from what I remember from there). The Swiss army is almost entirely formed by the militia. Military service is compulsory, a few weeks a year for years, but for me the important thing is that the citizen-militia member keeps the weapons and uniform at home, being responsible for their maintenance. This way of organizing the army I think is related to the way of understanding democracy in Switzerland, where referendums are held for everything. That is to say, less power is delegated to the State.

A big hug

I like the Swiss system... But thanks to god for pur gun law in the Czech Republic, because we can own/carry guns for the defense. The situation over the rest of EU is not so nice... 😉

The Swiss have a pretty good system I think, other countries also. Mine does not even though military incomes are quite good; people don't want to do it. I suppose the prospect of war looms large currently and people are reluctant. I think it would help mitigate some of the laziness issues that seem prevalent in the youth of today though; I'm pro compulsory service.

I had "military training" in high school, and there was an optional ROTC in college. I placed them in quotes because it wasn't really any rigorous training, more of like an intro. There was emphasis on discipline, following orders, squats as punishment, but most students weren't taking it too seriously. I think making it compulsory between 18-20 is fine. It is so much better than what South Korea is doing where they randomly call back citizens to render service again to keep the knowledge fresh.

Yep, I agree it can be of great value to all involved, especially in these troubled times.

When I was reading you I remembered when I was 17 years old and military service was still compulsory, then it was removed.

It forged more disciplined, responsible and characterful men... and today much of that is missing, I wonder if it is because of the lack of military service.

I also remember talks I had with a former combatant of Malvinas and how much they died there... They had no instruction, they were only recruited without teaching them and they died without being able to fire a weapon because they were useless.

Wars are inevitable... I don't know why... the human being tends to them. And how much death there is. But military service I think somehow generated discipline and that's very good.

Yep, and boys and girls should both have to go...equality and all. Women deserve equality and so should have it; sending them to war alongside the men is exactly that.

Well... I may have good pinteria, my vision is very good and my hearing too!

There's a memorial and a headstone with your name on it.

At Rookwood Cemetery near Sydney, there is indeed a tombstone with my last name on it. My fathers uncle went to live in Australia in the sixties, he had a ranch there, and he died before I had a chance to meet him.
He grew fruit and acquired citizenship, he didn't have to go to war 😀

Also, 15 years ago, a good friend of mine, an architect, moved to Australia with her husband, an electrician who got a field job from an electrical distribution company.
nd they are now citizens... without war 🙂
And as far as military service is concerned, I certainly think that it would please young people, to feel a little hard work, discipline, to gain better physical preparation, to learn to respect authority.
I think that 9 to 12 months is perfectly enough. Two years is too long.

9-12 months? One doesn't learn much in that time...although the way the youth of today are maybe they can't be away from their video games and Tik Tok for my h longer. Hopefully when they get sent to war it only lasts 9-12 months huh?

I was in the army for 9 months. Infantry training lasted for three months, during which I learned a lot. it's not as long as the war, but if I were forced to be in the war in some future period (those 10 years in the reserve), I would probably manage...
I spent the next 6 months working in the workshop/armoury. I don't know how many weapons I conserved.

When one joins the ADF here, one joins for 6 years because nine months isn't long enough to learn a category. For instance, one of my friends joined and did basic then spent three years learning her job (cryptologic linguistics) learning another language along the way and will then spend three years doing it. They will ask her to re-up and offer her a chunk of tax free money to do so (about $70,000) before the end of the total six years.

Anyway, other countries do it differently I guess.

Australia sounds amazing!
It really looks like a wonderful place to live, with lots of opportunities and an awesome quality of life.
The idea of joining the armed forces to live there is interesting, although going to a possible war is definitely a big risk to consider.
The idea of mandatory military service is a controversial topic, but it can have its benefits in terms of personal development.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences.


Yeah, it's a pretty good place for many reasons; it's not without its problems of course, but no country is.

Personally, I think everyone, male and female, should be made to serve two years in the military from the age of eighteen to twenty and then be obligated to answer the call to arms for a further ten years afterwards

Singapore has it already for males where everyone has to go through military training. They have the option to join and I think this is good to learn discipline. The option to come to Australia by joining the armed forces is a good initiative.

Many countries have it and the youth doing it gets a lot of benefits. I think there's a way to make it more attractive, discounts on tertiary education for instance, assistance with home ownership which is a massive problem here (the cost of housing is extremely high). With a few things like that, I believe it could be quite palatable for the young people.

Conscription to military was something prescribed under Apartheid era (whites only), many enjoyed it, some absolutely hated it, not all went to the border some never came back, not sure!

So Aus is inviting folk to join the army, NZ is open for correction officers (jails)! 🤣OK something must be brewing....

There's always something brewing.

Sad but true, always have to be aware of the small print.

Lovely, Australia! ❤️

But as proud citizen, I will still choose my motherland, the country of the Philippines even though it's not all rainbows and butterflies. 🇵🇭

Yeah, stay there, leaves more room here for me. ✅

Hahaha. That was clever! 😅😂🤣

I am generally against the military machine and the evil it does as we see in the current war zones. I do think the characteristic benefits could help some slothly people like myself though. Are there any alternatives?

Humans seem not to be able to solve differences without going to war, history (and the present) demonstrate that clearly so an alternative? I don't know, but probably not I guess.

I wouldn’t have wanted to join the armed services when I was 18, 19, or 20, but now that I’m older, I do think that two years of compulsory service would do a world of good for everybody involved (and would have done me a world of good at that age too).

I think it would help to solve a lot of racial/cultural and socioeconomic problems in America and other countries as well.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing right?

I agree with you, it would help to mitigate many of the problems in society, the US and other countries as well, and would quite probably prepare young people for the future in better ways than video games, Tik Tok, being lazy, taking no initiative and responsibility and other such nutbaggery that happens currently.

Having never been in the armed forces myself, I don’t know what kind of culture it promotes first hand, but I think it’s very important for the people of a country to have a commonly shared experience. Bringing people together from all walks of life, treating them in the same way, giving them life skills and training, and pushing them to compete and excel, I think it would do wonders for the world.

And, yes, pulling kids away from digital distractions, that would be an improvement too.

You say it well, people working towards a common goal promotes teamwork and collaboration and the world needs more of it.

I think with how completely unnecessary Vietnam was and how it started on false pretenses, that’s when the forced drafting of people ended, rightfully so.

If wars and conflicts weren’t about just stealing money, resources and the like I would support this measure. Sweden (or Switzerland? I get them confused) having the military service for adults is good because they do it just to defend themselves instead of going around causing shit to sell more war. That’s what I think is abhorrent and needs to stop.

I do wonder if this is a ploy to bring in millions of illegals to the countries. America imported lots of them, and are we going to ship them over to Australia now? It may seem far fetched but there’s a lot of schemes afoot.

America can't 'ship people to Australia' because Australia wouldn't allow it but under this scheme an American, not an illegal immigrant from Mexico, could potentially join the ADF provided selection criteria was met. It's not a free for all.

As for compulsory service...don't worry, the youth of today won't have their Tik Tok, Facebook and videogame time interrupted as compulsory service isn't a thing in countries like America, the UK, Canada and Australia plus others. Or...maybe you should worry because other countries build armies while our countries build...well, whatever the youth of today are.

I think that the wars of the future are not going to be fought with humans, but with robots. These weapons companies are pushing really hard for robot dogs and shit and you know how much they despise the flesh vehicle that are human beings. I've not been to war myself but I do get very annoyed at the false pretenses they are fought under. Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan are the most obvious examples but there are lots of others. If a war was a legitimate disagreement on principle such as if North Korea decided to attack Japan to try and push it's ideology eastward, then I could understand the need to fight them to get rid of that threat. Doing so just to sell weapons and steal resources as was the case in other examples is just fucking disgusting.

I don't relish in the fact that many of the younger generation are much softer and more fragile/pathetic than those that came before them, they could use a fucking ass-whooping in bootcamp believe me!

I think that there are many people who are 16, 17, 18 right now that are built better than those who are 22-28 which is a good thing. The ones soft as a marshmallow are causing a lot of unnecessary issues but I've got faith in the generation that is rejecting wokeness and all this nonsense being shoved down their throat!

Here my son is faced with the choice to never come back to Korea for another 15 years or stay and complete military training for two years. It's not an easy decision to make.

Yeah, well I guess he'll make it either way and have to deal with that decision either way. I don't see military service (the compulsory service for youth) as a bad thing although I suppose if a war broke out it could end badly. I'd not want to have to leave my country just to avoid it, I'd not feel right about that, but that's just me; I'm a patriot.

I hope your son makes an independent decision based around his own values and ethos, that way he'll be at eace with it.

In a few years I plan to spend some time working over there, not in the military but in health, so I will be able to see all that beauty first-hand.

As for military service, I did two years in a communications unit in Cuba and despite its bad things (the command in Cuba is a whole other world, a world of assholes) it served me well in my training because as you say it gave me discipline and a sense of belonging to my work.

In my particular case, it helped me become a better man.

Well done for serving and it's good to hear that you have benefited from the experience.

My dad was in the military and I think he would have kicked my ass if I had shown any indication of having wanted to join. That's just my guess though. I think he just wanted different for me. I think I might have been a good sailor though. Is Australia involved in many active deployments right now that you would really have to worry about dying? It's an interesting program they have going. I can imagine the temptation of taking the offer.

Like (any sensible) country mine works on the assumption that war will occur; as for deployments, they always exist and a lot of the time the newspapers don't report them because they don't know. You know?

Yeah, I got you.

I didn't know Australia was still fighting wars but I wouldn't intentionally travel to another country, to go and die perhaps, not for anything in this world, not even if my country was a hellhole.

Countries don't just have militaries when there's a war on you know, they have them all the time.

Australia is quite far from the rest of the world.
What wars is Australia currently involved in?

No wars, but one will start eventually, humans have a propensity for it. Although, the country is actively involved in support of Ukraine currently - I don't think we should be though - and was on the ground in Afghanistan for twenty years prior.

In Singapore, it's mandatory, I think the experience varies from individual to individual. I didn't quite enjoy the experience - I am not really fit so it's tough and personally I am not a fan of regimentation, but that said, there are always positives like picking up of soft skills and forming close friends, some of whom I still keep in close contact even till now (almost 20 years!)

It's good to see there was some benefit for you.

The topic was very exciting to me but I went cool down when I saw " You have to came from US, UK or Canada"
Actually I'm Asian 👉👈

Ah yeah, that won't work as they're only opening to the country's I've mentioned.

I wish I could live there but I don't think there is a way.
Even if I came to study there, the visa ratio for our country is barely less then 20%.

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If I need to move overseas to keep my boys out of harm's way that's an easy choice.

Makes sense. I hear Portugal is nice.

I've never thought about moving before but the mkre time that passes the more it's on my radar.

El Salvador is on a good trajectory too. I felt patriotism once, but I don't consider myself Australian any more. I just live here now.

El Salvador? I'd not have expected that.