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RE: Get paid to come to Australia

in Galenkp's Stuff9 months ago

I think with how completely unnecessary Vietnam was and how it started on false pretenses, that’s when the forced drafting of people ended, rightfully so.

If wars and conflicts weren’t about just stealing money, resources and the like I would support this measure. Sweden (or Switzerland? I get them confused) having the military service for adults is good because they do it just to defend themselves instead of going around causing shit to sell more war. That’s what I think is abhorrent and needs to stop.

I do wonder if this is a ploy to bring in millions of illegals to the countries. America imported lots of them, and are we going to ship them over to Australia now? It may seem far fetched but there’s a lot of schemes afoot.


America can't 'ship people to Australia' because Australia wouldn't allow it but under this scheme an American, not an illegal immigrant from Mexico, could potentially join the ADF provided selection criteria was met. It's not a free for all.

As for compulsory service...don't worry, the youth of today won't have their Tik Tok, Facebook and videogame time interrupted as compulsory service isn't a thing in countries like America, the UK, Canada and Australia plus others. Or...maybe you should worry because other countries build armies while our countries build...well, whatever the youth of today are.

I think that the wars of the future are not going to be fought with humans, but with robots. These weapons companies are pushing really hard for robot dogs and shit and you know how much they despise the flesh vehicle that are human beings. I've not been to war myself but I do get very annoyed at the false pretenses they are fought under. Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan are the most obvious examples but there are lots of others. If a war was a legitimate disagreement on principle such as if North Korea decided to attack Japan to try and push it's ideology eastward, then I could understand the need to fight them to get rid of that threat. Doing so just to sell weapons and steal resources as was the case in other examples is just fucking disgusting.

I don't relish in the fact that many of the younger generation are much softer and more fragile/pathetic than those that came before them, they could use a fucking ass-whooping in bootcamp believe me!

I think that there are many people who are 16, 17, 18 right now that are built better than those who are 22-28 which is a good thing. The ones soft as a marshmallow are causing a lot of unnecessary issues but I've got faith in the generation that is rejecting wokeness and all this nonsense being shoved down their throat!