I'm not a great believer in viruses, that is I don't think they exist but I'm not certain. Covid prevented me from catching the bus to Dublin to visit friends but otherwise I went about my life as normal, engaging in no masking, distancing, locking down or hand sterilising and I was as right as rain.
All of my friends got vaccinated and every one of them is sick or dead, a couple with cancer and another two have had heart attacks. I suppose you have to believe in viruses for them to make you sick.
Interesting. Didn't the government enforce lockdowns there like most other places?
Government? I don't have much belief in them either:) But yes, they locked down and we drove around on empty roads and shopped maskless and unchallenged. It was fun in a way but horrifying in another to see how many people complied without question.
Believe in them or not, they're there and they do what they do, usually with impunity or only cursory checks and balances, and people follow.
In as much as is possible without ending up in jail, I ignore them, keep my head down and hide away in the countryside.
I was once involved in overthrowing a government.
Ok, not really, I led a revolt against the operators of the kindergarten I went to - the cookies and milk weren't up to my standards - and...well, it didn't go well and I ended up missing out on my cookie and milk that day.
Ah, those heady days of childhood innocence before the realisation that resistance is futile. Viva la revolución!
I resist. It's in my nature.