Thank you for sharing your experience reading this incredible trilogy and how it impacted you. I also laughed at the username which you kept just in case of that little... transformation. ☺️
Johnny Got His Gun was probably the most impactful novel on me at the time that I read it. The perspective offered by the author made it a very unique read, and created an empathy with the character that I do not think has ever been recreated with any other work that I've read. It was also incredible in showing the character's transformation of outlook and why it happened as it did. In that sense, its effect and lessons were profound for me.
Although I don't agree with the author on certain topics, I greatly appreciate what he did with this work - and of course, with the movie he created based upon this very same novel. The art in both mediums is very fine and certainly worth the time to explore.
It's interesting how a book can impact upon us and, for me, the most interesting thing is how my perspectives and understanding of the books have changed as alive gotten older. I think it's a testament to the writer to be able to tell a story that is just as appealing to a child as to an adult and one which a person's interpretation changes with the readers age.
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