My precious

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago


"One Ring to rule them all, one ring to find them.

One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

- J. R. R. Tolkien -

For most of my life, I've been a fan of Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien and the entire world he created.

It started when I was nine years old and read his book, The Hobbit, the first novel I ever read. I went on to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and have read a few others since. I have re-read them all a few times now and, over the years, have found I've perceived them differently each time; a product of getting older and thinking differently rather than the words changing. It's been a really great experience, my understanding and perception changes, and I look forward to it occurring again.

I just began reading the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy once again, the last time was in 2003, and I'm interested to see what perceptions I glean from it this time. Interestingly, I'd seen a couple of the movies the last time I read the books and it certainly filled in some visual blanks for me although it also imprinted those movie-images over my own imagination which I'm not sure if I liked. Nonetheless, I've seen the movies several times since and when reading the books again will probably see a mix of those images and my own imagination combined; it is what it is.

galenkp (1).png

Pictured, is my Lord of the Rings Ring, it's called The One Ring in the trilogy, but everyone knows that right?

I was given this ring many years ago. It's made out of 9 carat gold and is one of the few items I call a keepsake. I don't wear it as I don't wear jewellery much at all, but I have on occasions...*No, I didn't become invisible like Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, but part of me wishes I did. Nothing happened when I put the ring on at all actually, no Nazgûl chased me down and neither did Sauron, Dark Lord and Lord of Barad-dûr, appear to me in any way at all...that's probably a good thing I guess.

I guess it had become a physical symbol of all those hours reading the stories woven by Tolkien, all those places his words took me. It was like every one of those moments come together when I put that ring on and yeah, that felt nice considering how much I love the books.

As I said, I don't wear the ring much at all, it sits in one of my safes and knowing it's there is comforting. I'm not sure if its power will eventually turn me into Gollum someday but, if it does, I'll own it and accept the change. I even have my @gollumkp user name for when the transformation happens. But until I turn, I'll just be a bloke who's life was indelibly touched by the words of J. R. R. Tolkien.

Have you ever read a book that has meant a great deal to you, something that seeped inside and stayed there? Feel free to tell me about it in the comments below.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

I photographed the images in this post personally.


I have re-read them all a few times now and, over the years, have found I've perceived them differently each time; a product of getting older and thinking differently rather than the words changing. It's been a really great experience, my understanding and perception changes, and I look forward to it occurring again.

I totally agree with this paragraph,

One of my professors from university used to say that a book should be read at least 3-4 times, that the taste and discoveries we will get each time will be different from each other.
I can say this about Lord of the Rings, it was a series that I didn't watch and read for some reason until I was 25 years old, but thanks to my boyfriend @incublus I watched the series from start to finish last month. It's really a perfect world, if I were to summarize it in one word 'masterpiece', which I'm sure the books are even better - it's always like that - one of my 2023 goals this year is to read the series from start to finish beautifully slowly.

The books really are something special and I'm glad you're going to read them this year. The movies are also good, there is no doubt, but the way the words work themselves into my imagination is incredible. I hope you love them.

Thank you for sharing your experience reading this incredible trilogy and how it impacted you. I also laughed at the username which you kept just in case of that little... transformation. ☺️

Johnny Got His Gun was probably the most impactful novel on me at the time that I read it. The perspective offered by the author made it a very unique read, and created an empathy with the character that I do not think has ever been recreated with any other work that I've read. It was also incredible in showing the character's transformation of outlook and why it happened as it did. In that sense, its effect and lessons were profound for me.

Although I don't agree with the author on certain topics, I greatly appreciate what he did with this work - and of course, with the movie he created based upon this very same novel. The art in both mediums is very fine and certainly worth the time to explore.

It's interesting how a book can impact upon us and, for me, the most interesting thing is how my perspectives and understanding of the books have changed as alive gotten older. I think it's a testament to the writer to be able to tell a story that is just as appealing to a child as to an adult and one which a person's interpretation changes with the readers age.

Thanks for commenting.

I think doing things over and over brings more understanding and wisdom in life, for instance if I visit a place over and over again I am most likely to become more familiar with the houses and people who reside in that area, also when I read a book over and over again I come to get more knowledge and points from the novel.

Repetitively doing things certainly helps one gain more understanding and can bring greater insight also, thanks for commenting.

Exactly 💯

I too am a fan of the Lord of the Rings... I started with The Hobbit, I still remember dear friends gave it to me and I still keep that book.

I also have a reproduction of the one ring, but yours is far more beautiful!

I was also a D&D enthusiast as a kid.

In addition to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I was also very touched by the book "Novecento" from which they then made the film "The legend of the pinista on the ocean".

I never got into D&D although played it a couple times with friends and didn't have a bad time doing so. I've not heard of that book you mention but will have a look for it.

I couldn't help my wide smile reading this, I'm a huge fan as well. I wrote a comedy post last month about how my resemblance with Legolas helped my self image. I've not read the novels but I understand exactly how it feels, it's the same for me with Harry Potter series. I read all 7 books before seeing the movie. It's another series I'll never tire of.

That's such a wonderful keepsake, I wish you did become invisible but don't become a Gollum please (I can't visualize that)😂😂.

Reading Harry Potter series is my childhood achievement. I once sneaked one of the books from a library because I couldn't wait to read it the next day. Recently, I was pondering on some lessons I learned recently and I just observed how throughout the duration of the story, Harry Potter was a regular wizard with the right people around. I love to watch these movies time and again too because the insights are endless.

It's good to hear you love reading and the Harry Potter series. I've not read them myself, but know many who have and they've all loved the books. I like books that leave one pondering the thoughts they provoked.

Thanks for your comment and a happy new year to you.

I don't remember a specific book leaving such an imprint on me. Though I read a lot of books, novels really over the years I never read LOTR or the Hobbit. Maybe I'll get around it one day. But, coincidentally, we just rewatched the Hobbit films over Christmas and enjoyed them again.

It'll be interesting to see what you think of the LOTR books from your first-read as an adult. The Hobbit too considering you like the movies. You've got a lot of reading to do before the post you write about it. 😋

I know I do because - psst, don't tell anyone - we have got both LOTR and Hobbit books right here on the bookshelf next to me hangs her head in shame. But doing both reading and painting at the same time just doesn't work. So, I'm really not sure when I'll be giving it a go. You really may have to wait a long, long time for my review - LOL

Happy New Year, Galen!!

Huh. You actually have a precious that’s a ring …. Dang.

Yep, I do...It's incredibly well-made. I guess being forged in the fires of Mt Doom is synonymous with quality, and power.

I love Tolkien too, and have read the Hobbit and the trilogy many times. I wait until I have mostly forgotten the books and read them all again, about every ten years. He was a fabulous writer!!!! His books leave a lot to the imagination, and wiht each reading we get to reimagine his worlds all over again.

I went to a Tolkien exhibition in Oxford, UK at the Boeian Library back in 2018 which displayed a lot of personal items and artwork including maps and drawings - it was a fascinating look into how he created Middle Earth.

These books seem to have the ability to maintain relevance across the decades and still capture people's imagination. Incredible writing.

I knew it, man! I'm so happy to know you're a Lord of the Rings fan too. I'm also an incredible fan of the series and the other day my girlfriend and I watched the series again. It's true that the movie has toned down the imagination of the book, but I have to admit that the movie is also incredible. I have to say that the ring looks incredible. I wish I had one. I hope we don't go through what gollum and his brother went through because I don't want you to crush my head with a rock haha.

I'm a huge fan...I even go to work dressed like Aragorn.

Ok, I don't do that, but I want to. I could use the sword at times. 😇

The ring is awesome and whilst I know it's just a 9 carat gold ring cast with the runes, it feels very special to hold an embodiment of so many years of imagination around LOTR.

I think you're safe, as I've had the ring for a long time and haven't Gollumised yet. I don't think it'll happen.

You can never know when you are going to Gollumise 😂. It happens so fast, my precious. Don't ask how I know that. gollum, gollum pgogh!

I knew you use sword at least 3 times a day. It can be a problem solver for you 😂

Lol, if I Gollumise you will be the first to know, this I swear, on the precious.

If I went to work with a sword, well...let's just say it would not go well...for other people. 🤔🤣

I know what you mean about the imagery from the movie seeping in when you re read them now as that happened with me too. On the flipside when I first watched Peter Jackson’s LOTR movies one thing that weirded me out was Andy Serkis’s Golum as when we were about 10 our teacher ‘Mr Busby’ read us the Hobbit in class and I wondered at first if perhaps he had also been Serkis’s teacher as the voice was almost identical. But seems to be a coincidence so at least that has remained a constant for me from childhood.

Have you ever read Papillon? I read it while working in the desert in Israel on a Moshav farm. I felt a bit like a prison worker and my evenings in the grotty building blended in with his ordeals and escapes from south american prisons. Even though I think he’d embellished the story somewhat I found it a great inspiration for never giving up no matter how low things may get, keep struggling, keep planning , keep moving forward.

I'd like to see a remake of LOTR to be honest, by a different director, I think a more modern version could be quite awesome.

I had a teacher who, I realised later, looked exactly like Gollum. It turned out he wasn't.

I've read Papillon, a great read and thought-provoking for sure.

Yup would be interesting to see another adaptation for sure or with the way netflix, apple tv etc are going a series may work if crafted correctly with the right budget

Reading the book and watching the movie made based on the novel is a risky thing to do and a double edge sword. Best case scenario, it can give you an extra and make your experience better, but it can also destroy it. Reading the book gives you the freedom of imagining everything your way. When watching the movie, you don't have that luxury and the images you see can overwrite and even delete what you have previously imagined. For me it's always bitter sweet.

I know right? Luckily it didn't destroy the whole thing for me, I actually like the movies a lot, but there's nothing like reading those words and creating the images in my (very powerful and active) imagination.

I truly admire people who have found a book, or books, or literature, that has had a profound impact on them. Truth be told I'm pretty jealous of it. Perhaps envious is a better word. Either way.

Personally, I am far too a "literal" person to be able to take personal meaning from a book, and I'll admit, it does sadden me. I'd like to. I think that might be why I quit reading in the first place; it was just a bunch of words to me. Alas. I have, however, found myself taking inspiration and meaning from art! I'll take that!

I didn't know that about you actually, and yeah, I find it a little sad to think about. I hope that doesn't offend you. Art is something though, and considering my father was an artist, (made his living as an artist) I know how much inspiration can come from it. I'd say you're going ok.

Darn it, I didn't understand a single word here. I had not idea Lord of the Rings went really deep and I didn't even know it was from a book. It is only the film I heard of and didn't even watch it, neither did I play the video game during my days gaming as a kid.

You must feel "connected" to the story in some way with habing this ring with you; more like a totem. If only you could turn invisible with it.😁

You didn't know LOTR began as a series of books first published in 1954/1955?


I didn't know it went that far back. It's not like something people talk about here.

For me it's the Harry Potter series. I literally grew up with the characters. There's so much wisdom and depth in some of the quotes I find myself using some of those occasionally in day to day conversation with friends, and very often in my blog! To thus day I can just sit and binge watch hours of Harry potter theory videos on YouTube and then go back to the books and read again and validate the theories.

I've never read the Harry Potter books but have seen the films which I liked. I know what you mean about the depth of wisdom and thought provoking passages though - books have a way of speaking to us.

I read the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings when I was about 12. They've been my favorite books ever since. I watched the movies and enjoyed them. The characters and visuals didn't clash too much with my imagination. I avoid rewatching them though, preferring to wait until my next read to refresh the story in my head.

Such great books...I've read a lot in my 52 years, but nothing has endured like LOTR.

I was introduced to the Lord of the Rings and Middle-earth when I was 8. Not with a book like you, but in a movie theater. It was so crowded that there was no place to sit and the attendant gave me a chair. As the movie started, I started to fall under its spell. And since that day, the effect of the ring has never left me. I have been married for 1 year now and I make my wife watch all the movies and series about Middle-earth. Tolkien's Books are in our house and I will make her a lover of Middle-earth :)

I have been married for 1 year now and I make my wife watch all the movies and series about Middle-earth. Tolkien's Books are in our house and I will make her a lover of Middle-earth

Nice work! You'll make her a fan one way or the other. 😁

It's such a great story, one that has been with me all my life and I never get tired of delving back into it.

It's certainly a unique work, no matter how many years pass. I'm glad you like it, thank you. As always a quality post and your ring, I love it :) take care.

I'd let you wear the one ring but if I did you might disappear...or eventually turn into Gollum and I'm not sure you'd want either. 🤔

Hahahahahahahaha I just woke up and now you really made me laugh :))) no thank you. You are right, the human race is weak. I can't resist the will of the one ring, it's best you carry it alone Frodo.

I'm more an Aragorn than a Frodo to be honest, but I'm ok with being a @gollumkp should my destiny lay in that direction. I'm ok with it and will own it. 😋

Yes, actually you should be Aragorn, we will wait and see in time, thanks for the nice conversation my friend :) see you soon 👋

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I haven't read the book or seen the movie yet, but thanks to your words I'm sure I'm going to see it very soon this New Year, it must be very good, you have the ring it must be fantastic even if it doesn't do anything out of the ordinary you are contagious with your words.

I love the books, but I know people who don't. I guess it's a personal choice. I hope you get to read them and decide for yourself.

I was a little imagining what it would be like not to look like bilbo and frodo, it seems fun 😅

Related to reading books, I didn't do it, but there is something similar to it, maybe you have heard about onepiece, since I used to watch this anime, and it still persists today, a lot of motivation I got there owed about friendship, I even gave my account name of one of the characters😊

Hmm, nah I've not seen that thing, the anime you mention.

Maybe you should try it, it's been around since 99 until now 😅