Flower arranging - An exciting Olympic sport

in Galenkp's Stuff7 months ago


If I was asked to rate my skills around the dynamic and exciting sport of flower arranging I'd say I'm a solid four out of ten but I'm in training for the next Olympics and hope to represent my country and win gold - even though it seems these days mediocrity seems more rewarded than hard work and effort...but let me back up a little first.

I've liked and played sports from a very young age. I played for fun, the passion it evokes and to win and have won (and lost) a lot in recreational and competitive sports. I've done various sports from soccer, cricket, American football, tennis, field hocky, athletics, badminton, golf (I'm terrible at golf), volleyball, motor racing, and other sports besides and have been really good, average or fucken terrible at them. These days I play less sports but still watch and enjoy it.

I look forward to the Olympics as it's a focused opportunity to watch a lot of sports and I like to see Australia kicking ass...but as the years have gone by and the Olympic Committee sells out more and more I like it less and less, or have to be more selective with when I tune in as it seems anything can be an Olympic sport these days and I don't agree with many of the sports included.

A while back when I heard that the retarded and fucken stupid dance style called break dancing was introduced to the France Olympics I figured things had hit rock bottom...Seriously, break dancing as an Olympic sport? They have skateboarding, trampolining and other such things too...so it's maybe not so ridiculous to think that flower arranging might be next. Sounds dumb? Not as fucken dumb as break dancing!

Anyway, I'm a purist and feel the Olympics should include (only) events like athletics, track and field, boxing, wrestling, javelin, discus, swimming, rowing, weight lifting and other such things that in the old days were included. Things like golf, tennis, sailing, beach volley ball and all that other shit that, while being legitimate sports, in this modern era don't speak to the traditional nature of the Olympics...I know why they're there though, commercialism and marketing, (it's all about selling advertising space), I just don't feel they should be there.

With this in mind and because it seems I'm the minority and people want to see more fucken stupid sports at the Olympics, I thought I'd put together a list of potential 'sports' that I think should be included in the 2028 in Los Angeles USA - I'm going to campaign to have them added.

Flower arranging - Come on now, you know you love it...flowers, arranging, vases. So awesome.
Bread buttering - An exciting sport involving bread, butter and a knife.
Nose picking - It takes a true sportsman or women to compete in this one.
BTC market price posting on Hive - You know, simply posting the ups and downs of BTC on Hive.
Whining and complaining - An exciting sport that so many people love - so many complainers.
One handed bra removing - This one is going to be popular.
Gender identifying - There's currently 227 genders so this will be hotly contested.
Snow boot putting on - This one is for the winter Olympics.
Belly button lint cleaning - The nose-pickers might be good at this event.
Reality TV show watching - Riveting shit I assure you.

That's just a small selection, there's many more that could be included and I think you could contribute.

Is there a 'sport' you believe should be included in the Olympics? If so, please feel free to add to my own list but commenting what it is and why in the comments of this post. I'll be collating the suggestions and putting a proposal to the corrupt Olympic Committee for the 2028 Olympics.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


lol....best thing I've read in a while. In the past I've watched a few olympic sports, but haven't tuned in for a few years now. If the original Olympians were asked to compete in break dancing they would most likely have put them to death for fear of the contagion spreading. What the hell is wrong with people these days?

I like the idea of adding Whining and Complaining, but sadly the field would be to wide to really have a chance lol. I would vote to add Pimple Popping to the list, as that is just so fascinating, followed closely by Toilet Paper Folding, or maybe we could make it Origami Toilet Paper Folding just to add a degree of difficulty. What say you?

Maybe putting break dancers to death could be in the 2028 Games. I'd pay to watch that. Seriously though, break dancing. I think I'll break my TV if I even get a glimpse of that.

Pimple popping, well pop me and call me a pimple, why didn't I think of that one! Gold medal for you for coming up with it! Toilet paper folding, I like that one too, and toilet roll changing could be another toilet roll discipline as well.

I was thinking, I'd like to see zip lock bag closing and picking hair from the shower drain as sports as well.

I think we're onto something here, think of all the advertising opportunities! I'm collating all the events and will get my submission ready for the International Olympic Committee soon...I anticipate much success.

ooo, I like your new additions as well!. I would love to see the zip lock bag closing as it is something I struggle with (my thingy always falls off).

I just know the IOC is gonna love your submissions and I expect to see several new events next time!

Closing zip lock bags always puts one in danger of one's thingy falling off.

While I was reading you, I couldn't stop laughing, but I laughed even more because I agree with what you’re saying: dancing is not a sport. I also loved reading the comments; people are very clever, and who knows, maybe they’ll surprise us and one of them will be in Los Angeles

The LA Games will be the best ever if the new sports in the comments of this post are added in. Lol.

we need to get those sports added ASAP but honestly someone should just create a new olympics for non-sports. new name and just have it a competition with those things you listed and more. we need to recognize more "sports and skills". Change the meta

The Nonlympics maybe?

ya why not! let you start it up! you can be the founder of the nonlympics games

I'm going to make millions hundreds!

i believe you can! will share on Hive if you do start the initiative

DEI Olympics

Next Olympics anyone anything can participate in. Only requirement is gender reassignment surgery completion...

Lol, yeah that's about it huh? Pathetic. I didn't see it but heard the opening ceremony was a homage to such ideology.

You see last nights womens tranny's Boxing clown show?

Totally pathetic.

I agree totally.

Now I just heard about the volley ball player... Oy Vay.!!

The hits keep on coming.

Hi Galen, considering how hard it is for me to stay in bed more than a certain number of hours, I'm not more than six. I would propose the stay in bed marathon. It would be a tough and demanding test. It would be to see who can stay in bed the longest without getting up.

It would also be a competition in which all “genders” could compete together, which would make it the first “inclusive” Olympic event, which is what is fashionable now.


You propose an interesting, dynamic and exciting event and I think stay in bed marathon should be added to the list I pitch for the 2028 Games. All genders can compete too...all 227 of them!

Thank you very much Galen for considering this dynamic proposal. It's an idea I've been working on for years and I didn't know how to make it prosper.

Best regards

Haha, that comment cracked me up.

I'm happy to have brought your years of work to a reality. ✅

Other possibly additions are...

  • Bed making
  • Bed waking
  • Bed sleeping....

All in the bed category...

  • Loudest snoring - Bed sleeper's would be awesome here

Loud snoring...that's a good one! Let's put in on the list for sure.

Not even going to watch this year's Olympics; France made it seem like a complete joke. I hope they can never host the Olympics again.

There's currently 227 genders so this will be hotly contested.

Wow, I must have been living under a rock! That’s quite a lot.

Yes, that opening ceremony was (apparently) a big joke...I never watched it.

Don't even bother watching it.

Yep, that was my plan; from what I heard there was nothing I'd be interested in and a lot that would annoy me.

I don't think I'm artistic enough to judge flower arranging. So while I think they can be beautiful, I am not a big fan of purely subjective competitions. I will have to say that I am ok with things like skating, or gymnastics, and the like, where the level of difficulty of the move is considered. I find that difficult to determine in something like flower arranging.

For my suggestion on what to add to the Olympics, maybe rock stacking. They can judge the height, the rocks used [smoother rocks get bonus points], and they can even add aesthetics if they want. As for the why, it requires good concentration, skill, and decision making. It is something that everyone can do, but only a few can be masters of, which is perfect for Olympic sports.

Rock stacking is a great suggestion although I reckon the rocks should be all completely round...that'll fuck 'em! Get three in a stack (or two) and one is bound to win gold!

Nice flower arrangement. I think you are a world class potential man. 😀

Naked cactus toss would be the sport I choose.

with you on all the sports they have added. It is ridiculous. I'll watch those non-traditional if the traditional stuff like wrestling or track is not on. Otherwise, I could care less about most of them. I even watched mountain biking. Even though I have much respect for the endurance and strength it takes, I just don't think it should be an Olympic sport. I am a traditional guy.

Naked cactus toss is a prick of an event (see what I did there?) but not as bad as naked cactus catching! Maybe we could combine the two?

Very whitty.
Lets go with naked cactus dodging.

Good plan...and no pity for those who don't dodge and get all fucked up.


I've been posting on my other account for a while now about how silly it is that break dancing is in the olympics. I honestly don't know why handball is still a thing either. My wife and I were watching the games last night and she was complaining that 3 vs 3 basketball was a thing when they already have regular basketball. I'm looking forward to the next olympic games when softball is going to be in the lineup, but I have come to love that sport due to my nieces playing. I've never really hated beach volleyball or regular volleyball, so those don't bug me, but badminton and ping pong? Come on!

Maybe second Hive account posting could be in the 2028 Olympics!

Yeah, there's some stupid events at the Olympics for sure, I wonder what the Americans will add in...McDonalds eating maybe...or ex-president shooting?

Maybe it will just be another beat down of Australia in women's rugby again in 2028 :) I'm just kidding, that was a whole lot of luck there at the end. It was still nice to see them get their first medal in the sport. I actually sort of understand the rules now too. I like the idea of second Hive account posting. Since it's all sports content anyway, that makes sense!

Yeah, those assholes played like shit, so have the soccer players...I think USA get a chance to flog them as well soon...should be good, those fucken losers don't deserve to get a medal.

I've only seen the archery events so far this olympiad.But this young lady did! Not from Australia or the US, but still kind of interesting: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/internet-love-south-korea-record-094219442.html

There's been a lot of great competitors, the mens triathlon tonight was pretty good, watched the whole thing...great effort by the winner from Great Britain.

I couldn't help laughing at the list of "sports" you could be suggesting for the Olympics, maybe tooth-picking, cuddling, kissing could also be included yeah? 🤣🤣🤣

What about kissing someone who is kissing someone who is tooth picking?

Yeah! That would be the awesomest!

  • I like to see Australia kicking ass

Congratulations for yesterday's "dipping" in the pool.
This generation of our new guys (who are miles away from the steel crew of the previous generation), seem to have nothing to look for in the waterpolo pool...

traditional nature of the Olympics

When "modern" knocks on the door, tradition leaves the field.
I see you entered "Watching reality shows" as a suggestion.
That's what we're talking about.
New trends push the old, traditional ones...
What can we expect when education and value systems are formed by reality show participants and Tiktok, Youtube and Instagram stars...
THe same as the opening of the Olympic Games. 12 or 20 years ago,such a "Eurovision spectacle" would not have passed then.
but I'm not going to comment so as not to offend any of the 227 you think there are 🙂

Is there a 'sport' you believe should be included in the Olympics?

And as for the new discipline, this one could be very interesting too. challenging...
Dropping a buttered piece of bread on the floor from the table. In two categories - with Nutella or with Pate.
The winner is the one whose piece of bread falls on the empty side three times in a row 🤣
Immediately for the gold medal 🙂

Oh yeah, the Aussie water polo guys kicked some major ass on Serbia huh? It was a good effort. I wonder how far they'll go.

Buttered bread dropping, hmm seems like a good sport - I've done it many times...and might have also picked it up and ate it many times also. (Three second rule.) Let's add this to the list for the 2028 Olympics!

Only three?
I apply an even "dirtier" rule.
For 5 whole seconds 🤣


Lol...ok, you got me...the three second rule may be five...or ten depending on how fast I move.

It depends on how hungry you are and if you have another piece of bread and Nutella to spread on it.
time is relative, sometimes a second is like a minute. and sometimes a minute is like a second. it all depends on the situation 🙂

It seems that the lost game in the group did not affect the Serbian team.

Third consecutive Olympic gold for the oldest team sport at the Olympics. honestly, after the games in the group, I didn't expect them to take any medal, not the gold one...

You made me laugh a lot but you are absolutely right! That's not a sport it's a dance hahaha but for money, commerce and so on they add anything.

I'm telling you that the sport of complaining is very fashionable and identifying the genre is quite difficult, I can't say this without laughing hahahaha

How about the sport of walking down the street with your phone like a zombie without bumping into people, it's an impossible sport.🤣

Phone walking is a sport millions could do for sure! Maybe ther s points for bumping into more people than others and even more points for stopping in the fucken walkway so no one can get past; gold medals for everyone!

And there is a sport in counterpart, dodge those people who do not look ahead, the more I can dodge and dodge more points, but without crashing ... that I practice regularly and in a while I will do it!😂

Phone walker dodging...I like it but I'd rather see something like phone walker stick-beating. The more phone walkers one puts down the more points one earns.

Not bad! We are perfecting the game hahaha sure we will win all the medals, I will love to participate and compete!
And if I can break the phone even better, bonus points!

Bonus points for breaking the phone, of course!

So be it, I'm going to start training today!

Good article and the image above also looks quite good and very cool.

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You've got some good Olympics events there, I think I like the hot coffee one the best but backwards running could be good too.