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RE: Dependent

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

As I said, I'm more interested in reducing my power costs than what the array does for the environment.

I believe the environmental stuff is a money-making exercise...Yes, I believe humans are negatively impacting the environment because we are fucken idiots and don't give a fuck, but I also think the environmental recommendations/reports are based only on a very short span of time...then purposely misconstrued to help drive revenue in many different ways.

There are studies around core sampling showing that the planet is just doing what it has done before...right before an ice age in fact...but people will call me bonkers for saying that. The evidence is there though.

Humans cause damage, there is no much so that my fucktard government banned plastic drinking straws. (I'm serious.) And yet, India and China pump out waste to make a gazillion pointless things that the lemmings of the world sheeple, just have to have.

Have a think about how many fucken different car air-vent air fresheners there are on the market - a shit load of different ones...There's massive factories pumping them out and massive supply-chains shipping worldwide just for that single item. Now extrapolate that out to all the millions of individual products, all produced by the millions and billions that we could do without. And my government ban drinking straws?...that's their big environmental effort. Wankers.

Humans are idiots...wasteful, uncaring of any but themselves and too stupid to see the planet is being destroyed, plants and animals made extinct, weather patterns changed by the infrastructure, roads, building, mining and farming we do and pretend to want to fix it...but there's no real effort being made. The sooner the planet eradicates us the better the planet will be.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't all pitch in...we should, and picking up rubbish is an easy way to do so...But how about taking the responsibility of not dropping it in the first place, or consuming less so there's less rubbish. And then there's those special super-assholes called smokers who think it's ok to flick their butts all over the place. We all need to do our bit, but unfortunately money rules the day and so that doesn't happen.

Bring on the ice age...better start squirreling something away for when it gets here.


I believe the environmental stuff is a money-making exercise...Yes, I believe humans are negatively impacting the environment because we are fucken idiots and don't give a fuck, but I also think the environmental recommendations/reports are based only on a very short span of time...then purposely misconstrued to help drive revenue in many different ways.

It's called greenwashing and the latest sustainability reporting initiative in the UK are actually trying to work against this, but in the process are also pushing their own green agenda for us to be carbon zero. Carbon zero would of course mean we're all dead. Just saying.

Yep, this is why things are headed down the toilet, humanity I mean.

Now that was a proper rant! Lol.

Yeah the consumerism is crazy and annoying for sure. We get some products but the things people focus on are absurd, such as drinking straws. I get that straws do damage to a small subset of the animal population like turtles. I think most people have seen the videos of straws getting taken out of turtles noses and yes it's difficult but they also don't seem to see the videos of the toxic sludge that gets pumped out of those factories and can't seem to care about that, because it isn't as convenient and moralizing as claiming that you are against plastic drinking straws!!!

I don't think we should be eradicated as a species, because we can do lots of good however there is a group of people who insist on keeping us under the thumb of these conglomerate corporations and that also means squashing real innovation and competition every chance it gets. There are certainly lots of better ways to do things but if they can't make a few dollars off the whole thing, they buy it and dump it to the memory bins.

I can't quite figure out smokers, especially ones who throw their damn trash on the ground. I had a lady yell at me for throwing compost in an area as she was smoking and flicked a cigarette butt. I was dumbfounded at how stupid her attempt at an argument was!

Haha, I thought you'd like that. I held back though.

I don't think we should be eradicated as a species, because we can do lots of good

I know...but it's inevitable. I believe that thinking we'll be around indefinitely is a little naïve. All things die, and the planet will too...But I guess maybe by then humans will have found a way to colonise (and fuck up) another planet...or would have eradicated ourselves in world war three. I understand, as someone who has a kid, that our demise is not a nice thought, but I believe it to be a certainty.

I can't quite figure out smokers

Selfish, ignorant and arrogant nutbags.

Yeah I think we will colonize somewhere else. I actually have half a mind that we are just one of many iterations of what we think of as "human" species on the planet. There is more evidence coming out of highly advanced species that existed around 12k years ago, who had pretty darn advanced tech to do things. Learned that as well from Randall lol. What they did to fuck it all up though, is the question. I know that at some point in the future we will fuck something up pretty bad, just not sure if it will be in my lifetime or not. A grim thought with children but sadly it is the nature of humanity.

I think humans should colonise two different places as follows:

  1. Uranus for smokers
  2. Somewhere else for everyone else

Oh! I bet my healthy, thin and slender figure of smoker no doubt will find Uranus as a very placid and peaceful place to live and work in front of a computer screen well away of other nasty humans. LoL
