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RE: What if we were WhatsApp friends

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

IN her case, I'd probably ask her a few questions about how she'll carry, where and what sort of experience she may have (or not) and how much effort will be placed into gaining skills. Fer here a Glock (cheaper that a Sig) may be suitable but if she's going to carry on her person then she may need something smaller and more concealable otherwise she'll just be announcing she's armed. Of course, one needs to be able to draw quickly so that will be a factor also. I guess she'll need to determine how she dresses, if jeans and loose flowing tops it's easier, if tight little tops then not so easy to conceal. If dressed then there's other challenges. If she's going to put it in her handbag then there's the time to draw it and bring it to bear. There's many considerations. (Sucks her neighbourhood has gone bad...there'll be more to come too...all over the place.)

You're right on the change thing on Hive although I don't like it so stay in my lane mostly which means I don't support many of the 'new' people coming through unless they engage in my communities. Most are told about huge whale votes (and get them at the start) and so post in ways and places where they can get them but those votes are not lasting generally and when they dwindle the person wonders where their fucken rewards have gotten to...but with no relationships fostered they're on their own.


Yeah she's a grandma and is mostly doing jeans and loose clothes. I think it's more to have in her house and on her person, not sure about a holster but I'll see what her thoughts are on the topic. I saw her today but she doesn't want her daughter to know (who was also there) she's getting a gun because they are pretty liberal and anti-gun which is comical and a little annoying. I'm going to recommend she carry pepper spray when she's going between her house and car at a minimum until she gets more familiar with the gun she's going to get. I was thinking Glock 9mm because it's pretty lightweight and they also aren't overly expensive which is an added benefit. I don't think she's looking for anything fancy but just something to drop someone if some asshole tries to break in her house and there are a number of options that can do it, just making it an easy and efficient one is good.

I've gotten a few new people on my posts and communities which is nice - but I just stress to them that they need to make sure to comment and spend time on peoples posts and content not just post and expect the moon. It's worked with some, not so much with others.

Mace is a good idea for sure, just make sure she's proficient with both, one of the biggest problems that arises is through unfamiliarity and misuse of systems like this, and also the delay that people cause as they try to recall what to do, where to shoot, how to aim, where to aim and how many rounds to squeeze off. It's not at all like the TV shows and movies.

Yeah, I'm going to try and spend a good amount of time with her as my skills are not quite what I'd like them to be but didn't have a good excuse to get off to the range LOL. Important points though for sure dude, thanks! Familiarity is such an important aspect of it, muscle memory is best but that's not likely to come easy but a solid familiarity of what to do, when and how are great starting points.

Cops shoot the wrong people due to unfamiliarity, lack of real practice and effective, best to spend some time with her and you'll pick up with your skills at the same time. Seems like a good way to go. ✅