Sometimes I wish I could ask people on Hive questions on a deeper level, get to know them better; I get curious I guess and (some) people fascinate me and leave me thinking, I wish I could ask them this or that.
Do you ever do that?
Of course, I don't generally ask those questions of [ush the boundaries of connection, I'm usually concerned about overstepping the line, being too intrusive and, besides, some things are not for the internet (blockchain); caution should be taken so my questions don't get asked and my curiosity isn't sated.
There's a few people I interact with off the blockchain, @meesterboom and @eveuncovered (old-school Hivers) to name only two, who have become good friends and people I respect, and there's a small group of others. Some have my mobile phone number and we WhatsApp chat and some I've spoken with over voice calls email and so on. It's pretty cool because we're able to be more candid, the communication is more human and interactive and I like that; it extends the enjoyment of the relationships made on the blockchain and deepens them with people who I find engaging and nice.
There's others I'm curious about for one reason or the other but I quell that because I don't think I'll ever get to that more personal interactive stage with them, or swap phone numbers. It's a shame as I often feel I'm missing out on communicating with some really nice people in deeper and more valid ways than the blockchain.
people who have cared enough to build relationships and then nurture them. I feel grateful to have connected with people I would never have met otherwise and I feel confident I'll see those people in real life when next I'm in the UK and Finland.I had a quick comment exchange with @nonameslefttouse this morning about users and being attracted to them or not based on their posts and commenting and how it's a little like shopping. We browse through and users catch our eye or not, the post-content is the merchandise as he put it, and it struck a chord with me. There's so many who present themselves well and so many who do not. I'm fortunate to have some really nice people around me here, not just those three I mention in this post who have all been around as long or longer than I have, but newer people too,
I wonder if you've ever thought the same and wanted to ask someone on the blockchain a question you felt wasn't quite appropriate to be broadcast on the blockchain. If you've any thoughts on the matter feel free to comment below.
Also, if you were to have my mobile phone number and could chat to me directly on WhatsApp...what three questions do you think you might ask? What would you want to say, and if you want to select someone else and answer the same questions go ahead.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
Old school be the best school 😀
There are few I would randomly chuck my phone number at but there are some and I am quite proud to have you being one of them.
Now, get off my land ya varmint!
Varmint huh? If the coat fits, wear it I guess. Lol.
Yeah man, I agree with you, communication effective communication is so important and it's something that many are losing touch with due to the digital ways communication tends to be going. People seem to be losing the ability for decent and wholesome communication and I think it's sad. Although, it makes those of us who are good at it seem that much better I guess.
Totally man.
It's like people act in ways online they wouldn't in real life and that infects the ways they act in real life after a while and it all becomes circular and self reinforcing.
And that is as philosophical as it gets from me at this time on a Saturday night!
I am off to bed, catch ya dudeski! :O)
But yes, you're right, I believe the behaviours people have online will ultimately effect how they act offline, or at the very least their state of mental health, thoughts and attitudes...which eventually spill over to changed behaviours.
I wondered why you were up still ya knucklehead.
Night brah.
I'm sorry I didn't read a single word you wrote I was too distracted by your hair! Helloooo gorgeous!!!
Haha, it's magic isn't it!! I always wanted black hair!
I was shaking in my boots when you warned me about a mention in a future post. Glad to see the nuclear war heads of information are keeping you in check 😝 Kidding kidding.
Lol, well...if I'm honest I wrote several drafts then edited each one down to what you see here...all were probably NFTB (not for the blockchain). Maybe I'll send them to you on WhatsApp for a laugh.
Cut from similar cloth - Galen and boobs. Fitting what’s app info, at least I think that’s what it is. I’ve never used the app myself. We are kindred spirits!
I’ve tried to send someone my number here - Dandays except he couldn’t figure out how to decrypt a memo transaction so it remains in the ether hahaha. Ah well, maybe one day. I do want to meet up with that dude one day considering we are kind of close to each other and it would be fun. I have some other bros I would love to eventually connect with but who knows what life has in store for us. I do think it’s important and good that some of the people on here, newer ones, seem to be out there fostering engagement and growing friendships! I am skeptical a little bit though and hope it’s not some AI bot bullshit. I will try to remain hopeful that it’s legitimate!
Questions to ask.. hmm. I’ve got three for sure, I don’t want to type them on hive though! For privacy purposes, it’s just questions I’ve got from interacting with you for so long. Nothing crazy - just things I’ve noticed and thought “hmm.. I wonder?” Type stuff, but things I don’t think I want committed to the chain for respect.
For the chain though - if you only had one to choose from - which handgun would you choose to keep using the rest of your life? Why?
Well, I was hoping someone recognised my reference to boobs! (Trust it to be you.) ✅
Yeah, that's my WhatsApp profile page although I changed the details and image because I'm not an idiot. I was trying to come up with the right image to use for the post and drew a blank so that was my secondary option.
Hive has changed so much over the seven years I've been around and not always for the better. It used to be more fun to be honest, more like-minded people who wanted to to engage, chat about things we all related to, experiences, places and all, they showed genuine interest and now so many interact with me to garner favour (votes) rather than for the enjoyment of it...I guess the changing demographic has altered so much and it seems very one-dimensional to me mostly...I mean generally, not those I follow (mostly).
People get caught up in their little ways, producing stuff for the sake of it like clockwork, scheduling posts with content on a cycle...I see it a lot like the background in those old Warner Brothers cartoons that were the same background scrolled past the characters over and over.
Posts about finance from people who don't have two cents to rub together, about how many tokens one has, about workplace productivity but they don't work, about places and travel and yet they use stock images. It's retarded and nothing I'm interested in which is why I enforce no AI or stock images in my communities. I want to see personality but people just want to earn a few cents in voting rather than be real.
I know there's many who have questions for me, some have been voiced (commented) and I ignore the ones I don't want to answer on the blockchain (the inappropriate ones) and some (those I communicate off it) know some of the answers.
The hand gun. It's a Sig Sauer P226 9mm every day of the week. They also come in a full-sized .22 for training purposes (although I don't have the .22) but the 9mm is awesome. A nice balance between knockdown and recoil and accurate as fuck in the right hands and they are reliable.
Yeah dude I hear you, things have changed but I guess that's the nature of the thing. I kind of think of it like my old department I worked in. When I started at that specific spot, it was the golden age of the department. People were all super friendly, we worked together and helped each other out. We competed to see who could do the most work, would joke around and mess with each other. Then one by one people left. Some moved to different departments (me), some moved to different roles and some left entirely for somewhere else. Since then and since I left the organization entirely, it was a much different shell of a place compared to when I first started there.
In some ways Hive may be like that right now but it's also a weird and difficult time in a lot of ways. People are stressed and strapped in so many ways which shouldn't be an excuse per se but I think it's adding to a lot of the changes for the worse psychologically it's unfortunate because it seems intentional and full of malice to just fuck with people.
Yeah I hear you, I've posed a question or two over the years and you didn't answer it so I took the sign to say that you didn't want to for one reason or another so I left it at that! All good man, it is interesting to see how things go over time and curiosity gets the best of us. Thankfully I'm not a cat!
That's good to hear, the Sig. My wife's friend is in need of a firearm which is pretty shocking. She moved into a neighborhood that was just recently overrun by gangs and the police are offering free concealed carry permit classes and training for the residents of the area. I'm the only one that she knows has a gun so I'm going to be spending time with her at the range in a couple weeks to let her shoot my 9mm and help her pick out one of her own. I don't know what we will find in the places available to her but it's always interesting to see what the people who have a lot of experience in these things have to say. I know Sig can be on the pricier side sometimes, so we will see what she has in her local gun store!
IN her case, I'd probably ask her a few questions about how she'll carry, where and what sort of experience she may have (or not) and how much effort will be placed into gaining skills. Fer here a Glock (cheaper that a Sig) may be suitable but if she's going to carry on her person then she may need something smaller and more concealable otherwise she'll just be announcing she's armed. Of course, one needs to be able to draw quickly so that will be a factor also. I guess she'll need to determine how she dresses, if jeans and loose flowing tops it's easier, if tight little tops then not so easy to conceal. If dressed then there's other challenges. If she's going to put it in her handbag then there's the time to draw it and bring it to bear. There's many considerations. (Sucks her neighbourhood has gone bad...there'll be more to come too...all over the place.)
You're right on the change thing on Hive although I don't like it so stay in my lane mostly which means I don't support many of the 'new' people coming through unless they engage in my communities. Most are told about huge whale votes (and get them at the start) and so post in ways and places where they can get them but those votes are not lasting generally and when they dwindle the person wonders where their fucken rewards have gotten to...but with no relationships fostered they're on their own.
Yeah she's a grandma and is mostly doing jeans and loose clothes. I think it's more to have in her house and on her person, not sure about a holster but I'll see what her thoughts are on the topic. I saw her today but she doesn't want her daughter to know (who was also there) she's getting a gun because they are pretty liberal and anti-gun which is comical and a little annoying. I'm going to recommend she carry pepper spray when she's going between her house and car at a minimum until she gets more familiar with the gun she's going to get. I was thinking Glock 9mm because it's pretty lightweight and they also aren't overly expensive which is an added benefit. I don't think she's looking for anything fancy but just something to drop someone if some asshole tries to break in her house and there are a number of options that can do it, just making it an easy and efficient one is good.
I've gotten a few new people on my posts and communities which is nice - but I just stress to them that they need to make sure to comment and spend time on peoples posts and content not just post and expect the moon. It's worked with some, not so much with others.
Mace is a good idea for sure, just make sure she's proficient with both, one of the biggest problems that arises is through unfamiliarity and misuse of systems like this, and also the delay that people cause as they try to recall what to do, where to shoot, how to aim, where to aim and how many rounds to squeeze off. It's not at all like the TV shows and movies.
Yeah, I'm going to try and spend a good amount of time with her as my skills are not quite what I'd like them to be but didn't have a good excuse to get off to the range LOL. Important points though for sure dude, thanks! Familiarity is such an important aspect of it, muscle memory is best but that's not likely to come easy but a solid familiarity of what to do, when and how are great starting points.
Some people seem interesting but that doesn't stop me from keeping my distance. Don't want to bother anyone. Even those closest to me have to get used to how far away I'll be at times. Never planned to be this way but could easily write a novel on how it all came to be. Best to keep all that to myself as well. Opening up leads nowhere, every time, including now.
I'm certain when I die, by the time people find out, it'll be too late to have a funeral, and I'll be okay with that.
They say things like loneliness and unhappiness are killers but I feel like I've conquered them. But I suppose it is kind of fucked up to have a wealth of experience in something and not even be able to share it. Oh well...
I kind of get what you mean and (in real life) we tend to lead a fairly quiet existence and don't have a huge group of people around us all the time, neither do we open up to many. It's easier that way and we find a lot of enjoyment in our own and each other's company so often find others superfluous.
I relate also to the comment about the wealth of experience. It would have been nice for me to have a child to share that with but it wasn't meant to be so I (we) don't. It is what it is and doesn't mean I don't get to impart some of what I've learned I guess, just not to my own little person.
I'll die too, we all will, and I don't think I'll care too much who is at my funeral or how many, that's why I've noted on my funeral plan that it's not to be advertised in the paper like they usually are. Throw me in the fire and that's it, I'll not be there to care.
why don't you share it?
That's a good question.
Don't even know where to begin, when to begin, or why to begin.
This is the best thing about the blockchain, being able to interact with other people, for example we have groups on Telegram, I have talked to some of them, most of them from my country, Venezuela, some from Argentina or Mexico, but it would be great to meet from other places, I would like to, but, on the other hand, I have to learn English hahaha.
I don't know what Telegram is but I guess it's like WhatsApp.
I like the interaction off the blockchain but one needs to be careful with information like real names, phone numbers and all; there's many assholes out there looking for a chance to pounce and do ill.
I have a Spanish speaker on WhatsApp and it's somewhat difficult for that person to communicate but they do a good job and we interact from time to time which is nice. The person can open up a little (there's problems and issues they won't mention on the blockchain) and I like to think the interaction brings some comfort or at least a respite from the day to day troubles.
Well, that's the advantage of Telegram, it has the option to hide your number and even your real name, it works similar to WHATSAPP, but has better features, like the ones I just mentioned, so I prefer Telegram, in the case of looking to talk to people from elsewhere, and if that's the best of being able to talk outside the platform, of things that we shy away from saying here.
I use Threema for that purpose, a messaging app where no numbers or names are passed on. It's a paid app though so only those with a high sense of security tend to want to pay for it. Threema uses a user code to link connections and it pretty secure, so there's no risk of compromised phone numbers and names.
telegram is supposedly more secure.
signal is even more secure.
but the most fun part of telegram are their emojis...lolol
seriously 🤣
I'll never find out probably. I use WhatsApp and Threema, Threema is for the more serious stuff.
yeah I only talk to a few there. but once you have years of messages...its hard to move! lol so.much history there!! lol
You nostalgic thing.
you have no idea... LOL
i LOVE the beginning of something.
I just went back to a dm from 2018 and started reading all the beginning chatter.... i got lost in it!!! read for hours!! it was like revisting our former selves in some bizarre way!!! The way we talked!!! LOL the way we've changed... it was wild! i remembered things old nicknames and funny situations as I sat there reading this "story of a friendship" .... it was so cool.
i really really am super sentimental heheh
I would not have a problem giving you my number. However, since we have a big time difference it's to feel like sending letters or emails. Some of my connections in Hive have gone to real life, but some of it becomes easier as there are lots of Hivers in Venezuela and I interact with some of them regularly.
I communicate with people in real time despite the time differences, they sleep little as do I and so we often have conversations in live-time; it's never presented an issue really but I understand your point. One of the people I communicate is in your sort of area, not Venezuela but not too far off in the Caribbean Sea somewhere. We tend to manage to communicate despite the time and language barriers and I like to think there's some mutual benefit.
Anyway, you seem like a really personable chap so I'm not surprise some of your Hive connections have spilled over into real life, as have mine. I've met several Hive people in real life and even taken one (and his son) shooting. It's good to connect on a deeper level with some who relate right?
Well, I'm down for having some chat time with the wise G-dog. I would say it's about time 😂.
This is so cool! And I feel some envy for it. Ha, ha, ha. It's always amazing to share with some of the Hivers in real life. You know to get an actual grip of the person behind the posts.
That's one of the good things about it, the ability to understand the person behind the posts which actually helps one read between the lines more readily. I, for instance, put so much into some of my posts but because people don't know me well enough they just don't see between the lines and words to what I'm really saying. With some perspective they have a better chance to do so.
That doesn't mean I disclose everything, I'm still cautious, but those I connect with off the blockchain get a different perspective and insight into me and I them.
Exactly! And there's only so much you can read between lines and else. Having the kind of connection helps breaching the gap.
That's right, and I think it's also good for people to relax a little considering that the commenting and conversation is not broadcast around the internet. Of course, screen snapshots can be taken and that's a risk if information/text is of a sensitive nature but generally I think the relationship would be at a better point and that's less likely. Care for one's personal information is still wise though, that's always the case.
Yup, no one wants a case of doxxing.
I've asked more than three already...and any more I have ..I shall. hehehe
Lol, here's the answers:
you brat!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
There are a handful of people here on Hive that I have grown to know quite well and I actually hope I get to meet them one day. Some are just a few hours away and others are on a different continent. I think my biggest fear though is that they would be disappointed if they met me in person. I feel like I present pretty well in posts, comments, and discord interactions, but face to face I struggle big time.
Yep, that's a concern I've heard before although I think, if those people are the right people and the relationship is good, you'll go well because the relationship is there. Any awkwardness, even if initially felt, will probably dissipate soon enough.
Yeah, that is probably a good point. It's pretty rare the number of true friends I have, And I think only a handful of people know the real me.
I'm sure those who like you can clarify why they like you and that's how it should be. Small friends groups are my style too, I'm not into huge numbers if acquaintances, just small numbers if true and real friends.
I agree!
Hi Galen, the surprising fact for me is that I keep in regular contact with several hivers outside the platform through discord (Mexico and Venezuela). But I know little about them about their more personal lives and they know little about me. I prefer it that way, little by little we get to know each other, but I don't ask, nor do they ask me about personal matters. Although sometimes they come out, for example some of them know about my mother's problems with her heart. But above all we are united by Hive and our presence in Hive. As to whether I would like to ask them anything more personal, my answer is no. And if I would like to ask you something, the answer is yes. Although I think I already read the answer, I would like to know if you and becca-mac are family. Best regards
We all have different tolerances, needs and requirements from relationships I suppose and as far as online ones I think it's best to have a strong sense of security of one's personal information and overall security; one never knows who one is talking to I guess, I mean I could be Joe Biden, the President of the United States for all you know.
Just for the record, I am not...or am I?
I like to keep who I know on Hive and what their relationships to me are as somewhat private, the only person who it is widely known is related to me is my brother tarazkp although I have another brother here on Hive as well and there's others I know also, all of whom will remain private for various reasons.
I think it's good to extend the relationships made on Hive into the real world though, on those occasions when trust is built and the relationship has progressed past the point of being a casual online thing...of course, caution is always wise.
I've looked in the mirror and I'm not Joe Biden either. A hug
I've had people reach out to me through other channels to explain things that they didn't want to put on the blockchain, mostly background on some of the politics of this peculiar microcosm we call Hive. Sometimes I go to Discord for a bit more privacy and ease of comms, but that's more a channel for if I need it than one of active communication. Then there's some conversations that just need to be away from electronic devices entirely, likely over a beer.
I think I've already asked you my questions, over the years there's been a few that you've rather smoothly managed to not answer. Sometimes I can take a hint and will not call further attention to them but we've already got a nice list of 'over a beer' topics I believe anyway.
WhatsApp eh? Signal is the only messaging app I have and that's more a holdover from 2020 than something I regularly use.
Yeah, I sometimes completely ignore questions people ask as answering could either bring more or simply cause me to be so cryptic the answers would be unsatisfactory to those who ask them - Having said that, some read between the lines, as I believe you have in some case, and that's ok, I don't mind; most aren't as savvy as you though.
Signal, I'm not sure if I can get that but I use Threema (a paid app) and it's pretty good for comms requiring a more secure platform. How secure is any of it though I guess, not very I suppose.
Interesting topic... especially for the blockchain. I find people on Hive and other blockchains/web3 sites are generally very private and obviously, there is nothing wrong with that. Since I know this I'll never be asking deeper questions either, but will try and keep all content (posts & comments) a little less personal.
OTOH this is my blog and I blog because I want to share and if I cannot share what is important to me, I can't help but wonder if this is the right outlet. Keeping posts impersonal can quickly feel inauthentic. That's kind of what I struggle with - I don't want to share too much but then I end up with posts that consist of mostly photos like my Wednesday Walks or something because I also don't want to go MIA again. I don't know. I still haven't found my perfect mix of privacy / authenticity yet.
I left the blog on my website (for Hive) because I hated that shit about bloghops and comment4comment, follow4follow just to get some views, that kind of hustle is just not me. But I do like my website and thought about updating the blog there with the EXXP plugin that posts automatically from Wordpress to Hive but - EXXP just got deprecated by the developers. So, we'll see what I'll do... right now, I'll keep on posting here, now and then at least.
I really haven't found too many people here on Hive that I engage with regularly, I guess that is me being very wary of bots and people just posting to farm (that photo contest incident over a year ago opened my eyes to that and I can't forget it). These days I mostly stick to commenting on posts of people that I have engaged with in the past, new people rarely make it into the mix - eveuncovered looks fun though, may have to drop a follow and comment 🤗. But for those I engage with regularly, I would not have a problem exchanging WA addresses. The problem would be that I am way too introverted to initiate that exchange. Having said that, I did meet a couple of people IRL that I had previously only known through meeting online - totally open to it.
Having said all this - I will spare you any questions. Do you have any?
It's funny how some people cling to privacy and then fill their Facebook page with literally every detail of their private lives. I don't mean you, I mean others.
I think you're right to want to be cautious about what you put on the internet as I said in my post actually, some things shouldn't be divulged. I'm a little cautious if new people too, especially these days and that means I don't engage with them much which probably limits my opportunity to assist in their growth; it's just how it is.
I suppose we need to do what feels right and if that's staying within a smaller group then so be it.
As for swapping details, that's something that happens over a long period of time, with the two I mention it was years; not one or two, more than that. It's a big step that can't be undone and I guess can go badly so it's something one needs to think solidly through. I tend not to like Discord too much myself, but I know a lot of communication happens there which is possibly why people don't swap phone details as often.
Anyway, thanks for commenting and sharing your perspective, I always appreciate it.
Hmm I have reached out to people via PMs on Discord, as some of them are in similar Discord communities as myself. But it's mostly focused on a single topic/issue - for example to discuss more about a post that the person wrote.
I somehow don't see the link between conversing on Whatsapp and asking personal questions because that might still be intrusive. Personally, I would like to find out more about the life in Australia, e.g. how's the economy and job situation over there, what are the stuff that the locals do during their free time, etc.
You're right, a question could be intrusive even on WhatsApp, but then, of course, those two people would know each other on a better level and questions are often answered in more conversational ways rather than being asked directly. It's called human interaction and communication. The better the relationship, the less need there is to ask direct questions.
Discord is shit, not at all secure and not controllable which is why I don't engage much there, those communities remind me of Yahoo Chat Rooms from back in the late 1990's, linear chats that no one can really follow. I didn't like them then and I don't now.
As for your questions, I guess that's stuff you can find easily enough on the internet, there's websites and all you could use to find out more relevant information; asking one person may give you an insular or skewed perspective only.
Hmm, I think it depends. There are groups which are really messy, but there are some which are more well managed. I guess it's similar to any social network, be it Facebook or Twitter, there are people who like it and ppl who dislike, for various reasons.
Yeah I understand where you are coming from. I do feel having a local perspective sometimes complements what I read on the mass media. Sometimes the media might not present all the facts or have their own set of bias or perhaps propaganda. Having multiple information sources can be a good thing.
There are actually quite a few people I'm interested in, and would want to pick their brains outside of the blockchain. But since I want to try to have at least some level of anonymity online, I don't think I'll ever be able to.
If I could ask you something, it would maybe be what is your company name. Not because I want to know more about your job, or anything personal. I'm just really curious what company it is because of how highly you've described them and the work culture. The other person I'm very interested in is meesterboom. I don't have any specific questions, but just based from his posts, I am curious what kind of person he is in real life.
A lot hide behind the veil of anonymity but it's not really all that real I think, everyone is able to be found. I get it though, and understand completely; it's best to be cautious and I respect you for being that way.
This is something I'm not inclined to divulge on the blockchain although there's a couple who know what I do and for whom.
Boomy is a pretty legit guy man, smart as fuck and funny too. I like him a lot and since the day we first interacted many years ago. He'd be a funny dude to hang out with and I intend to do so the next time I'm in the UK.
I agree. But I would like to think that if someone wants to know me or mess with me, I would have them work for it.
Yeah. I figured as much.
That is awesome to hear. His posts are hilarious, and him being funny in person too makes it even more interesting.
I donno hey, I haven't exchanged numbers with anyone on Hive. When I was still quite active on discord I had quite a few good connections with some people and then the deeper convos happened. Then there was one that got kinda weird. And felt a bit creepy. And needy. Now just keep it general and I kinda just ask what I want to ask.
Also hello Glen, now I know your real name!
Yeah, creepy isn't so good but it certainly happens. I guess one needs to keep a fairly close eye on the interactions and be careful not to be suggestive although, having said that, what may seem an innocent comment spoken freely by one could come across as something completely different to the other.
Lol, Glenn huh? You can call me whatever you like, makes no difference to me, Been called worse than Glenn. 😁
There's many people I've met that I have contact numbers with (you included - hey, we haven't chatted in ages) and some I'll hopefully catch up with when I'm overseas.
It'll be good to catch up with those people you interact with on the blockchain when you're away. I'm planning to do the same and the cool thing is, no matter which continent I visit there'll be someone to catch up with.
Let's get straight to three questions
Who is your favourite personality in this world?
Where do you see yourself in the upcoming five years, will you continue to use hive or have any plans in future to leave it and start something else.
What is the best moment of your 2k24 in these 28 days.
(It is totally your will to answer these questions, if you don't want to answer any simply skip it and I will understand)
I think it is not easy to build online relationships nowadays because people doubt so much. I am not the kind of person who doubts everyone, just come, behave nicely and I am your best friend. Haha
That's a tough one as I have so many. I think I'll answer Alicia Vikander though, an awesome actor and producer and seemingly a very lovely person. I guess I like how private her and her husband are with their lives - I respect that. (I have a crush on her too)
I may be on Hive, but possibly not. It's changed so much in the seven years I've been around and is not as much fun as it used to be. I guess I don't relate well to many of the users who tend to manufacture posts without any real personality with the hope for a whale vote and most don't interact or engage with much interest of relevance. Time will tell. I'm not a social media person though so won't be anywhere else even if I'm not here.
I had a really great Sunday last week on a drive into the countryside that I enjoyed - I posted about it - so I'm going to say that was the best day so far.
I just searched about her and I should admire your choice.
Hmmm. I agree with the point that people are manufacturing without any real effort. I think from the first till the last word they only had one thing in mind and that's how much this blog will get.
Yup, I read about that.
Thanks for joining us for the interview and will meet you after a short break 🥲
What a great topic! While I was reading .... I should always have the translator open, it would be my assistant, otherwise it would be complicated.
But yes, it has happened to me to have people outside Hive, I communicate by Telegram, a very small group of people, in the group we are 4 and it is very nice.
If I had your number .... what would I ask you???..... about your health, I really like to be able to help from what I have learned. Secondly, I'm sure it would be something about Hive, because of your wide trajectory... although I can't think of it right now. The third one is a curiosity, the date of your birthday. hahaha
I think those would be the topics I would ask questions about.
Hmm, ok the questions.
Health - I have some things going on right now which isn't very nice and leaves me in some pain but I'm working through it. I'm still mobile, still working and all, but it's not a good situation.
Hive - I don't know much on that front really, I just find my way by feel.
The date of my birthday - That's not something I disclose but it's soon, within the first quarter of the year.
More worrying is the health issue... mobility... mmmm.... worrying.
You learn about Hive along the way...😃
Well it will be great soon! I hope to congratulate the right day! I have all the birthdays always scheduled!
ginabot has a new update on how it shows people's posts.. and it shows the filename of their first image...
you are a nut. 🤣
I am a nut for sure, and I name my file names knowing people can see them if they choose to so...yes, I apply nuttish file names. There's some doosies! 😊
hahahhaa I never would have even thought to look...but ginabot!! lol
I've seen people load photos with file names that give away a lot of information but I think most don't know those filenames can be seen, it's not a new innovation on ginabit, it's been that way for a while. I don't check, don't really care, but I make my filenames look like this:
I get my inspiration from IKEA and how they name their stuff with dumbass names. 🤪
yeah i usually just remove the name altogether hehehe
i've not noticed it on gina until about 2-3 weeks ago - but... I've been a bit distracted hehehe
LOLOL you are seriously silly!!!! but i love that its a hidden gem for people to find hehehe
If I acted like this in real life I'd probably get shot.
Ok, sometimes I do. (Act like this, not get shot.)
well good! stay shot-free please!!!!
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