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RE: What if we were WhatsApp friends

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

Varmint huh? If the coat fits, wear it I guess. Lol.

Yeah man, I agree with you, communication effective communication is so important and it's something that many are losing touch with due to the digital ways communication tends to be going. People seem to be losing the ability for decent and wholesome communication and I think it's sad. Although, it makes those of us who are good at it seem that much better I guess.


Totally man.

It's like people act in ways online they wouldn't in real life and that infects the ways they act in real life after a while and it all becomes circular and self reinforcing.

And that is as philosophical as it gets from me at this time on a Saturday night!

I am off to bed, catch ya dudeski! :O)

But yes, you're right, I believe the behaviours people have online will ultimately effect how they act offline, or at the very least their state of mental health, thoughts and attitudes...which eventually spill over to changed behaviours.

I wondered why you were up still ya knucklehead.

Night brah.