I kind of get what you mean and (in real life) we tend to lead a fairly quiet existence and don't have a huge group of people around us all the time, neither do we open up to many. It's easier that way and we find a lot of enjoyment in our own and each other's company so often find others superfluous.
I relate also to the comment about the wealth of experience. It would have been nice for me to have a child to share that with but it wasn't meant to be so I (we) don't. It is what it is and doesn't mean I don't get to impart some of what I've learned I guess, just not to my own little person.
I'll die too, we all will, and I don't think I'll care too much who is at my funeral or how many, that's why I've noted on my funeral plan that it's not to be advertised in the paper like they usually are. Throw me in the fire and that's it, I'll not be there to care.