Transformers run on Energon, from Cybertron.
The infrastructure will roll out and it'll work...I wonder though, will there be some other form of energy that simple leaps over EV and PHEV vehicles? Energon maybe?
Transformers run on Energon, from Cybertron.
The infrastructure will roll out and it'll work...I wonder though, will there be some other form of energy that simple leaps over EV and PHEV vehicles? Energon maybe?
Eh eh lo si, reperire l'energon immagino sia più costoso del diesel... la mia va a benzina e GPL, credo costino un pó meno 🤪
I don't know what this means, but I'll give it a... 😂
Eh eh yes, finding energon I guess is more expensive than diesel... mine runs on petrol and GPL, I think they cost a little less 🤪
I'm sorry I'm starting to find myself I think I'll start speaking only English eh eh!